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ORDIN   Nr. 467 din 28 aprilie 2005

privind stabilirea tarifelor pentru prestatiile medicale acordate la cerere, contra cost, de catre Institutul National de Medicina Sportiva Bucuresti




    In temeiul dispozitiilor art. 11 si ale anexei la Ordonanta Guvernului nr. 22/1992 privind finantarea ocrotirii sanatatii, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare, ale Hotararii Guvernului nr. 168/2005 privind organizarea si functionarea Ministerului Sanatatii,
    vazand Referatul Directiei generale buget si credite externe nr. MC 5.434 din 28 aprilie 2005,

    ministrul sanatatii emite urmatorul ordin:

    Art. 1
    Se aproba tarifele maxime pentru prestatiile medicale acordate la cerere, contra cost, de catre Institutul National de Medicina Sportiva, potrivit anexei care face parte integranta din prezentul ordin.
    Art. 2
    La data intrarii in vigoare a prezentului ordin se abroga Ordinul ministrului sanatatii nr. 110/2000 privind stabilirea tarifelor pentru prestatiile medicale acordate la cerere, contra cost, de Institutul National de Medicina Sportiva.
    Art. 3
    Directia generala de asistenta medicala, structuri sanitare si salarizare, Directia generala buget si credite externe si Institutul National de Medicina Sportiva vor duce la indeplinire prevederile prezentului ordin.
    Art. 4
    Prezentul ordin se publica in Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, Partea I.

                           Ministrul sanatatii,
                             Mircea Cinteza

    ANEXA 1*)

    *) Anexa este reprodusa in facsimil.

stabilite pentru prestatiile medicale acordate la cerere, contra cost, de catre Institutul National de Medicina Sportiva Bucuresti

