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ORDIN   Nr. 1754 din 22 noiembrie 2001

privind aprobarea modelului si continutului certificatelor de nationalitate si atestatelor de bord pentru navele de nationalitate romana


ACT PUBLICAT IN: MONITORUL OFICIAL  NR. 824 din 20 decembrie 2001


    Ministrul lucrarilor publice, transporturilor si locuintei,
    in temeiul prevederilor art. 12 lit. s) din Ordonanta Guvernului nr. 19/1997 privind transporturile, aprobata si modificata prin Legea nr. 197/1998, republicata, cu modificarile ulterioare, si ale art. 4 alin. (3) din Hotararea Guvernului nr. 3/2001 privind organizarea si functionarea Ministerului Lucrarilor Publice, Transporturilor si Locuintei, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare,
    avand in vedere prevederile Ordinului ministrului lucrarilor publice, transporturilor si locuintei nr. 145/2001,
    emite urmatorul ordin:

    Art. 1
    (1) Se aproba modelul si continutul certificatelor de nationalitate si atestatelor de bord pentru navele de nationalitate romana, prevazute in anexele nr. 1 si 2 care fac parte integranta din prezentul ordin.
    (2) Dimensiunile si elementele de siguranta ale documentelor prevazute la alin. (1) se stabilesc de Inspectoratul Navigatiei Civile - I.N.C. Constanta.
    Art. 2
    Procedura de eliberare, de prelungire a valabilitatii si de preschimbare a documentelor prevazute la art. 1 alin. (1) se stabileste de Inspectoratul Navigatiei Civile - I.N.C. Constanta.
    Art. 3
    Prezentul ordin va fi publicat in Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, Partea I.
    Art. 4
    Inspectoratul Navigatiei Civile - I.N.C. Constanta va aduce la indeplinire prevederile prezentului ordin.

                    p. Ministrul lucrarilor publice,
                       transporturilor si locuintei,
                              Ion Selaru,
                            secretar de stat

    ANEXA 1



                       CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY

    Acest document atesta dreptul de arborare a pavilionului roman.
    This document certifies the right to fly the Romanian flag.

    Eliberat in numele Guvernului Romaniei
    Issued under the authority of the Romanian Government
|   Numar    |Indicativ|Numar IMO|                         |       An/Port     |
|  oficial   | de apel | IMO No. |       Numele navei      |    inregistrare   |
|Official No.|Call Sign|         |       Ship's name       |      Year/Port    |
|            |         |         |                         |     of Registry   |
|                                |    Anul    |   Locul    |   Nr. matricol    |
|          Nume anterior         |constructiei|constructiei|     Capitanie     |
|          Former Name(s)        |  Year of   |  Place of  |  Registry No. of  |
|                                |construction|construction|  Harbour Master's |
| Tipul navei                    | Lungime maxima            | metri  |picioare|
| Type of vessel                 | Length overall            |(meters)| (feet) |
| Numarul puntilor               | Latimea maxima            |        |        |
| No. of Decks                   | Maximum Breadth           |        |        |
| Materialul de constructie al   | Inaltimea de constructie  |        |        |
| corpului                       | Moulded Depth             |        |        |
| Material used to construct     | Pescajul maxim            |        |        |
| the hull                       | Maximum Moulded Draught   |        |        |
|   Numarul si tipul   | Puterea (kW) |    Anul    |   Adresa constructorului  |
|     No. and type     |  Power (kW)  |constructiei|     Engine manufacture    |
|                      |              |  Year of   |                           |
|                      |              |construction|                           |
|                      |              |            |                           |
|                      |              |            |                           |
|                      |              |            |                           |
|                      |              |            |                           |
|                 PARTICULARITATI TONAJ/PARTICULARS OF TONNAGE                 |
| Tonajul Brut/Gross Tonnage                                                   |
| Tonajul Net/Net Tonnage                                                      |
| Tonajul Deadweight/Deadweight Tonnage (tdw)                                  |
| Nume/adresa proprietar                                                       |
| Owner's name/address                                                         |
| Data eliberarii:                  | AUTORITATEA EMITENTA                     |
| Date of issue                     | ISSUING AUTHORITY                        |
|___________________________________|                                          |
| Valabil pana la data de:          | Stampila/Semnatura _____________________ |
| Valid until                       | Seal/Signature                           |

