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LEGE   Nr. 36 din 12 aprilie 2000

pentru aprobarea contului general anual de executie a bugetului de stat, a conturilor anuale de executie a bugetelor fondurilor speciale si a contului general anual al datoriei publice, aferente anului 1996


ACT PUBLICAT IN: MONITORUL OFICIAL  NR. 164 din 18 aprilie 2000


    Parlamentul Romaniei adopta prezenta lege.

    Art. 1
    (1) Se aproba contul general anual de executie a bugetului de stat aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 18.372.803.218 mii lei, cheltuieli in suma de 23.731.997.610 mii lei si un deficit in suma de 5.359.194.392 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului general anual de executie a bugetului de stat este prevazuta in anexele nr. 1 - 5.
    Art. 2
    (1) Se aproba contul anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru sanatate aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 553.817.280 mii lei, cheltuieli in suma de 529.897.566 mii lei si un excedent in suma de 23.919.714 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru sanatate este prevazuta in anexa nr. 6.
    Art. 3
    (1) Se aproba contul anual de executie a bugetului Fondului de risc si accident pentru protectia speciala a persoanelor handicapate aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 363.972.438 mii lei, cheltuieli in suma de 363.476.347 mii lei si un excedent in suma de 496.091 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului anual de executie a bugetului Fondului de risc si accident pentru protectia speciala a persoanelor handicapate este prevazuta in anexa nr. 7.
    Art. 4
    (1) Se aproba contul anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru dezvoltarea si modernizarea punctelor de control pentru trecerea frontierei, precum si a celorlalte unitati vamale aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 225.217.600 mii lei, cheltuieli in suma de 96.456.631 mii lei si un excedent in suma de 128.760.969 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru dezvoltarea si modernizarea punctelor de control pentru trecerea frontierei, precum si a celorlalte unitati vamale este prevazuta in anexa nr. 8.
    Art. 5
    (1) Se aproba contul anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru dezvoltarea sistemului energetic aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 362.939.768 mii lei, cheltuieli in suma de 378.388.372 mii lei si un deficit in suma de 15.448.604 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru dezvoltarea sistemului energetic este prevazuta in anexa nr. 9.
    Art. 6
    (1) Se aproba contul anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru dezvoltarea si modernizarea drumurilor publice aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 129.773.850 mii lei, cheltuieli in suma de 122.094.342 mii lei si un excedent in suma de 7.679.508 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru dezvoltarea si modernizarea drumurilor publice este prevazuta in anexa nr. 10.
    Art. 7
    (1) Se aproba contul anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru protejarea asiguratilor aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 3.310.339 mii lei si un excedent in suma de 3.310.339 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru protejarea asiguratilor este prevazuta in anexa nr. 11.
    Art. 8
    (1) Se aproba contul anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru pensia suplimentara a pensionarilor militari aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 31.191.567 mii lei, cheltuieli in suma de 40.065.912 mii lei si un deficit in suma de 8.874.345 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru pensia suplimentara a pensionarilor militari este prevazuta in anexa nr. 12.
    Art. 9
    (1) Se aproba contul anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru plata pensiilor si altor drepturi de asigurari sociale ale agricultorilor aferent anului 1996, cuprinzand venituri in suma de 543.111.855 mii lei, cheltuieli in suma de 543.103.879 mii lei si un excedent in suma de 7.976 mii lei.
    (2) Structura contului anual de executie a bugetului Fondului special pentru plata pensiilor si altor drepturi de asigurari sociale ale agricultorilor este prevazuta in anexa nr. 13.
    Art. 10
    (1) Se aproba contul general anual al datoriei publice a statului aferent anului 1996, care cuprinde:
    a) datoria publica interna, reprezentand imprumuturi de stat in suma de 6.688.019.699 mii lei, potrivit anexei nr. 14A, si garantiile emise in numele si in contul statului pentru credite interne in suma de 2.863.999.969 mii lei, potrivit anexei nr. 15A;
    b) datoria publica externa in valoare de 6.156,6 milioane USD (24.841.638.900 mii lei), din care: datoria publica externa contractata direct de stat in valoare de 4.324,5 milioane USD (17.449.559.250 mii lei), potrivit anexei nr. 14B, si garantiile emise in numele si in contul statului pentru imprumuturi externe in suma de 1.832,0 milioane USD (7.392.079.650 mii lei), potrivit anexei nr. 15B.
    (2) Structura contului general anual al datoriei publice aferent anului 1996 este prevazuta in anexele nr. 14 si 15.
    Art. 11
    Anexele nr. 1 - 15*) fac parte integranta din prezenta lege.
    *) Anexele nr. 3 - 15 se publica ulterior si se difuzeaza celor interesati.

    Aceasta lege a fost adoptata de Camera Deputatilor si de Senat in sedinta comuna din 9 martie 2000, cu respectarea prevederilor art. 74 alin. (2) din Constitutia Romaniei.

                                VASILE LUPU

                           PRESEDINTELE SENATUI
                           MIRCEA IONESCU-QUINTUS

    ANEXA 1

                                  - Sinteza -

                                                                 - mii lei -
|                        |   PREVEDERI  |  PREVEDERI   |   INCASARI   |        |
|                        |   BUGETARE   |  BUGETARE    |   REALIZATE  |   3/2  |
|   DENUMIRE INDICATORI  |   APROBATE   |  DEFINITIVE  |              |    %   |
|                        |   INITIAL    |              |              |        |
|           A            |       1      |       2      |     3        |    4   |
| I. VENITURI - TOTAL    |16.981.570.000|18.395.090.095|18.372.803.218|   99,88|
| I. VENITURI CURENTE    |16.973.070.000|18.287.525.526|18.267.548.241|   99,89|
|  A. VENITURI FISCALE   |16.568.100.000|17.593.895.800|17.522.972.561|   99,60|
|   A1. IMPOZITE DIRECTE | 8.405.400.000| 8.310.681.800| 8.532.625.909|  102,67|
|    IMPOZITUL PE PROFIT || 3.482.600.000| 3.517.257.277|  101,00|
|    IMPOZITUL PE SALARII| 4.152.600.000| 4.585.811.800| 4.683.678.354|  102,13|
| Impozitul pe salarii   |              |              |              |        |
| - total -              | 5.753.200.000| 6.575.000.000| 6.656.287.420|  101,24|
| Sume defalcate din     |              |              |              |        |
| impozitul pe salarii   |              |              |              |        |
| pentru bugetele locale |              |              |              |        |
| (se scad)              |-1.600.600.000|-1.989.188.200|-1.972.609.066|   99,17|
|    ALTE IMPOZITE       |              |              |              |        |
|    DIRECTE             |   152.800.000|   242.270.000|   331.690.278|  136,91|
| Impozitul pe profit    |              |              |              |        |
| obtinut din activitati |              |              |              |        |
| comerciale ilicite sau |              |              |              |        |
| din nerespectarea Legii|              |              |              |        |
| privind protectia      |              |              |              |        |
| consumatorilor         |     1.300.000|     1.400.000|       912.852|   65,20|
| Impozitul pe dividende |              |              |              |        |
| de la societatile      |              |              |              |        |
| comerciale             |   150.000.000|   240.000.000|   329.822.357|  137,43|
| Alte incasari din      |              |              |              |        |
| impozite directe       |     1.500.000|       870.000|       955.069|  109,78|
|   A2. IMPOZITE         |              |              |              |        |
|       INDIRECTE        | 8.162.700.000|| 8.990.346.652|   96,85|
|    TAXA PE VALOAREA    |              |              |              |        |
|    ADAUGATA            | 5.296.900.000| 5.430.000.000| 5.359.350.034|   98,70|
|    ACCIZE SI IMPOZIT   |              |              |              |        |
|    PE CIRCULATIE       | 1.513.000.000| 1.511.100.000| 1.485.343.117|   98,30|
| Accize                 |   989.300.000|| 1.091.784.343|   98,26|
| Impozitul pe titeiul   |              |              |              |        |
| din productia interna  |              |              |              |        |
| si gazele naturale     |   523.700.000|   400.000.000|   393.558.774|   98,39|
|    TAXE VAMALE         | 1.230.800.000| 1.880.000.000| 1.673.682.939|   89,03|
| Taxe vamale de la      |              |              |              |        |
| persoane juridice      | 1.185.800.000| 1.810.000.000| 1.596.973.775|   88,23|
| Taxe vamale si alte    |              |              |              |        |
| venituri incasate de   |              |              |              |        |
| la persoane fizice prin|              |              |              |        |
| unitatile vamale       |    45.000.000|    70.000.000|    76.709.164|  109,58|
|    ALTE IMPOZITE       |              |              |              |        |
|    INDIRECTE           |   122.000.000|   462.114.000|   471.970.562|  102,13|
| Majorari si penalitati |              |              |              |        |
| de intarziere pentru   |              |              |              |        |
| venituri nevarsate la  |              |              |              |        |
| termen                 |   100.000.000|    65.000.000|    73.755.765|  113,47|
| Taxe pentru eliberarea |              |              |              |        |
| de licente si          |              |              |              |        |
| autorizatii de         |              |              |              |        |
| functionare            |    16.000.000|   391.100.000|   391.921.405|  100,21|
| Taxe de compensatie    |              |        14.000|        41.376|  295,54|
| Alte incasari din      |              |              |              |        |
| impozite indirecte     |     6.000.000|     6.000.000|     6.252.016|  104,20|
|  B. VENITURI NEFISCALE |   404.970.000|   693.629.726|   744.575.680|  107,84|
| VARSAMINTE DIN PROFITUL|              |              |              |        |
| NET AL BANCII NATIONALE|              |    71.166.726|    71.166.726|  100,00|
|    VARSAMINTE DIN      |              |              |              |        |
|    PROFITUL NET AL     |              |              |              |        |
|    REGIILOR AUTONOME   |    86.000.000|   200.000.000|   185.377.058|   92,69|
|    VARSAMINTE DE LA    |              |              |              |        |
|    INSTITUTIILE PUBLICE|   133.850.000|   168.223.000|   179.929.883|  106,96|
| Taxe de metrologie     |       600.000|       140.000|        77.463|   55,33|
| Taxe pentru brevete de |              |              |              |        |
| inventii si            |              |              |              |        |
| inregistrarea marcilor |              |              |              |        |
| de fabrica             |     3.000.000|     8.000.000|     7.693.577|   96,17|
| Taxe pentru prestatiile|              |              |              |        |
| si serviciile efectuate|              |              |              |        |
| de capitaniile de port |              |              |              |        |
| si pentru eliberarea   |              |              |              |        |
| autorizatiilor de      |              |              |              |        |
| transport cu           |              |              |              |        |
| autovehiculele in      |              |              |              |        |
| trafic international   |              |              |              |        |
| de marfuri             |     5.100.000|     8.100.000|     9.700.761|  119.76|
| Taxe consulare         |    80.000.000|    80.000.000|    71.415.775|   89,27|
| Taxe pentru analize    |              |              |              |        |
| efectuate de           |              |              |              |        |
| laboratoare, altele    |              |              |              |        |
| decat cele sanitare,   |              |              |              |        |
| de pe langa institutii |     2.000.000|     1.100.000|     1.066.858|   96,99|
| Venituri din incasarea |              |              |              |        |
| contravalorii          |              |              |              |        |
| lucrarilor de combatere|              |              |              |        |
| a daunatorilor si      |              |              |              |        |
| bolilor in sectorul    |              |              |              |        |
| vegetal                |     4.000.000|     2.200.000|     2.092.827|   95,13|
| Veniturile unitatilor  |              |              |              |        |
| de reproductie si      |              |              |              |        |
| selectie a animalelor  |     1.000.000|     1.500.000|     1.557.643|  103,84|
| Veniturile             |              |              |              |        |
| circumscriptiilor,     |              |              |              |        |
| laboratoarelor si      |              |              |              |        |
| dispensarelor          |              |              |              |        |
| veterinare             |    15.000.000|    16.000.000|    19.246.220|  120,29|
