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HOTARARE   Nr. 527 din 23 mai 2002

privind unele masuri referitoare la executarea in regim de urgenta a lucrarilor de constructie a Tronsonului de "Autostrada Bucuresti - Fetesti - Cernavoda"




    In temeiul prevederilor art. 107 din Constitutia Romaniei si ale art. 4 alin. (2) din Ordonanta Guvernului nr. 16/1999 pentru aprobarea Programului prioritar de constructie a autostrazilor si a drumurilor nationale cu patru benzi de circulatie, aprobata cu modificari prin Legea nr. 1/2002,

    Guvernul Romaniei adopta prezenta hotarare.

    (1) Lucrarile de constructie a Tronsonului de "Autostrada Bucuresti - Fetesti - Cernavoda", obiectiv strategic prevazut la pct. I pozitia a doua din anexa la Ordonanta Guvernului nr. 16/1999 si declarat de utilitate publica prin art. 2 din aceeasi ordonanta, se executa in regim de urgenta.
    (2) Lucrarile mentionate la alin. (1) se executa pe terenurile cu datele de identificare prevazute in anexa care face parte integranta din prezenta hotarare, terenuri care se expropriaza potrivit dispozitiilor art. 21 - 40 din Legea nr. 33/1994 privind exproprierea pentru cauza de utilitate publica.

                  ADRIAN NASTASE

                         p. Ministrul lucrarilor publice,
                         transporturilor si locuintei,
                         Ion Selaru,
                         secretar de stat

                         Ministrul finantelor publice,
                         Mihai Nicolae Tanasescu

    ANEXA 1

                      DATELE DE IDENTIFICARE
a terenurilor care se expropriaza

    1. Comuna Glina/satul Catelu
|Nr. |       Numele      |Tarlaua| Parcela  |Numele proprietarului, |Suprafata |
|crt.| proprietarului, la|       |          |    din planul de      |  totala  |
|    |  data intocmirii  |       |          |     exproprieri       |   (mp)   |
|    |   fisei bunului   |       |          |     1991 - 1996       |          |
|    |imobil in anul 2002|       |          |                       |          |
|  1 |        2          |    3  |     4    |           5           |    6     |
|  1.|Stefan Marieta     |   11  |     6    | Spirea Teoharie       |   400,685|
|  2.|Albus Stefan       | 10/1  |     6    | Albus Stefan          | 1.639,766|
|    |Albus Gheorghe     |       |          |                       |          |
|    |Albus Marin        |       |          |                       |          |
|  3.|Alexandru Marin    |   11  |    21    | Florea Maria          |   587,311|
|  4.|Dragnea Manole     |   11  |    29    | Dragnea Manole        | 1.928,019|
|    |Dragnea Vasilica   |       |          |                       |          |
|  5.|Preda Alexandrina  |   11  |    13    | Tanase Cornelia       | 1.008,498|
|  6.|Tudorica Maria     |   11  |    11    | Nicolae Elena         | 1.316,656|
|  7.|Dragnea Manole     |    5  |   219    | Dragnea Manole        | 1.090,786|
|    |Dragnea Vasilica   |       |   220    |                       |          |
|    |                   |       |  220/1   |                       |          |
|    |                   |       |   221    |                       |          |
|    |                   |       |   218    |                       |          |
|    |                   |       |   222    |                       |          |
|  8.|Ene Marin          | 10/1  |     3    | Ene Marin             |   529,360|
|  9.|Filimon Vitan      | 10/1  |     4    | Filimon Dumitru       | 1.552,837|
| 10.|Anghel Vasile      | 10/1  |     8    | Anghel Lixandru       | 1.213,671|
| 11.|Dragnea Marin      | 10/1  |    23    | Dragnea Vasile        |   644,727|
| 12.|Rosianu Elena      |   11  |     3    | Rosianu Elena         | 1.098,817|
| 13.|Anton Carmen       |   11  |    19    | Dragnea Stoian Dumitru|   388,135|
| 14.|Anton Carmen       | 10/1  |    15    | Dragnea Nicolae       |   548,838|
| 15.|Anton Carmen       | 10/1  |    28    | Dragnea Stelian       |   548,838|
| 16.|Anton Marius       | 10/1  |    29    | Nastase Stefan        |   594,077|
| 17.|Anton Marin        | 10/1  |    30    | Nicolae Gheorghe Petre| 1.235,014|
| 18.|Anton Marius       | 10/1  |    31    | Nita Elena            |   642,009|
| 19.|Ruse Petre         |   11  |     5    | Ruse Petre            |   368,285|
| 20.|Udrea Elena        |   11  |    27    | Constantin Vitan      |   850,458|
| 21.|Manolache Ion      |   11  |    27    | Constantin Vitan      |   916,360|
|    |Manolache Constanta|       |          |                       |          |
| 22.|Ninu Anghel        |   11  |     8    | Ionita Nicolae        | 1.907,365|