|     |                 Denumirea prestatiei medicale               |   Tarif  |
|     |                                                             |   (lei)  |
|   1.| CIRCUIT MEDICO-SPORTIV - TIP I                              |  2500000 |
|   2.| CIRCUIT MEDICO-SPORTIV - TIP II                             |  1500000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|   3.| EXPERTIZA PARTIALA                                          |   300000 |
|   4.| EXPERTIZA TOTALA (MEDICO-SPORTIVA)                          |   600000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|   5.| CERTIFICAT AUTO                                             |   600000 |
|   6.| CERTIFICAT PRENUPTIAL                                       |   500000 |
|   7.| CERTIFICAT MEDICAL                                          |   250000 |
|   8.| ADEVERINTA MEDICALA                                         |   200000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|   9.| CONSULTATIE PRIMAR                                          |   250000 |
|  10.| CONSULTATIE SPECIALIST                                      |   150000 |
|  11.| CONSULTATIE MEDIC                                           |   100000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|  12.| GIMNASTICA COPII (luna) cu 2 sedinte/sapt.                  |   350000 |
|  13.| GIMNASTICA ADULTI (luna) cu 2 sedinte/sapt.                 |   600000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | ANALIZE MEDICALE                                            |          |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | HEMATOLOGIE                                                 |          |
|  14.| HEMOLEUCOGRAMA                                              |   200000 |
|  15.| HEMOGLOBINA                                                 |    30000 |
|  16.| FORMULA LEUCOCITARA                                         |    70000 |
|  17.| HEMATOCRIT                                                  |    30000 |
|  18.| TROMBOCITE                                                  |    30000 |
|  19.| NR. LEUCOCITE                                               |    30000 |
|  20.| RETICULOCITE                                                |    50000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | COAGULARE                                                   |          |
|  21.| FIBRINOGEN                                                  |    35000 |
|  22.| TIMP SANGERARE                                              |    30000 |
|  23.| TIMP COAGULARE                                              |    30000 |
|  24.| TIMP HOWELL                                                 |    35000 |
|  25.| TIMP QUICK                                                  |    50000 |
|  26.| INDICE PROTOMBINA                                           |    30000 |
|  27.| INR                                                         |    30000 |
|  28.| GRUP SANGUIN ABO                                            |    70000 |
|  29.| GRUP SANGUIN Rh                                             |    30000 |
|  30.| VSH                                                         |    30000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | SEROLOGIE                                                   |          |
|  31.| ASLO                                                        |    65000 |
|  32.| PROTEINA C REACTIVA                                         |    40000 |
|  33.| FACTOR REUMATOID                                            |    40000 |
|  34.| RPR                                                         |   100000 |
|  35.| T.P.H.A.                                                    |   150000 |
|  36.| H.I.V.                                                      |   300000 |
|  37.| Ag HBs                                                      |   200000 |
|  38.| Ac anti V.H.C.                                              |   300000 |
|  39.| Ag HBe                                                      |   200000 |
|  40.| Ac anti HBe                                                 |   200000 |
|  41.| Ac anti HBs                                                 |   200000 |
|  42.| Ac anti HBc                                                 |   200000 |
|  43.| TEST SEROLOGIC H.P.                                         |   300000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | BIOCHIMIE                                                   |          |
|  44.| DISPROTEINEMIE                                              |    60000 |
|  45.| IONOGRAMA (Ca, Mg)                                          |   100000 |
|  46.| FOSFOR                                                      |    50000 |
|  47.| SIDEREMIE                                                   |    60000 |
|  48.| PROTEINE TOTALE                                             |    50000 |
|  49.| GLICEMIE                                                    |    50000 |
|  50.| LIPIDE                                                      |    50000 |
|  51.| COLESTEROL                                                  |    50000 |
|  52.| TRIGLICERIDE                                                |    70000 |
|  53.| H.D.L. - COLESTEROL                                         |    50000 |
|  54.| L.D.L. - COLESTEROL                                         |    50000 |
|  55.| A.G.L.                                                      |   200000 |
|  56.| UREE                                                        |    50000 |
|  57.| CREATININA                                                  |    50000 |
|  58.| ACID URIC                                                   |    50000 |
|  59.| BILIRUBINA                                                  |    70000 |
|  60.| GLICOPROTEINE                                               |    70000 |
|  61.| ACID SIALIC                                                 |    40000 |