| Taxe si alte venituri  |              |              |              |        |
| din protectia mediului |       300.000|       125.000|       145.003|  116,00|
| Venituri din operatiuni|              |              |              |        |
| de mentinerea pacii    |              |     2.574.856|     5.762.594|  223,80|
| Varsaminte din         |              |              |              |        |
| disponibilitatile      |              |              |              |        |
| institutiilor publice  |              |              |              |        |
| si activitatilor       |              |              |              |        |
| autofinantate          |     1.500.000|       523.000|       597.001|  114,15|
| Varsaminte din         |              |              |              |        |
| veniturile             |              |              |              |        |
| institutiilor publice  |              |              |              |        |
| si activitatilor       |              |              |              |        |
| autofinantate          |              |     1.535.000|     1.753.066|  114,21|
| Venituri din timbrul   |              |              |              |        |
| judiciar               |     1.350.000|     6.000.000|     5.943.040|   99,05|
| Alte venituri de la    |              |              |              |        |
| institutiile publice   |    20.000.000|    40.425.144|    52.878.055|  130,80|
|    DIVERSE VENITURI    |   185.120.000|   254.240.000|   308.102.013|  121,19|
| Venituri din aplicarea |              |              |              |        |
| prescriptiei extinctive|              |     1.500.000|     2.371.863|  158,12|
| Venituri din amenzile  |              |              |              |        |
| aplicate, potrivit     |              |              |              |        |
| dispozitiilor legale   |    38.000.000|    55.000.000|    61.291.992|  111,44|
| Incasari din cota      |              |              |              |        |
| retinuta, conform      |              |              |              |        |
| Legii nr. 6/1973       |     1.300.000|     1.300.000|     1.633.383|  125,64|
| Restituiri de fonduri  |              |              |              |        |
| din finantarea bugetara|              |              |              |        |
| a anilor precedenti    |    70.000.000|    85.000.000|   106.920.793|  125,79|
| Venituri din concesiuni|        20.000|        40.000|       525.159|1.312,90|
| Incasarea dobanzilor   |              |              |              |        |
| aferente ratelor lunare|              |              |              |        |
| din vanzarea           |              |              |              |        |
| locuintelor construite |              |              |              |        |
| din fondurile statului |     2.300.000|     1.400.000|     1.660.157|  118,58|
| Incasari din           |              |              |              |        |
| rambursarea            |              |              |              |        |
| imprumuturilor acordate|              |              |              |        |
| pentru finalizarea unor|              |              |              |        |
| obiective aprobate prin|              |              |              |        |
| conventii bilaterale si|              |              |              |        |
| acorduri               |              |              |              |        |
| interguvernamentale    |              |              |     3.100.654|        |
| Incasari din           |              |              |              |        |
| valorificarea bunurilor|              |              |              |        |
| confiscate, abandonate |              |              |              |        |
| si alte sume constatate|              |              |              |        |
| odata cu confiscarea,  |              |              |              |        |
| potrivit legii         |    42.000.000|    50.000.000|    54.865.471|  109,73|
| Incasari din alte surse|    31.500.000|    60.000.000|    75.732.541|  126,22|
| II. VENITURI DIN       |              |              |              |        |
|     CAPITAL            |     8.500.000|   107.564.569|   105.254.977|   97,85|
|  VENITURI DIN          |              |              |              |        |
|  VALORIFICAREA UNOR    |              |              |              |        |
|  BUNURI ALE STATULUI   |     8.500.000|   107.564.569|   105.254.977|   97,85|
| Venituri din           |              |              |              |        |
| valorificarea unor     |              |              |              |        |
| bunuri ale             |              |              |              |        |
| institutiilor publice  |     5.500.000|     5.500.000|     6.606.837|  120,12|
| Venituri din           |              |              |              |        |
| valorificarea          |              |              |              |        |
| stocurilor de la       |              |              |              |        |
| rezerva de stat si de  |              |              |              |        |
| mobilizare             |     3.000.000|   102.064.569|    98.648.140|   96,65|

                                                                  - MII LEI -
|    DENUMIRE INDICATORI    |           CREDITE APROBATE INITIAL               |
|                           |__________________________________________________|
|                           | BUGET DE STAT | INTRARI DE      |     TOTAL      |
|                           |               | CREDITE EXTERNE |    (1 + 2)     |
|              A            |       1       |        2        |       3        |
|                                          CREDITE DEFINITIVE                  |
|                           | BUGET DE STAT | INTRARI DE      |     TOTAL      |
|                           |               | CREDITE EXTERNE |    (4 + 5)     |
|                           |_______________|_________________|________________|
|                           |       4       |        5        |       6        |
|  %   |                    |              PLATI EFECTUATE DIN:                |
| 7/4  |                    | BUGET DE STAT | INTRARI DE      |     TOTAL      |
|      |                    |               | CREDITE EXTERNE |    (7 + 8)     |
|  10  |                    |       7       |        8        |       9        |
| II. CHELTUIELI - TOTAL    | 20.174.632.257|      430.745.700|  20.605.377.957|
|                           ||      647.453.120|  24.651.527.263|
| 98,87                     | 23.731.997.610|      386.066.663||
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     | 18.007.860.724|      188.072.475|  18.195.933.199|
|                           | 21.029.966.505|      366.663.575|  21.396.630.080|
| 98,96                     | 20.811.266.369|      263.830.886||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |  5.916.488.618|        8.075.995|   5.924.564.613|
|                           ||       10.439.195|   6.269.597.245|
| 99,63                     |  6.235.981.543|          585.802|   6.236.567.345|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |  2.796.760.901|       35.687.980|   2.832.448.881|
|                           |  3.258.977.837|       22.917.680|   3.281.895.517|
| 98,94                     |  3.224.405.193|        9.032.127|   3.233.437.320|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |  1.874.807.976|                 |   1.874.807.976|
|                           |  2.594.409.887|                 |   2.594.409.887|
| 99,82                     |  2.589.857.918|                 |   2.589.857.918|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |    353.532.359|                 |     353.532.359|
|                           |    391.589.532|                 |     391.589.532|
| 99,49                     |    389.609.219|                 |     389.609.219|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pe produse   |               |                 |                |
|    si activitati          |    987.519.000|                 |     987.519.000|
|                           |  1.256.349.334|                 |   1.256.349.334|
|100,00                     |  1.256.349.334|                 |   1.256.349.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pentru       |               |                 |                |
|    acoperirea diferentelor|               |                 |                |
|    de pret si tarif       |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.365|                 |     943.899.365|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  PRIME                    |    896.000.000|                 |     896.000.000|
|                           ||                 ||
|100,00                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |  4.854.696.329|      144.308.500|   4.999.004.829|
|                           |  5.913.828.887|      333.306.700||
| 97,74                     |  5.780.312.033|      254.212.957|   6.034.524.990|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  DOBANZI                  |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Dobanzi aferente        |               |                 |                |
|   datoriei publice        |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Dobanzi aferente        |               |                 |                |
|   datoriei publice interne|  1.235.660.000|                 |   1.235.660.000|
|                           |  1.552.463.000|                 |   1.552.463.000|
| 99,93                     |  1.551.430.399|                 |   1.551.430.399|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Dobanzi aferente        |               |                 |                |
|   datoriei publice externe|     24.340.000|                 |      24.340.000|
|                           |      9.600.000|                 |       9.600.000|
|100,00                     |      9.600.000|                 |       9.600.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Cheltuieli ocazionate   |               |                 |                |
|   de emisiunea si plasarea|               |                 |                |
|   titlurilor de stat si de|               |                 |                |
|   riscurile garantiilor   |               |                 |                |
|   date de stat in         |               |                 |                |
|   conditiile legii        |    100.000.000|                 |     100.000.000|
|                           |    186.237.000|                 |     186.237.000|
| 98,60                     |    183.626.738|                 |     183.626.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| REZERVE                   |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |  1.855.667.073|      242.673.225|   2.098.340.298|
|                           |  2.421.059.680|      280.789.545|   2.701.849.225|
| 98,59                     |  2.386.831.093|      122.235.777|   2.509.066.870|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |    311.104.460|                 |     311.104.460|
|                           |    553.047.958|                 |     553.047.958|
| 96,54                     |    533.900.148|                 |     533.900.148|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE     |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    330.200.000|                 |     330.200.000|
| 99,12                     |    327.295.562|                 |     327.295.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Imprumut acordat din   |               |                 |                |
|    fondul de redresare    |               |                 |                |
|    financiara la          |               |                 |                |
|    dispozitia Guvernului  |               |                 |                |
|                           |    218.000.000|                 |     218.000.000|
| 99,36                     |    216.600.000|                 |     216.600.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Imprumuturi acordate   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru finalizarea unor|               |                 |                |
|    obiective aprobate prin|               |                 |                |
|    conventii bilaterale si|               |                 |                |
|    acorduri               |               |                 |                |
|    interguvernamentale    |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    112.200.000|                 |     112.200.000|
| 98,66                     |    110.695.562|                 |     110.695.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |    225.804.460|                 |     225.804.460|
|                           |    222.847.958|                 |     222.847.958|
| 92,71                     |    206.604.586|                 |     206.604.586|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Rambursari de credite   |               |                 |                |
|   externe                 |    129.822.522|                 |     129.822.522|
|                           |    125.986.839|                 |     125.986.839|
| 89,00                     |    112.125.601|                 |     112.125.601|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Plati de dobanzi si     |               |                 |                |
|   comisioane              |     95.981.938|                 |      95.981.938|
|                           |     96.861.119|                 |      94.861.119|
| 97,54                     |     94.478.985|                 |      94.478.985|
|  Partea a I-a SERVICII    |               |                 |                |
|  PUBLICE GENERALE         |    791.786.226|                 |     791.786.226|