    2. Comuna Fundulea
|  1 |        2          |    3  |     4    |           5           |    6     |
| 23.|Dorobantu Dorel    |       |          | C.A.P. Fundulea       |    20.000|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |          |
| 24.|Ion Elena          |       |          |                       |          |
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |          |
| 25.|Iorga Eftimie      |       |          |                       |          |
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |          |
| 26.|Sima Andrei        |       |          |                       |          |
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |          |
| 27.|Ivan Tudora        |       |          |                       |          |
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |          |
| 28.|Banatanu Tudora    |       |          |                       |          |

    3. Comuna Cernica
|  1 |        2          |    3  |     4    |           5           |    6     |
| 29.|Alecu Aurica       |   27  | A255/I/16| Agroprest Tanganu     |       279|
|    |Anghel Florica     |       |          |                       |          |
|    |Matei Anica        |       |          |                       |          |
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 30.|Istrate Gheorghe   |   27  | A255/I/15|                       |       679|
|    |Niculae Tudor      |       |          |                       |          |
|    |Kovaci Elena       |       |          |                       |          |
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 31.|Dumitrescu Petrisor|   27  |  A255/I/2|                       |       870|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 32.|Dumitrache Petra   |   27  | A255/II/1|                       |     8.438|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 33.|Vlad Iulian        |   27  | A255/II/3|                       |    15.946|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 34.|Vlad Iulian        |   27  | A255/II/4|                       |     6.292|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 35.|Vlad Iulian        |   27  | A255/II/5|                       |     2.028|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 36.|Rusu Constantin    |   27  | A255/I/11|                       |       223|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 37.|Dumitru Gheorghe   |   27  | A255/I/17|                       |       323|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 38.|Covaci M           |   27  |    A248/4|                       |       182|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 39.|Tintar Marin       |   27  | A255/II/2|                       |     8.530|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 40.|Dumitrache Zoia    |   27  | A255/I/19|                       |    24.549|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 41.|Dumitrache Zoia    |   27  | A255/I/20|                       |    20.000|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 42.|Dumitrache Zoia    |   27  | A255/I/21|                       |    30.711|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 43.|Budu Andreia       |       |          |                       |          |
|    |Cristina           |   25  |   A248/11|                       |     9.694|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 44.|Machidonschi Mircea|   25  |   A248/10|                       |     9.698|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 45.|Casapu Mitrus      |   25  |    A248/8|                       |     5.000|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 46.|Zamfirescu Eugenia |   25  |    A248/2|                       |     5.000|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 47.|Savencu Costica    |   25  |    A248/3|                       |     5.000|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 48.|Stoica Floarea     |   27  |   A255/II|                       |     5.011|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 49.|Niculae Gh.        |   27  | A255/II/7|                       |    13.200|
|    |Niculae F          |       |          |                       |          |
|    |Niculae N          |       |          |                       |          |
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 50.|Vlad Iulian        |   27  | A255/II/6|                       |    20.000|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 51.|Savencu Costica    |   25  |    A248/6|                       |    10.000|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 52.|Savencu Costica    |   25  |    A250/1|                       |    10.000|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 53.|Savencu Costica    |   25  |    A250/2|                       |    30.000|
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 54.|Popescu Mihai      |   27  |    A255/I|                       |     8.900|
|    |                   |       |       I/8|                       |          |
|____|___________________|_______|__________|                       |__________|
| 55.|Istrate Stefan     |   27  |    A255/I|                       |     3.643|
|    |                   |       |       I/9|                       |          |


COMENTARII la Hotărârea 527/2002

Momentan nu exista niciun comentariu la Hotărârea 527 din 2002
Comentarii la alte acte
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
Coduri postale Prefixe si Coduri postale din Romania Magazin si service calculatoare Sibiu