                       Prelungiri de valabilitate
                          Extention of validity
|Nr. | Data/Locul |Valabil pana la data de:| Autoritatea emitenta |    Obs.    |
|Crt.| Date/Place |      Valid until:      |  Issuing Authority   |Observations|
|Item|            |                        |                      |            |
|No. |            |                        |                      |            |
|    |            |                        |                      |            |
|    |            |                        |                      |            |
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|    |            |                        |                      |            |
|    |            |                        |                      |            |


    Nava este inchiriata la ___________________
    The ship is hired to*)
    Tipul contractului ________________________
    Type of contract
    Data incheierii contractului ______________
    Date of contract
    Data transcrierii _________________________  Capitania portului
    Date of the contract registration            Harbour Master's Office
                                                 Stampila/Semnatura __________

    Data expirarii contractului _______________
    End of contract
    Data radierii transcrierii ________________  Capitania portului
    Date of the registration deletion            Harbour Master's Office
                                                 Stampila/Semnatura __________


    Nava este inchiriata la ___________________
    The ship is hired to*)
    Tipul contractului ________________________
    Type of contract
    Data incheierii contractului ______________
    Date of contract
    Data transcrierii _________________________  Capitania portului
    Date of the contract registration            Harbour Master's Office
                                                 Stampila/Semnatura __________

    Data expirarii contractului
    End of contract
    Data radierii transcrierii ________________  Capitania portului
    Date of the registration deletion            Harbour Master's Office
                                                 Stampila/Semnatura __________


    *) Numele si adresa operatorului
       Name and address of the operator

                         Sarcini care greveaza nava:
                         Particulars of encumbrances:
|Nr. |   Nr. si data   | Creditor |     Valoarea      |    Data     |   Data   |
|crt.|   contractului  | Creditor |contractului de gaj|transcrierii | radierii |
|Item|   No. and date  |          |  Value of pledge  |   Date of   |  Date of |
|No. | of the contract |          |     contract      |transcription| deletion |
|    |                 |          |                   |             |          |
|    |                 |          |                   |             |          |
|    |                 |          |                   |             |          |
|    |                 |          |                   |             |          |
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|    |                 |          |                   |             |          |
|    |                 |          |                   |             |          |
|    |                 |          |                   |             |          |
|    |                 |          |                   |             |          |

    ANEXA 2


                           ATESTAT DE BORD
                        CERTIFICAT DE BATEAU


                           ATESTAT DE BORD
                        CERTIFICAT DE BATEAU

                        1. ..................
                        2. ..................

    Acest document atesta dreptul de arborare a pavilionului roman.
    Ce document atteste le droit de naviguer sous le pavillon roumain.

    1. Numele si/sau numarul navei.
       Nom et/ou numero du bateau.
    2. Tipul navei.
       Type de bateau.

    1.1  Tipul navei: __________________________________________________________
         Type de bateau
    1.2  Numele si/sau numarul de identificare al navei: _______________________
         Nom et/ou numero d'identification du bateau
    1.3  Tara de inmatriculare: ROMANIA
         Pays d'immatriculation: ROUMANIE
    1.4  Proprietar/Adresa: ____________________________________________________
    1.5  Numarul de inmatriculare: _____________________________________________
         Numero d'immatriculation
    1.6  Portul de inmatriculare: ______________________________________________
         Port d'immatriculation
    1.7  Zona si sectorul de navigatie: ________________________________________
         Zone et secteur de navigation
    1.8  Anul si locul de constructie: _________________________________________
         Annee et lieu de construction
    1.9  Numele santierului naval: _____________________________________________
         Nom du chantier
    1.10 Lungimea maxima (m): __________________________________________________
         Longeur maximale
    1.11 Latimea maxima (m): ___________________________________________________
         Largeur maximale
    1.12 Inaltimea maxima (m): _________________________________________________
         Hauteur maximale
    1.13 Bord liber (cm): ______________________________________________________
         Franc/bord assigne
    1.14 Bord liber majorat (cm): ______________________________________________
         Franc bord assigne majore
    1.15 Pescajul navei goale (m): _____________________________________________
         Tirant d'eau du bateau vide
         Pescajul maxim (m): ___________________________________________________
         Tirant maximal
    1.16 Deplasament maxim: ____________________________________________________
         Deplacement maximal
    1.17 Capacitate maxima de incarcare: _______________________________________
         Port en lourd maximal
    1.18 Numar maxim de persoane admise in afara echipajului de siguranta: _____
         Nombre de personnes admises au transport en dehors des membres de l'equipage
    1.19 Certificat de tonaj No _____________ eliberat de ______________________
         Certificat de jaugeage No _____________ delivre par
    1.20 Numarul si tipul masinilor principale: ________________________________
         Nombre et type des machines principales
    1.21 Fabricant si marca masini principale: _________________________________
         Fabricant et marque de la machine principale
    1.22 Puterea totala (kW): __________________________________________________
         Puissance totale
    1.23 Materialul de constructie al corpului navei: __________________________
         Materiel de construction du bateau