|                           |    903.193.790|                 |     903.193.790|
| 97,55                     |    881.073.401|                 |     881.073.401|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|AUTORITATI PUBLICE         |    791.786.226|                 |     791.786.226|
|                           |    903.193.790|                 |     903.193.790|
| 97,55                     |    881.073.401|                 |     881.073.401|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    679.129.543|                 |     679.129.543|
|                           |    757.609.731|                 |     757.609.731|
| 97,71                     |    740.248.509|                 |     740.248.509|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |    429.050.075|                 |     429.050.075|
|                           |    476.313.013|                 |     476.313.013|
| 98,89                     |    471.014.994|                 |     471.014.994|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    199.119.768|                 |     199.119.768|
|                           |    251.520.615|                 |     251.520.615|
| 96,47                     |    242.634.649|                 |     242.634.649|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |      2.700.000|                 |       2.700.000|
|                           |      2.467.600|                 |       2.467.600|
| 94,74                     |      2.337.738|                 |       2.337.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |      2.700.000|                 |       2.700.000|
|                           |      2.467.600|                 |       2.467.600|
| 94,74                     |      2.337.738|                 |       2.337.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |      2.700.000|                 |       2.700.000|
|                           |      2.467.600|                 |       2.467.600|
| 94,74                     |      2.337.738|                 |       2.337.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |     48.259.700|                 |      48.259.700|
|                           |     27.308.503|                 |      27.308.503|
| 88,84                     |     24.261.128|                 |      24.261.128|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |     48.259.700|                 |      48.259.700|
|                           |     27.308.503|                 |      27.308.503|
| 88,84                     |     24.261.128|                 |      24.261.128|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    108.532.883|                 |     108.532.883|
|                           |    140.604.859|                 |     140.604.859|
| 96,62                     |    135.858.276|                 |     135.858.276|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |      4.123.800|                 |       4.123.800|
|                           |      4.979.200|                 |       4.979.200|
| 99,75                     |      4.966.616|                 |       4.966.616|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |      4.123.800|                 |       4.123.800|
|                           |      4.979.200|                 |       4.979.200|
| 99,75                     |      4.966.616|                 |       4.966.616|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |      3.419.900|                 |       3.419.900|
|                           |      4.138.100|                 |       4.138.100|
| 99,77                     |      4.128.780|                 |       4.128.780|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |        703.900|                 |         703.900|
|                           |        841.100|                 |         841.100|
| 99,61                     |        837.836|                 |         837.836|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Presedintia Romaniei      |     11.090.000|                 |      11.090.000|
|                           |      9.804.488|                 |       9.804.488|
| 99,86                     |      9.790.792|                 |       9.790.792|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Autoritati Legislative    |     88.510.926|                 |      88.510.926|
|                           |     87.499.603|                 |      87.499.603|
| 95,78                     |     83.810.775|                 |      83.810.775|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Autoritati Judecatoresti  |    180.176.500|                 |     180.176.500|
|                           |    206.332.403|                 |     206.332.403|
| 98,80                     |    203.848.795|                 |     203.848.795|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte organe ale           |               |                 |                |
| autoritatii publice       |     52.521.000|                 |      52.521.000|
|                           |     48.884.245|                 |      48.884.245|
| 97,07                     |     47.451.957|                 |      47.451.957|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Autoritati executive      |    459.487.800|                 |     459.487.800|
|                           |    550.673.051|                 |     550.673.051|
| 97,37                     |    536.171.082|                 |     536.171.082|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  Partea a II-a APARARE,   |               |                 |                |
|  ORDINE PUBLICA SI        |               |                 |                |
|  SIGURANTA NATIONALA      |  3.420.015.943|       14.740.000|   3.434.755.943|
|                           |  3.699.679.248|       14.740.000|   3.714.419.248|
| 99,74                     |  3.689.968.683|       11.220.400|   3.701.189.083|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  2.905.049.440|                 |   2.905.049.440|
|                           ||                 ||
| 99,86                     |  3.086.588.614|                 |   3.086.588.614|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |  1.635.648.194|                 |   1.635.648.194|
|                           |  1.562.340.631|                 |   1.562.340.631|
| 99,87                     |  1.560.289.405|                 |   1.560.289.405|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |  1.122.525.190|                 |   1.122.525.190|
|                           |  1.361.559.750|                 |   1.361.559.750|
| 99,83                     |  1.359.201.397|                 |   1.359.201.397|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Alocatii de la buget    |               |                 |                |
|   pentru institutiile     |               |                 |                |
|   publice                 |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |               |                 |                |
|                           |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|100,00                     |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    452.136.103|       14.740.000|     466.876.103|
|                           |    554.265.303|       14.740.000|     569.005.303|
| 99,65                     |    552.346.904|       11.220.400|     563.567.304|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     62.830.400|                 |      62.830.400|
|                           |     54.391.100|                 |      54.391.100|
| 93,83                     |     51.033.165|                 |      51.033.165|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |     62.830.400|                 |      62.830.400|
|                           |     54.391.100|                 |      54.391.100|
| 93,83                     |     51.033.165|                 |      51.033.165|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |     49.791.240|                 |      49.791.240|
|                           |     37.880.540|                 |      37.880.540|
| 96,51                     |     36.559.898|                 |      36.559.898|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |     13.039.160|                 |      13.039.160|
|                           |     16.510.560|                 |      16.510.560|
| 87,66                     |     14.473.267|                 |      14.473.267|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|APARARE NATIONALA          |  1.939.000.000|        9.640.000|   1.948.640.000|
|                           |  2.084.657.681|        9.640.000||
| 99,69                     ||        9.640.000|   2.087.881.169|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  1.578.428.390|                 |   1.578.428.390|
|                           |  1.680.731.371|                 |   1.680.731.371|
| 99,90                     |  1.678.988.661|                 |   1.678.988.661|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |    864.207.500|                 |     864.207.500|
|                           |    845.714.281|                 |     845.714.281|
| 99,90                     |    844.860.295|                 |     844.860.295|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    714.220.890|                 |     714.220.890|
|                           |    835.017.090|                 |     835.017.090|
| 99,89                     |    834.128.366|                 |     834.128.366|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    314.871.610|        9.640.000|     324.511.610|
|                           |    371.071.610|        9.640.000|     380.711.610|
| 99,59                     |    369.539.361|        9.640.000|     379.179.361|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     45.700.000|                 |      45.700.000|
|                           |     32.854.700|                 |      32.854.700|
| 90,44                     |     29.713.147|                 |      29.713.147|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |     45.700.000|                 |      45.700.000|
|                           |     32.854.700|                 |      32.854.700|
| 90,44                     |     29.713.147|                 |      29.713.147|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |     35.320.000|                 |      35.320.000|
|                           |     23.992.689|                 |      23.992.689|
| 95,31                     |     22.866.892|                 |      22.866.892|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |     10.380.000|                 |      10.380.000|
|                           |      8.862.011|                 |       8.862.011|
| 77,25                     |      6.846.255|                 |       6.846.255|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |     17.714.790|                 |      17.714.790|
|                           |     21.598.116|                 |      21.598.116|
| 98,98                     |     21.377.162|                 |      21.377.162|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Aparare nationala         |  1.921.285.210|        9.640.000|   1.930.925.210|
|                           ||        9.640.000|   2.072.699.565|
| 99,70                     |  2.056.864.007|        9.640.000|   2.066.504.007|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|ORDINEA PUBLICA SI         |               |                 |                |
|SIGURANTA NATIONALA        |  1.481.015.943|        5.100.000|   1.486.115.943|
|                           |  1.615.021.567|        5.100.000|   1.620.121.567|
| 99,80                     |  1.611.727.514|        1.580.400|   1.613.307.914|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  1.326.621.050|                 |   1.326.621.050|
|                           |  1.410.291.474|                 |   1.410.291.474|
| 99,81                     |  1.407.599.953|                 |   1.407.599.953|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |    771.440.694|                 |     771.440.694|
|                           |    716.626.350|                 |     716.626.350|
| 99,83                     |    715.429.110|                 |     715.429.110|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    408.304.300|                 |     408.304.300|
|                           |    526.542.660|                 |     526.542.660|
| 99,72                     |    525.073.031|                 |     525.073.031|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |               |                 |                |
|                           |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|100,00                     |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |               |                 |                |
|                           |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|100,00                     |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    137.264.493|        5.100.000|     142.364.493|
|                           |    183.193.693|        5.100.000|     188.293.693|
| 99,79                     |    182.807.543|        1.580.400|     184.387.943|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     17.130.400|                 |      17.130.400|
|                           |     21.536.400|                 |      21.536.400|
| 99,00                     |     21.320.018|                 |      21.320.018|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |     17.130.400|                 |      17.130.400|
|                           |     21.536.400|                 |      21.536.400|
| 99,00                     |     21.320.018|                 |      21.320.018|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |     14.471.240|                 |      14.471.240|
|                           |     13.887.851|                 |      13.887.851|