|  62.| ACID LACTIC                                                 |   250000 |
|  63.| TRANSAMINAZE (TGP, TGO)                                     |   300000 |
|  64.| FOSFATAZA ALCALINA                                          |    70000 |
|  65.| FOSFATAZA ACIDA                                             |    70000 |
|  66.| GAMMA G.T.P.                                                |    50000 |
|  67.| C.K.- N.A.C.                                                |   300000 |
|  68.| C.K - M.B.                                                  |   130000 |
|  69.| L.D.H.                                                      |    80000 |
|  70.| AMILAZA                                                     |    80000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | EXAMEN SUMAR URINA                                          |    50000 |
|  71.| GLICOZURIE                                                  |    30000 |
|  72.| ALBUMINURIE                                                 |    30000 |
|  73.| 17 C.K.                                                     |   300000 |
|  74.| A.V.M.                                                      |   300000 |
|  75.| DONAGGIO                                                    |    25000 |
|  76.| MUCOPROTEINE                                                |    30000 |
|  77.| UROBILINOGEN                                                |    25000 |
|  78.| PIGMENTI BILIARI                                            |    25000 |
|  79.| AMONIAC                                                     |    30000 |
|  80.| ACIDITATE TOTALA                                            |    25000 |
|  81.| SECRETIE VAGINALA                                           |    50000 |
|  82.| SECRETIE URETRALA                                           |    50000 |
|  83.| TEST DE FEMINITATE                                          |   200000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|  84.| ELECTROFOREZA PROTEINELOR                                   |   175000 |
|  85.| ELECTROFOREZA LIPOPROTEINELOR                               |   300000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | INTERNE                                                     |          |
|  86.| INJECTIE IM                                                 |    30000 |
|  87.| INJECTIE IV                                                 |    40000 |
|  88.| INJECTIE ID                                                 |    20000 |
|  89.| INJECTIE SC                                                 |    20000 |
|  90.| TUBAJ GASTRIC                                               |   100000 |
|  91.| TUBAJ DUODENAL                                              |   100000 |
|  92.| INCIZIE ABCES, FURUNCUL                                     |   100000 |
|  93.| PANSAMENTE                                                  |    50000 |
|  94.| OSCILOMETRIE + TA                                           |    70000 |
|  95.| PERFUZII EV                                                 |   150000 |
|  96.| ACUPUNCTURA - consultatie initiala                          |   100000 |
|  97.|             - sedinta acupunctura                           |    50000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | STOMATOLOGIE                                                |          |
|  98.| OBTURATII CORONARE - ALIAJ ARGINT                           |   250000 |
|  99.| ONOMER             - GLASSI                                 |   300000 |
| 100.| ABLATIA OBTURATIEI                                          |    50000 |
| 101.| PANSAMENT CALMANT                                           |    50000 |
| 102.| EXTIRPARE VITALA - MONORADICULARI                           |   200000 |
| 103.|                  - PLURIRADICULARI                          |   250000 |
| 104.| GANGRENA         - MONORADICULARI                           |   200000 |
| 105.|                  - PLURIRADICULARI                          |   250000 |
|     | CORONARE                                                    |          |
| 106.| EXTRACTII        - MONORADICULARI                           |   200000 |
| 107.|                  - PLURIRADICULARI                          |   250000 |
| 108.| ALVEOLITA                                                   |    50000 |
| 109.| DETARTRAJ ARCADA + TRATAMENT ANTIINFLAMATOR                 |   200000 |
| 110.| TRATAMENT AFTA BUCALA (sedinta)                             |    50000 |
| 111.|           GINGIVITA (sedinta)                               |    50000 |
| 112.| TRATAMENT ABCES PARODONTAL                                  |    50000 |
| 113.| CHIURETAJ                                                   |    50000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | ORL                                                         |          |
| 114.| CONTROLUL PERMEABILITATII TUBARE                            |    50000 |
| 115.| SPALATURA AURICULARA                                        |    50000 |
| 116.| EXAMEN AUDIOMETRIE SIMPLA                                   |   100000 |
| 117.| TAMPONAMENT ANTERIOR (NAZAL)                                |    50000 |
| 118.| EXTRACTIE CORP STRAIN NAZAL SAU AURICULAR                   |    50000 |
| 119.| CAUTERIZARE PATA VASCULARA IN EPISTAXIS                     |   100000 |
| 120.| TRATAMENTE ORL                                              |   100000 |
| 121.| RECONTROL ORL                                               |    50000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | OFTALMOLOGIE                                                |          |
| 122.| EXAMEN FUND DE OCHI + CONSULT                               |   200000 |
| 123.| EXTRACTIE CORP STRAIN                                       |    80000 |
| 124.| SCHIASCOPIE                                                 |   100000 |
| 125.| TONOMETRIE                                                  |    50000 |