    Stampila/Semnatura ........................

    Data eliberarii ___________________________
    Date de delivrance

    Valabil pana la data de
    Valable jusqu'au __________________________

    Prelungiri de valabilitate/Prolongation de la duree de validite
|Nr. | Data/Locul |Valabil pana la data de:| Autoritatea emitenta |    Obs.    |
|Crt.|            |                        |                      |            |
|No. | Date/Lieu  |Valable jusqu'au:       | L'autorite emmettrice|    Obs.    |
|    |            |                        |                      |            |
|    |            |                        |                      |            |
|    |            |                        |                      |            |
|    |            |                        |                      |            |
|    |            |                        |                      |            |
|    |            |                        |                      |            |
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|    |            |                        |                      |            |
|    |            |                        |                      |            |
|    |            |                        |                      |            |


    Nava este inchiriata la ___________________
    Le bateau est affrete par*)
    Tipul contractului ________________________
    Type du contrat
    Data incheierii contractului ______________
    Date de conclusion du contrat
    Data transcrierii _________________________  Capitania portului
    Date de la transcription                     Capitainerie du port
                                                 Stampila/Semnatura __________

    Data expirarii contractului _______________
    Date d'expiration du contrat
    Data radierii transcrierii ________________  Capitania portului
    Date de radiation de la transcription        Capitainerie du port
                                                 Stampila/Semnatura __________


    Nava este inchiriata la ___________________
    Le bateau est affrete par*)
    Tipul contractului ________________________
    Type du contrat
    Data incheierii contractului ______________
    Date de conclusion du contrat
    Data transcrierii _________________________  Capitania portului
    Date de la transcription                     Capitainerie du port
                                                 Stampila/Semnatura __________

    Data expirarii contractului _______________
    Date d'expiration du contrat
    Data radierii transcrierii ________________  Capitania portului
    Date de radiation du transcription           Capitainerie du port
                                                 Stampila/Semnatura __________


    *) Numele si adresa operatorului.
       Le nom et l'adresse de l'affreteur.


|Nr. |   Nr. si data   | Creditor |     Valoarea      |    Data     |   Data   |
|crt.|   contractului  | Crediteur|contractului de gaj|transcrierii | radierii |
|No. | Numero et date  |          | Valeur du contrat |  Date de la |Date de la|
|    |   du contrat    |          |     de gage       |transcription| radiation|
|    |                 |          |                   |             |          |
|    |                 |          |                   |             |          |
|    |                 |          |                   |             |          |
|    |                 |          |                   |             |          |
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|    |                 |          |                   |             |          |
|    |                 |          |                   |             |          |
|    |                 |          |                   |             |          |
|    |                 |          |                   |             |          |


COMENTARII la Ordinul 1754/2001

Momentan nu exista niciun comentariu la Ordinul 1754 din 2001
Comentarii la alte acte
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
Alte acte pe aceeaşi temă cu Ordin 1754/2001
Coduri postale Prefixe si Coduri postale din Romania Magazin si service calculatoare Sibiu