| 98,60                     |     13.693.006|                 |      13.693.006|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |      2.659.160|                 |       2.659.160|
|                           |      7.648.549|                 |       7.648.549|
| 99,72                     |      7.627.012|                 |       7.627.012|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Politie                   |    522.708.276|                 |     522.708.276|
|                           |    584.861.227|                 |     584.861.227|
| 99,99                     |    584.824.672|                 |     584.824.672|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Protectia si paza contra  |               |                 |                |
| incendiilor               |     81.096.198|                 |      81.096.198|
|                           |     89.680.419|                 |      89.680.419|
|100,00                     |     89.680.419|                 |      89.680.419|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Paza si supravegherea     |               |                 |                |
| frontierelor              |    129.405.287|                 |     129.405.287|
|                           |    155.864.291|                 |     155.864.291|
|100,00                     |    155.864.291|                 |     155.864.291|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Jandarmerie               |    141.066.481|                 |     141.066.481|
|                           |    184.068.794|                 |     184.068.794|
| 99,91                     |    183.911.094|                 |     183.911.094|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Siguranta nationala       |    249.863.899|        5.100.000|     254.963.899|
|                           |    308.867.797|        5.100.000|     313.967.797|
| 99,35                     |    306.867.668|        1.580.400|     308.448.068|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Penitenciare              |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte institutii si actiuni|               |                 |                |
| privind ordinea publica si|               |                 |                |
| siguranta nationala       |    209.999.746|                 |     209.999.746|
|                           |    124.950.913|                 |     124.950.913|
| 99,14                     |    123.875.896|                 |     123.875.896|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  Partea a III-a CHELTUIELI|               |                 |                |
|  SOCIAL-CULTURALE         |  6.370.763.932|      209.987.200|   6.580.751.132|
|                           |  7.044.937.309|      219.409.020|   7.264.346.329|
| 99,04                     |  6.977.087.600|       87.673.494|   7.064.761.094|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  5.865.523.650|       43.763.975|   5.909.287.625|
|                           |  6.426.327.213|       33.356.875|   6.459.684.088|
| 99,40                     |  6.387.600.323|        9.617.929|   6.397.218.252|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |  3.545.154.489|        8.075.995|   3.553.230.484|
|                           |  3.913.330.098|       10.439.195|   3.923.769.293|
| 99,65                     |  3.899.769.395|          585.802|   3.900.355.197|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    813.921.503|       35.687.980|     849.609.483|
|                           |    945.985.673|       22.917.680|     968.903.353|
| 98,97                     |    936.200.068|        9.032.127|     945.232.195|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |    203.541.403|                 |     203.541.403|
|                           |    221.988.913|                 |     221.988.913|
| 99,19                     |    220.186.030|                 |     220.186.030|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Alocatii de la buget    |               |                 |                |
|   pentru institutiile     |               |                 |                |
|   publice                 |    203.541.403|                 |     203.541.403|
|                           |    221.988.913|                 |     221.988.913|
| 99,19                     |    220.186.030|                 |     220.186.030|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |  1.302.906.255|                 |   1.302.906.255|
|                           |  1.345.022.529|                 |   1.345.022.529|
| 98,99                     |  1.331.444.830|                 |   1.331.444.830|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    422.442.642|      166.223.225|     588.665.867|
|                           |    528.986.207|      186.052.145|     715.038.352|
| 96,73                     |    511.696.492|       78.055.565|     589.752.057|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     82.797.640|                 |      82.797.640|
|                           |     89.623.889|                 |      89.623.889|
| 86,80                     |     77.790.785|                 |      77.790.785|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |     82.797.640|                 |      82.797.640|
|                           |     89.623.889|                 |      89.623.889|
| 86,80                     |     77.790.785|                 |      77.790.785|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |     47.732.364|                 |      47.732.364|
|                           |     51.541.098|                 |      51.541.098|
| 77,45                     |     39.918.022|                 |      39.918.022|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |     35.065.276|                 |      35.065.276|
|                           |     38.082.791|                 |      38.082.791|
| 99,45                     |     37.872.763|                 |      37.872.763|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|INVATAMANT                 |  3.004.670.926|       25.507.200||
|                           |  3.314.163.513|       32.946.800|   3.347.110.313|
| 99,00                     |  3.280.879.119|        8.368.596||
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  2.787.871.333|       24.083.975|   2.811.955.308|
|                           |  3.003.506.875|       31.115.175|   3.034.622.050|
| 99,23                     |  2.980.502.975|        7.196.993|   2.987.699.968|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   ||        8.075.995||
|                           |  2.409.263.456|       10.439.195|   2.419.702.651|
| 99,61                     |  2.399.976.926|          585.802|   2.400.562.728|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    423.465.949|       16.007.980|     439.473.929|
|                           |    438.510.176|       20.675.980|     459.186.156|
| 99,03                     |    434.233.852|        6.611.191|     440.850.043|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |     35.180.295|                 |      35.180.295|
|                           |     35.327.632|                 |      35.327.632|
| 95,45                     |     33.718.852|                 |      33.718.852|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |     35.180.295|                 |      35.180.295|
|                           |     35.327.632|                 |      35.327.632|
| 95,45                     |     33.718.852|                 |      33.718.852|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |     35.180.295|                 |      35.180.295|
|                           |     35.327.632|                 |      35.327.632|
| 95,45                     |     33.718.852|                 |      33.718.852|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |    144.059.755|                 |     144.059.755|
|                           |    120.405.611|                 |     120.405.611|
| 93,49                     |    112.568.345|                 |     112.568.345|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |    144.059.755|                 |     144.059.755|
|                           |    120.405.611|                 |     120.405.611|
| 93,49                     |    112.568.345|                 |     112.568.345|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    214.298.793|        1.423.225|     215.722.018|
|                           |    309.966.638|        1.831.625|     311.798.263|
| 96,70                     |    299.742.794|        1.171.603|     300.914.397|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |      2.500.800|                 |       2.500.800|
|                           |        690.000|                 |         690.000|
| 91,79                     |        633.350|                 |         633.350|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |      2.500.800|                 |       2.500.800|
|                           |        690.000|                 |         690.000|
| 91,79                     |        633.350|                 |         633.350|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |      2.500.800|                 |       2.500.800|
|                           |        690.000|                 |         690.000|
| 91,79                     |        633.350|                 |         633.350|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |      2.449.300|                 |       2.449.300|
|                           |      2.944.338|                 |       2.944.338|
| 80,71                     |      2.376.447|                 |       2.376.447|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Invatamant prescolar      |    209.204.778|                 |     209.204.778|
|                           |    239.266.760|                 |     239.266.760|
| 99,49                     |    238.053.905|                 |     238.053.905|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Invatamant primar si      |               |                 |                |
| gimnazial                 |  1.180.768.530|       19.474.800||
|                           |  1.108.417.686|       25.154.900|   1.133.572.586|
| 99,50                     |  1.102.830.207|        6.698.596|   1.109.528.803|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Invatamant liceal         |    549.053.975|        6.032.400|     555.086.375|
|                           |    607.638.984|        7.791.900|     615.430.884|
| 99,34                     |    603.632.397|        1.670.000|     605.302.397|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Invatamant profesional    |     64.999.100|                 |      64.999.100|
|                           |     83.862.564|                 |      83.862.564|
| 99,39                     |     83.377.569|                 |      83.347.569|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Invatamant postliceal     |     16.282.541|                 |      16.282.541|
|                           |     15.743.217|                 |      15.743.217|
| 99,54                     |     15.670.895|                 |      15.670.895|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Case de copii             |     87.537.200|                 |      87.537.200|
|                           |    106.312.391|                 |     106.312.391|
| 99,75                     |    106.051.383|                 |     106.051.383|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Invatamant special        |    177.519.500|                 |     177.519.500|
|                           |    168.770.625|                 |     168.770.625|
| 99,19                     |    167.411.099|                 |     167.411.099|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Invatamant superior       |    550.749.434|                 |     550.749.434|
|                           |    621.092.005|                 |     621.092.005|
| 98,56                     |    612.152.042|                 |     612.152.042|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Internate, camine si      |               |                 |                |
| cantine pentru elevi si   |               |                 |                |
| studenti                  |     23.275.295|                 |      23.275.295|
|                           |     23.275.295|                 |      23.275.295|
| 93,48                     |     21.757.117|                 |      21.757.117|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Servicii publice          |               |                 |                |
| descentralizate           |     47.798.900|                 |      47.798.900|
|                           |    134.909.730|                 |     134.909.730|
| 97,19                     |    131.114.267|                 |     131.114.267|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte institutii si        |               |                 |                |
| actiuni de invatamant     |     95.032.373|                 |      95.032.373|
|                           |    201.929.918|                 |     201.929.918|
| 97,30                     |    196.481.791|                 |     196.481.791|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|SANATATE                   |  1.758.456.113|      179.480.000|   1.937.936.113|
|                           |  2.026.819.823|      179.480.000||
| 99,09                     |  2.008.460.583|       73.616.210||
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  1.541.734.534|       19.680.000|   1.561.414.534|
|                           |  1.799.279.530|        1.610.000|   1.800.889.530|
| 99,76                     |  1.794.877.299|        1.490.560|   1.796.367.859|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   ||                 ||
|                           |  1.417.762.804|                 |   1.417.762.804|
| 99,78                     |  1.414.635.447|                 |   1.414.635.447|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    265.012.134|       19.680.000|     284.692.134|