| 126.| DILATARE + SPALATURA CANAL LACRIMAL                         |    50000 |
| 127.| EPILARE CILI                                                |    20000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | RADIOLOGIE                                                  |          |
| 128.| RADIOSCOPIE CARDIOPULMONARA                                 |   150000 |
|     | RADIOGRAFIE CARDIOPULMONARA (TORACE)                        |          |
| 129.|             - FATA                                          |   150000 |
| 130.|             - PROFIL                                        |   100000 |
| 131.|             - FATA + PROFIL                                 |   200000 |
| 132.| RADIOSCOPIE ESO-GASTRO-DUODENALA (fara filme)               |   150000 |
|     | RADIOSCOPIE + RADIOGRAFIE ESO-GASTRO-                       |          |
| 133.|   DUODENALA + 1 film                                        |   200000 |
| 134.|             + 2 filme                                       |   300000 |
| 135.| RADIOGRAFIE RENOVEZICALA SIMPLA                             |   100000 |
| 136.| RADIOGRAFIE ABDOMINALA PE GOL                               |   100000 |
|     | RADIOGRAFIE SCHELET                                         |          |
| 137.|   craniu      1 film 18/24 sau 24/30                        |   100000 |
| 138.|   SAF         1 film 18/24 sau 24/30                        |   100000 |
| 139.|   extremitati 2 filme (f + p)                               |   150000 |
| 140.|   coloana vtb 1 film 18/24                                  |    75000 |
| 141.|               1 film 24/30                                  |   100000 |
| 142.|               2 filme 24/30                                 |   150000 |
| 143.|               1 film 30/40                                  |   150000 |
| 144.|               2 filme 30/40 sau 35/35 cm                    |   250000 |
| 145.|   bazin       1 film 30/40                                  |   150000 |
| 146.| RADIOGRAFIE DENTARA                                         |    40000 |
| 147.| ECOGRAFIE - ABDOMINALA                                      |   300000 |
| 148.|           - PELVIS                                          |   175000 |
| 149.|           - ABDOMEN SUPERIOR                                |   175000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | CARDIOLOGIE                                                 |          |
| 150.| ECG REPAUS                                                  |   100000 |
| 151.| ECG IN EFORT                                                |   150000 |
| 152.| ECOGRAFIE CARDIACA                                          |   220000 |
| 153.| OSCILOMETRIE                                                |    70000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | ORTOPEDIE                                                   |          |
| 154.| MONTARE APARAT GIPSAT MIC (fara material)                   |    50000 |
| 155.| MONTARE APARAT GIPSAT MEDIU - " -                           |   100000 |
| 156.| MONTARE APARAT GIPSAT MARE - " -                            |   150000 |
| 157.| SCOS APARAT GIPSAT                                          |    50000 |
| 158.| PROCEDURI FIZIOTERAPIE (per sedinta)                        |    30000 |
| 159.| LASER (per sedinta)                                         |    50000 |
| 160.| MANEVRE - REDUCERE LUXATIE                                  |   100000 |
| 161.| BANDAJE ELASTICE                                            |    50000 |
| 162.| ECOGRAFIE MIO-ENTEZO-ARTICULARA                             |   100000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | GINECOLOGIE                                                 |          |
| 164.| DIATERMOCOAGULARE (CAUTERIZARE COL)                         |   200000 |
| 165.| TRATAMENT LOCAL POST DIATERMOCOAGULARE                      |   100000 |
| 166.| COLPOSCOPIE                                                 |   150000 |
| 167.| BIOPSII DIVERSE (recoltat biopsie)                          |   150000 |
| 168.| MONTAT DISPOZITIV INTRAUTERIN                               |   200000 |
| 169.| EXTRAGERE DISPOZITIV INTRAUTERIN                            |   200000 |
| 170.| EXAMEN SECRETIE: FROTIU VAGINAL DIRECT                      |    50000 |
| 171.| DIVERSE MICI INTERVENTII CHIRURGICALE                       |   200000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | NEUROLOGIE                                                  |          |
| 173.| EEG                                                         |   200000 |
| 174.| EMG                                                         |   200000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | PSIHOLOGIE                                                  |          |
| 175.| CONSULTATII TIP "A"                                         |   150000 |
| 176.| CONSULTATII TIP "B"                                         |   100000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | DEZVOLTARE FIZICA                                           |          |
| 177.| ANALIZA REGIM ALIMENTAR                                     |   100000 |
| 178.| EXAMEN COMPLEX DEZVOLTARE FIZICA                            |   350000 |
|     |                                                             |          |
|     | DERMATOLOGIE                                                |          |
| 179.| IMUNOSTIMULARI INJECTABILE                                  |    30000 |
| 180.| ELECTROCAUTERIZARI                                          |   200000 |
| 181.| RECOLTARE SECRETIE                                          |    30000 |


COMENTARII la Ordinul 467/2005

Momentan nu exista niciun comentariu la Ordinul 467 din 2005
Comentarii la alte acte
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
Alte acte pe aceeaşi temă cu Ordin 467/2005
Coduri postale Prefixe si Coduri postale din Romania Magazin si service calculatoare Sibiu