|                           |    377.514.152|        1.610.000|     379.124.152|
| 99,66                     |    376.240.436|        1.490.560|     377.730.996|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |        500.000|                 |         500.000|
|                           |      4.002.574|                 |       4.002.574|
| 99,97                     |      4.001.416|                 |       4.001.416|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |        500.000|                 |         500.000|
|                           |      4.002.574|                 |       4.002.574|
| 99,97                     |      4.001.416|                 |       4.001.416|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    140.024.739|      159.800.000|     299.824.739|
|                           |    141.734.789|      177.870.000|     319.604.789|
| 98,33                     |    139.362.772|       72.125.650|     211.488.422|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     76.696.840|                 |      76.696.840|
|                           |     85.805.504|                 |      85.805.504|
| 86,50                     |     74.220.512|                 |      74.220.512|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |     76.696.840|                 |      76.696.840|
|                           |     85.805.504|                 |      85.805.504|
| 86,50                     |     74.220.512|                 |      74.220.512|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |     45.572.364|                 |      45.572.364|
|                           |     48.741.098|                 |      48.741.098|
| 76,50                     |     37.288.602|                 |      37.288.602|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |     31.124.476|                 |      31.124.476|
|                           |     37.064.406|                 |      37.064.406|
| 99,64                     |     36.931.910|                 |      36.931.910|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |      1.913.000|                 |       1.913.000|
|                           |      5.280.584|                 |       5.280.584|
| 99,61                     |      5.259.987|                 |       5.259.987|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Dispensare medicale       |    356.560.000|                 |     356.560.000|
|                           |    465.826.043|                 |     465.826.043|
| 99,95                     |    465.613.178|                 |     465.613.178|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Spitale                   |  1.013.860.585|       19.680.000|   1.033.540.585|
|                           |  1.073.835.131|        1.610.000|   1.075.445.131|
| 99,72                     |  1.070.852.518|        1.490.560|   1.072.343.078|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Sanatorii si preventorii  |     19.296.322|                 |      19.296.322|
|                           |     22.475.576|                 |      22.475.576|
| 99,70                     |     22.407.631|                 |      22.407.631|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Crese                     |     21.219.033|                 |      21.219.033|
|                           |     21.990.116|                 |      21.990.116|
| 99,81                     |     21.948.440|                 |      21.948.440|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Leagane de copii          |     27.000.000|                 |      27.000.000|
|                           |     32.847.196|                 |      32.847.196|
| 99,91                     |     32.816.952|                 |      32.816.952|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Centre de transfuzii      |               |                 |                |
| sanguine                  |     18.014.900|                 |      18.014.900|
|                           |     18.629.097|                 |      18.629.097|
| 99,77                     |     18.585.534|                 |      18.585.534|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Servicii de ambulanta     |     41.120.000|                 |      41.120.000|
|                           |     57.605.389|                 |      57.605.389|
| 99,87                     |     57.532.207|                 |      57.532.207|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Centre de sanatate,       |               |                 |                |
| diagnostic si tratament   |     47.660.777|                 |      47.660.777|
|                           |     27.951.605|                 |      27.951.605|
| 98,08                     |     27.415.232|                 |      27.415.232|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Servicii publice          |               |                 |                |
| descentralizate           |     10.000.000|                 |      10.000.000|
|                           |     37.445.112|                 |      37.445.112|
| 98,36                     |     36.829.228|                 |      36.829.228|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte institutii si        |               |                 |                |
| actiuni sanitare          |    201.811.496|      159.800.000|     361.611.496|
|                           |    262.933.974|      177.870.000|     440.803.974|
| 94,78                     |    249.199.676|       72.125.650|     321.325.326|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|CULTURA, RELIGIE SI ACTIUNI|               |                 |                |
|PRIVIND ACTIVITATEA        |               |                 |                |
|SPORTIVA SI DE TINERET     |    397.981.900|                 |     397.981.900|
|                           |    438.727.872|                 |     438.727.872|
| 97,80                     |    429.062.884|                 |     429.062.884|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    351.487.790|                 |     351.487.790|
|                           |    384.118.092|                 |     384.118.092|
| 98,57                     |    378.632.861|                 |     378.632.861|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     55.219.848|                 |      55.219.848|
|                           |     56.624.400|                 |      56.624.400|
| 98,40                     |     55.719.812|                 |      55.719.812|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    101.172.850|                 |     101.172.850|
|                           |    105.621.632|                 |     105.621.632|
| 96,63                     |    102.058.265|                 |     102.058.265|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |    166.076.092|                 |     166.076.092|
|                           |    184.376.321|                 |     184.376.321|
| 99,89                     |    184.182.218|                 |     184.182.218|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |    166.076.092|                 |     166.076.092|
|                           |    184.376.321|                 |     184.376.321|
| 99,89                     |    184.182.218|                 |     184.182.218|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |    166.076.092|                 |     166.076.092|
|                           |    184.376.321|                 |     184.376.321|
| 99,89                     |    184.182.218|                 |     184.182.218|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |     29.019.000|                 |      29.019.000|
|                           |     37.495.739|                 |      37.495.739|
| 97,80                     |     36.672.566|                 |      36.672.566|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |     29.019.000|                 |      29.019.000|
|                           |     37.495.739|                 |      37.495.739|
| 97,80                     |     36.672.566|                 |      36.672.566|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |     46.494.110|                 |      46.494.110|
|                           |     54.609.780|                 |      54.609.780|
| 92,35                     |     50.430.023|                 |      50.430.023|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |      5.706.400|                 |       5.706.400|
|                           |      7.143.254|                 |       7.143.254|
| 94,42                     |      6.744.603|                 |       6.744.603|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Biblioteci publice        |               |                 |                |
| nationale si universitare |     57.050.320|                 |      57.050.320|
|                           |     40.680.168|                 |      40.680.168|
| 99,82                     |     40.605.247|                 |      40.605.247|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Muzee                     |     56.737.170|                 |      56.737.170|
|                           |     58.511.868|                 |      58.511.868|
| 99,86                     |     58.431.673|                 |      58.431.673|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Teatre si institutii      |               |                 |                |
| profesioniste de          |               |                 |                |
| spectacole si concerte    |     32.885.480|                 |      32.885.480|
|                           |     38.067.860|                 |      38.067.860|
| 99,74                     |     37.968.647|                 |      37.968.647|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Culte religioase          |     35.282.100|                 |      35.282.100|
|                           |     42.781.200|                 |      42.781.200|
| 98,67                     |     42.213.070|                 |      42.213.070|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Activitatea sportiva      |     68.923.412|                 |      68.923.412|
|                           |     80.004.558|                 |      80.004.558|
| 99,99                     |     79.993.571|                 |      79.993.571|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Activitatea de tineret    |      6.636.000|                 |       6.636.000|
|                           |      6.636.000|                 |       6.636.000|
| 99,88                     |      6.628.013|                 |       6.628.013|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Servicii publice          |               |                 |                |
| descentralizate           |      7.988.960|                 |       7.988.960|
|                           |      6.195.000|                 |       6.195.000|
| 98,78                     |      6.119.473|                 |       6.119.473|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte institutii si        |               |                 |                |
| actiuni privind cultura,  |               |                 |                |
| religia si activitatea    |               |                 |                |
| sportiva si de tineret    |    126.772.058|                 |     126.772.058|
|                           |    158.707.964|                 |     158.707.964|
| 94,74                     |    150.358.587|                 |     150.358.587|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|ASISTENTA SOCIALA,         |               |                 |                |
|ALOCATII, PENSII, AJUTOARE |               |                 |                |
|SI INDEMNIZATII            |  1.209.654.993|        5.000.000|   1.214.654.993|
|                           ||        6.982.220||
| 99,48                     |  1.258.685.014|        5.688.688|   1.264.373.702|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  1.184.429.993|                 |   1.184.429.993|
|                           |  1.239.422.716|          631.700||
| 99,53                     |  1.233.587.188|          930.376|   1.234.517.564|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     28.546.907|                 |      28.546.907|
|                           |     29.679.438|                 |      29.679.438|
| 99,18                     |     29.437.210|                 |      29.437.210|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |     24.270.570|                 |      24.270.570|
|                           |     24.339.713|          631.700|      24.971.413|
| 97,22                     |     23.662.515|          930.376|      24.592.891|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |      2.285.016|                 |       2.285.016|
|                           |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|100,00                     |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |      2.285.016|                 |       2.285.016|
|                           |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|100,00                     |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |      2.285.016|                 |       2.285.016|
|                           |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|100,00                     |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |  1.129.327.500|                 |   1.129.327.500|
|                           ||                 ||
| 99,58                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |  1.129.327.500|                 |   1.129.327.500|
|                           ||                 ||
| 99,58                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |     21.625.000|        5.000.000|      26.625.000|
|                           |     22.675.000|        6.350.520|      29.025.520|
| 97,73                     |     22.160.903|        4.758.312|      26.919.215|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |      3.600.000|                 |       3.600.000|
|                           |      3.128.385|                 |       3.128.385|
| 93,88                     |      2.936.923|                 |       2.936.923|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |      3.600.000|                 |       3.600.000|
|                           |      3.128.385|                 |       3.128.385|
| 93,88                     |      2.936.923|                 |       2.936.923|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |      2.160.000|                 |       2.160.000|
|                           |      2.800.000|                 |       2.800.000|
| 93,91                     |      2.629.420|                 |       2.629.420|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |      1.440.000|                 |       1.440.000|
|                           |        328.385|                 |         328.385|
| 93,64                     |        307.503|                 |         307.503|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |      5.917.526|                 |       5.917.526|
|                           |      8.508.395|                 |       8.508.395|
| 93,01                     |      7.913.542|                 |       7.913.542|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Camine de batrani si      |               |                 |                |
| pensionari                |        245.300|                 |         245.300|
|                           |        235.707|                 |         235.707|
| 99,59                     |        234.737|                 |         234.737|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Centre de primire a       |               |                 |                |
| minorilor                 |        171.170|                 |         171.170|
|                           |        134.950|                 |         134.950|
| 99,92                     |        134.836|                 |         134.836|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Ajutor social             |        200.000|                 |         200.000|
|                           |         23.000|                 |          23.000|
|100,00                     |         23.000|                 |          23.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alocatii de stat pentru   |               |                 |                |
| copii                     |    582.346.800|                 |     582.346.800|
|                           |    627.265.809|                 |     627.265.809|
| 99,75                     |    625.685.221|                 |     625.685.221|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Ajutoare pentru sotii de  |               |                 |                |
| militari in termen        |        324.700|                 |         324.700|
|                           |        256.348|                 |         256.348|
| 91,34                     |        234.146|                 |         234.146|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Pensii, ajutoare,         |               |                 |                |
| indemnizatii si sporuri   |               |                 |                |
| I.O.V.R., veterani de     |               |                 |                |
| razboi si pentru alte     |               |                 |                |
| categorii de beneficiari  |    266.354.000|                 |     266.354.000|
|                           |    277.964.072|                 |     277.964.072|
| 99,45                     |    276.444.372|                 |     276.444.372|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Pensii militari           |    268.376.000|                 |     268.376.000|
|                           |    273.677.844|                 |     273.677.844|
| 99,45                     |    272.166.888|                 |     272.166.888|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Servicii publice          |               |                 |                |
| descentralizate           |     31.591.231|                 |      31.591.231|
|                           |     33.368.155|                 |      33.368.155|
| 99,33                     |     33.143.454|                 |      33.143.454|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte actiuni privind      |               |                 |                |
| asistenta sociala,        |               |                 |                |
| alocatii, pensii, ajutoare|               |                 |                |
| si indemnizatii           |     54.128.266|        5.000.000|      59.128.266|
|                           |     43.791.821|        6.982.220|      50.774.041|
| 97,52                     |     42.704.818|        5.688.688|      48.393.506|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Partea a IV-a SERVICII  |               |                 |                |
|   DE DEZVOLTARE PUBLICA,  |               |                 |                |
|   LOCUINTE, MEDIU SI APE  |    359.836.441|                 |     359.836.441|
|                           |    402.104.347|                 |     402.104.347|
| 99,27                     |    399.181.020|                 |     399.181.020|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    129.677.497|                 |     129.677.497|
|                           |    138.539.222|                 |     138.539.222|
| 99,95                     |    138.472.167|                 |     138.472.167|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     14.535.011|                 |      14.535.011|
|                           |     14.051.175|                 |      14.051.175|
| 99,76                     |     14.017.072|                 |      14.017.072|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |      5.714.112|                 |       5.714.112|
|                           |      5.591.365|                 |       5.591.365|
| 99,89                     |      5.585.006|                 |       5.585.006|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |    109.428.374|                 |     109.428.374|
|                           |    118.896.682|                 |     118.896.682|
| 99,98                     |    118.870.089|                 |     118.870.089|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    230.158.944|                 |     230.158.944|
|                           |    263.565.125|                 |     263.565.125|
| 98,92                     |    260.708.853|                 |     260.708.853|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|SERVICII DE DEZVOLTARE     |               |                 |                |
|PUBLICA SI LOCUINTE        |    202.000.000|                 |     202.000.000|
|                           |    215.786.703|                 |     215.786.703|
| 99,81                     |    215.376.427|                 |     215.376.427|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    112.320.700|                 |     112.320.700|
|                           |    121.501.222|                 |     121.501.222|
| 99,97                     |    121.468.681|                 |     121.468.681|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |      2.231.214|                 |       2.231.214|
|                           |      2.063.252|                 |       2.063.252|
| 99,71                     |      2.057.304|                 |       2.057.304|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |        661.112|                 |         661.112|
|                           |        541.288|                 |         541.288|
|100,00                     |        541.288|                 |         541.288|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |    109.428.374|                 |     109.428.374|
|                           |    118.896.682|                 |     118.896.682|
| 99,98                     |    118.870.089|                 |     118.870.089|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |    109.428.374|                 |     109.428.374|
|                           |    118.896.682|                 |     118.896.682|
| 99,98                     |    118.870.089|                 |     118.870.089|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |     89.679.300|                 |      89.679.300|
|                           |     94.285.481|                 |      94.285.481|
| 99,60                     |     93.907.746|                 |      93.907.746|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |      3.105.626|                 |       3.105.626|
|                           |      2.817.408|                 |       2.817.408|
| 99,79                     |      2.811.459|                 |       2.811.459|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Locuinte                  |    198.894.374|                 |     198.894.374|
|                           |    212.969.295|                 |     212.969.295|
| 99,81                     |    212.564.968|                 |     212.564.968|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|MEDIU SI APE               |    157.836.441|                 |     157.836.441|
|                           |    186.317.644|                 |     186.317.644|
| 98,65                     |    183.804.593|                 |     183.804.593|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |     17.356.797|                 |      17.356.797|
|                           |     17.038.000|                 |      17.038.000|
| 99,80                     |     17.003.486|                 |      17.003.486|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     12.303.797|                 |      12.303.797|
|                           |     11.987.923|                 |      11.987.923|
| 99,77                     |     11.959.768|                 |      11.959.768|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |      5.053.000|                 |       5.053.000|
|                           |      5.050.077|                 |       5.050.077|
| 99,87                     |      5.043.718|                 |       5.043.718|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    140.479.644|                 |     140.479.644|
|                           |    169.279.644|                 |     169.279.644|
| 98,54                     |    166.801.107|                 |     166.801.107|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Dezvoltare surse de apa,  |               |                 |                |
| acumulari si amenajari    |               |                 |                |
| hidrotehnice              |    122.466.000|                 |     122.466.000|
|                           |    121.266.000|                 |     121.266.000|
| 99,59                     |    120.764.044|                 |     120.764.044|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Supraveghere si protectie |               |                 |                |
| mediu, reducerea si       |               |                 |                |
| controlul poluarii        |      3.100.000|                 |       3.100.000|
|                           |      3.100.000|                 |       3.100.000|
|100,00                     |      3.100.000|                 |       3.100.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Prospectiuni geologice    |               |                 |                |
| privind sursele de apa    |        700.000|                 |         700.000|
|                           |        700.000|                 |         700.000|
| 70,39                     |        492.704|                 |         492.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Servicii publice          |               |                 |                |
| descentralizate           |     26.570.441|                 |      26.570.441|
|                           |     26.251.644|                 |      26.251.644|
| 96,39                     |     25.305.034|                 |      25.305.034|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte cheltuieli in        |               |                 |                |
| domeniul mediului si      |               |                 |                |
| apelor                    |      5.000.000|                 |       5.000.000|
|                           |     35.000.000|                 |      35.000.000|
| 97,55                     |     34.142.811|                 |      34.142.811|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  Partea a V-a ACTIUNI     |               |                 |                |
|  ECONOMICE                |  4.594.461.760|      206.018.500|   4.800.480.260|
|                           |  6.166.444.749|      413.304.100|   6.579.748.849|
| 99,10                     ||      287.172.769|   6.398.343.294|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  3.917.516.458|      144.308.500|   4.061.824.958|
|                           ||      333.306.700|   5.499.341.613|
| 99,08                     |  5.118.370.065|      254.212.957|   5.372.583.022|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |    223.758.638|                 |     223.758.638|
|                           |    226.537.896|                 |     226.537.896|
| 99,45                     |    225.281.631|                 |     225.281.631|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    233.250.203|                 |     233.250.203|
|                           |    263.254.140|                 |     263.254.140|
| 96,94                     |    255.194.706|                 |     255.194.706|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |  1.521.275.617|                 |   1.521.275.617|
|                           |  2.202.820.355|                 |   2.202.820.355|
| 99,88                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pe produse   |               |                 |                |
|    si activitati          |    987.519.000|                 |     987.519.000|
|                           |  1.256.349.334|                 |   1.256.349.334|
|100,00                     |  1.256.349.334|                 |   1.256.349.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pentru       |               |                 |                |
|    acoperirea diferentelor|               |                 |                |
|    de pret si tarif       |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.356|                 |     943.899.356|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  PRIME                    |    896.000.000|                 |     896.000.000|
|                           ||                 ||
|100,00                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              ||      144.308.500|   1.187.540.500|
|                           |  1.237.322.522|      333.306.700|   1.570.629.222|
| 97,11                     |  1.201.592.484|      254.212.957|   1.455.805.441|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    600.892.682|       61.710.000|     662.602.682|
|                           |    896.256.067|       79.997.400|     976.253.467|
| 99,27                     |    889.756.736|       32.959.812|     922.716.548|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     76.052.620|                 |      76.052.620|
|                           |    104.153.769|                 |     104.153.769|
| 98,93                     |    103.043.724|                 |     103.043.724|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE     |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Imprumuturi acordate   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru finalizarea unor|               |                 |                |
|    obiective aprobate prin|               |                 |                |
|    conventii bilaterale si|               |                 |                |
|    acorduri               |               |                 |                |
|    interguvernamentale    |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |     76.052.620|                 |      76.052.620|
|                           |     73.853.769|                 |      73.853.769|
| 98,59                     |     72.814.020|                 |      72.814.020|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |     28.879.018|                 |      28.879.018|
|                           |     32.427.101|                 |      32.427.101|
| 97,20                     |     31.518.901|                 |      31.518.901|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |     47.173.602|                 |      47.173.602|
|                           |     41.426.668|                 |      41.426.668|
| 99,68                     |     41.295.119|                 |      41.295.119|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|INDUSTRIE                  |  1.539.312.006|        6.248.500|   1.545.560.506|
|                           |  2.024.380.780|        6.248.500|   2.030.629.280|
| 99,63                     |  2.016.836.484|        3.469.524|   2.020.306.008|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  1.280.685.022|        6.248.500|   1.286.933.522|
|                           |  1.528.104.292|        6.248.500|   1.534.352.792|
| 99,56                     |  1.521.439.329|        3.469.524|   1.524.908.853|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |      6.517.422|                 |       6.517.422|
|                           |      6.471.463|                 |       6.471.463|
| 94,41                     |      6.109.617|                 |       6.109.617|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |     91.848.600|                 |      91.848.600|
|                           |    104.028.896|                 |     104.028.896|
| 93,94                     |     97.725.779|                 |      97.725.779|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |    922.519.000|                 |     922.519.000|
|                           |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|100,00                     |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |    922.519.000|                 |     922.519.000|
|                           |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|100,00                     |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pe produse   |               |                 |                |
|    si activitati          |    922.519.000|                 |     922.519.000|
|                           |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|100,00                     |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |    259.800.000|        6.248.500|     266.048.500|
|                           |    231.125.933|        6.248.500|     237.374.433|
|100,00                     |    231.125.933|        3.469.524|     234.595.457|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |    259.800.000|        6.248.500|     266.048.500|
|                           |    231.125.933|        6.248.500|     237.374.433|
|100,00                     |    231.125.933|        3.469.524|     234.595.457|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    257.814.984|                 |     257.814.984|
|                           |    496.093.184|                 |     496.093.184|
| 99,83                     |    495.236.119|                 |     495.236.119|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |        812.000|                 |         812.000|
|                           |        183.304|                 |         183.304|
| 87,85                     |        161.036|                 |         161.036|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |        812.000|                 |         812.000|
|                           |        183.304|                 |         183.304|
| 87,85                     |        161.036|                 |         161.036|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |        812.000|                 |         812.000|
|                           |        183.304|                 |         183.304|
| 87,85                     |        161.036|                 |         161.036|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |      8.935.272|                 |       8.935.272|
|                           |      8.951.209|                 |       8.951.209|
| 92,74                     |      8.301.545|                 |       8.301.545|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Prospectiuni si lucrari   |               |                 |                |
| geologice pentru          |               |                 |                |
| descoperirea de resurse   |               |                 |                |
| minerale                  |     90.000.000|                 |      90.000.000|
|                           |    102.116.800|                 |     102.116.800|
| 94,05                     |     96.037.328|                 |      96.037.328|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Combustibili minerali     |               |                 |                |
| solizi                    |    654.789.000|                 |     654.789.000|
|                           |    856.291.000|                 |     856.291.000|
| 93,85                     |    803.601.862|                 |     803.601.862|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Petrol si gaze            |               |                 |                |
|                           |        125.000|                 |         125.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Electricitate si alte     |               |                 |                |
| forme de energie          |     80.000.000|                 |      80.000.000|
|                           |    288.075.800|                 |     288.075.800|
| 99,96                     |    287.950.534|                 |     287.950.534|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Resurse minerale, altele  |               |                 |                |
| decat combustibili        |    598.830.000|                 |     598.830.000|
|                           |    708.655.483|                 |     708.655.483|
|107,19                     |    759.577.870|                 |     759.577.870|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Industrie prelucratoare   |     46.145.734|                 |      46.145.734|
|                           |     29.199.734|                 |      29.199.734|
| 95,75                     |     27.958.379|                 |      27.958.379|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte cheltuieli in        |               |                 |                |
| domeniul industriei       |     60.612.000|        6.248.500|      66.860.500|
|                           |     30.965.754|        6.248.500|      37.214.254|
|107,89                     |     33.408.966|        3.469.524|      36.878.490|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|AGRICULTURA SI             |               |                 |                |
|SILVICULTURA               |  1.776.300.000|                 |   1.776.300.000|
|                           |  2.675.740.300|                 |   2.675.740.300|
| 99,70                     |  2.667.801.997|                 |   2.667.801.997|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  1.726.350.500|                 |   1.726.350.500|
|                           |  2.605.653.940|                 |   2.605.653.940|
| 99,80                     |  2.600.474.269|                 |   2.600.474.269|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |    195.349.626|                 |     195.349.626|
|                           |    199.566.943|                 |     199.566.943|
|  99,73                    |    199.033.122|                 |     199.033.122|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE     |               |                 |                |
|  SI SERVICII              |     98.744.257|                 |      98.744.257|
|                           |    118.644.257|                 |     118.644.257|
| 99,25                     |    117.754.276|                 |     117.754.276|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.365|                 |     943.899.365|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.365|                 |     943.899.365|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pentru       |               |                 |                |
|    acoperirea diferentelor|               |                 |                |
|    de pret si tarif       |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.365|                 |     943.899.365|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  PRIME                    |    896.000.000|                 |     896.000.000|
|                           ||                 ||
|100,00                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |      2.500.000|                 |       2.500.000|
|                           |    104.871.719|                 |     104.871.719|
| 98,92                     |    103.734.961|                 |     103.734.961|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |      2.500.000|                 |       2.500.000|
|                           |    104.871.719|                 |     104.871.719|
| 98,92                     |    103.734.961|                 |     103.734.961|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |     44.300.000|                 |      44.300.000|
|                           |     61.300.000|                 |      61.300.000|
| 95,55                     |     58.573.702|                 |      58.573.702|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |      5.649.500|                 |       5.649.500|
|                           |      8.786.360|                 |       8.786.360|
| 99,63                     |      8.754.026|                 |       8.754.026|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |      5.649.500|                 |       5.649.500|
|                           |      8.786.360|                 |       8.786.360|
| 99,63                     |      8.754.026|                 |       8.754.026|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |      1.841.000|                 |       1.841.000|
|                           |      3.229.901|                 |       3.229.901|
|100,00                     |      3.229.901|                 |       3.229.901|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |      3.808.500|                 |       3.808.500|
|                           |      5.556.459|                 |       5.556.459|
| 99,42                     |      5.524.125|                 |       5.524.125|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |      7.781.158|                 |       7.781.158|
|                           |      8.669.745|                 |       8.669.745|
| 95,32                     |      8.263.670|                 |       8.263.670|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Amendarea solurilor acide |               |                 |                |
| si alcaline               |      3.555.000|                 |       3.555.000|
|                           |      3.892.387|                 |       3.892.387|
| 99,68                     |      3.879.877|                 |       3.879.877|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Acoperirea sumelor fixe   |               |                 |                |
| la seminte                |     43.400.000|                 |      43.400.000|
|                           |    162.453.579|                 |     162.453.579|
|100,00                     |    162.453.579|                 |     162.453.579|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Combatere daunatori si    |               |                 |                |
| boli in sectorul vegetal  |     48.703.563|                 |      48.703.563|
|                           |     60.971.884|                 |      60.971.884|
| 99,86                     |     60.888.658|                 |      60.888.658|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Reproductia si selectie   |               |                 |                |
| animale, prevenire si     |               |                 |                |
| combatere boli in         |               |                 |                |
| sectorul animal           |     46.397.640|                 |      46.397.640|
|                           |     49.478.078|                 |      49.478.078|
| 99,81                     |     49.382.338|                 |      49.382.338|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Programe pentru           |               |                 |                |
| sustinerea preturilor la  |               |                 |                |
| produsele agricole        |     22.919.117|                 |      22.919.117|
|                           |     34.307.668|                 |      34.307.668|
| 99,96                     |     34.294.474|                 |      34.294.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Subventionare dobanzi     |               |                 |                |
| aferente creditelor       |               |                 |                |
| bancare acordate          |               |                 |                |
| producatorilor agricoli   |    194.400.000|                 |     194.400.000|
|                           |    327.097.259|                 |     327.097.259|
| 99,38                     |    325.074.202|                 |     325.074.202|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alocatii pentru           |               |                 |                |
| ingrasaminte chimice      |     70.000.000|                 |      70.000.000|
|                           |    207.058.867|                 |     207.058.867|
| 99,96                     |    206.965.899|                 |     206.965.899|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Procurare si mentinere in |               |                 |                |
| exploatare de efective    |               |                 |                |
| matca si reproducatori    |     21.000.000|                 |      21.000.000|
|                           |     15.551.633|                 |      15.551.633|
|  98,44                    |     15.308.933|                 |      15.308.933|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte programe pentru      |               |                 |                |
| sprijinirea producatorilor|               |                 |                |
| agricoli                  |    894.000.000|                 |     894.000.000|
|                           |  1.234.700.000|                 |   1.234.700.000|
|100,00                     |  1.234.675.049|                 |   1.234.675.049|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Imbunatatiri funciare,    |               |                 |                |
| irigatii, desecari si     |               |                 |                |
| combaterea eroziunii      |               |                 |                |
| solului                   |    196.687.000|                 |     196.687.000|
|                           |    217.270.875|                 |     217.270.875|
| 99,97                     |    217.195.401|                 |     217.195.401|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Silvicultura              |     14.200.000|                 |      14.200.000|
|                           |     31.200.000|                 |      31.200.000|
| 92,33                     |     28.806.849|                 |      28.806.849|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Servicii publice          |               |                 |                |
| descentralizate           |    184.275.275|                 |     184.275.275|
|                           |    192.966.025|                 |     192.966.025|
| 99,59                     |    192.179.376|                 |     192.179.376|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte unitati si actiuni   |               |                 |                |
| din domeniul agriculturii |               |                 |                |
| si silviculturii          |     28.981.247|                 |      28.981.247|
|                           |    130.122.300|                 |     130.122.300|
| 98,70                     |    128.433.692|                 |     128.433.692|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|TRANSPORTURI SI COMUNICATII|    950.000.000|      199.770.000|   1.149.770.000|
|                           ||      407.055.600|   1.498.341.316|
| 99,74                     |  1.088.395.898|      283.703.245|   1.372.099.143|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    668.343.618|      138.060.000|     806.403.618|
|                           |    732.966.945|      327.058.200||
| 99,92                     |    732.353.653|      250.743.433|     983.097.086|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     10.633.868|                 |      10.633.868|
|                           |      9.759.988|                 |       9.759.988|
|  97,60                    |      9.525.963|                 |       9.525.963|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE     |               |                 |                |
|  SI SERVICII              |     14.777.750|                 |      14.777.750|
|                           |     15.042.153|                 |      15.042.153|
| 97,50                     |     14.666.837|                 |      14.666.837|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |     65.000.000|                 |      65.000.000|
|                           |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|100,00                     |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |     65.000.000|                 |      65.000.000|
|                           |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|100,00                     |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pe produse   |               |                 |                |
|    si activitati          |     65.000.000|                 |      65.000.000|
|                           |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|100,00                     |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |    577.932.000|      138.060.000|     715.992.000|
|                           |    638.293.470|      327.058.200|     965.351.670|
|100,00                     |    638.289.519|      250.743.433|     889.032.952|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |    577.932.000|      138.060.000|     715.992.000|
|                           |    638.293.470|      327.058.200|     965.351.670|
|100,00                     |    638.289.519|      250.743.433|     889.032.952|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    212.065.262|       61.710.000|     273.775.262|
|                           |    293.434.666|       79.997.400|     373.432.066|
| 99,56                     |    292.143.287|       32.959.812|     325.103.099|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     69.591.120|                 |      69.591.120|
|                           |     64.884.105|                 |      64.884.105|
| 98,48                     |     63.898.958|                 |      63.898.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |     69.591.120|                 |      69.591.120|
|                           |     64.884.105|                 |      64.884.105|
| 98,48                     |     63.898.958|                 |      63.898.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Rambursari de credite   |               |                 |                |
|   externe                 |     27.038.018|                 |      27.038.018|
|                           |     29.197.200|                 |      29.197.200|
| 96,89                     |     28.289.000|                 |      28.289.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Plati de dobanzi si     |               |                 |                |
|   comisioane              |     42.553.102|                 |      42.553.102|
|                           |     35.686.905|                 |      35.686.905|
| 99,78                     |     35.609.958|                 |      35.609.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |      6.054.828|                 |       6.054.828|
|                           |      7.349.765|                 |       7.349.765|
| 94,95                     |      6.978.958|                 |       6.978.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Aviatia civila            |     83.111.158|       61.710.000|     144.821.158|
|                           |     90.995.876|       79.997.400|     170.993.276|
| 99,83                     |     90.839.378|       32.959.812|     123.799.190|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Navigatia civila          |     48.641.882|                 |      48.641.882|
|                           |     47.919.822|                 |      47.919.822|
| 99,45                     |     47.654.936|                 |      47.654.936|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Zone libere               |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
|                           |      3.001.700|                 |       3.001.700|
| 99,87                     |      2.997.698|                 |       2.997.698|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Drumuri si poduri         |    341.437.500|      138.060.000|     479.497.500|
|                           |    419.066.700|      319.658.200|     738.724.900|
| 99,75                     |    418.032.759|      250.743.433|     668.776.192|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transportul feroviar      |    361.439.250|                 |     361.439.250|
|                           |    411.227.779|        7.400.000|     418.627.779|
| 99,74                     |    410.168.095|                 |     410.168.095|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transportul in comun      |     99.067.000|                 |      99.067.000|
|                           |    104.598.812|                 |     104.598.812|
|100,00                     |    104.598.812|                 |     104.598.812|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Comunicatii               |      8.188.382|                 |       8.188.382|
|                           |      7.065.262|                 |       7.065.262|
|100,00                     |      7.065.262|                 |       7.065.262|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte cheltuieli in        |               |                 |                |
| domeniul transporturilor  |               |                 |                |
| si comunicatiilor         |         60.000|                 |          60.000|
|                           |         60.000|                 |          60.000|
|100,00                     |         60.000|                 |          60.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|ALTE ACTIUNI ECONOMICE     |    328.849.754|                 |     328.849.754|
|                           |    375.037.953|                 |     375.037.953|
| 90,16                     |    338.136.146|                 |     338.136.146|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    242.137.318|                 |     242.137.318|
|                           |    299.309.736|                 |     299.309.736|
| 88,24                     |    264.102.814|                 |     264.102.814|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     11.257.722|                 |      11.257.722|
|                           |     10.739.502|                 |      10.739.502|
| 98,82                     |     10.612.929|                 |      10.612.929|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE MATERIALE  |               |                 |                |
|  SI SERVICII              |     27.879.596|                 |      27.879.596|
|                           |     25.538.834|                 |      25.538.834|
| 98,08                     |     25.047.814|                 |      25.047.814|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |    203.000.000|                 |     203.000.000|
|                           |    263.031.400|                 |     263.031.400|
| 86,85                     |    228.442.071|                 |     228.442.071|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |    203.000.000|                 |     203.000.000|
|                           |    263.031.400|                 |     263.031.400|
| 86,85                     |    228.442.071|                 |     228.442.071|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |     86.712.436|                 |      86.712.436|
|                           |     45.428.217|                 |      45.428.217|
| 96,42                     |     43.803.628|                 |      43.803.628|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE     |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Imprumuturi acordate   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru finalizarea     |               |                 |                |
|    unor obiective aprobate|               |                 |                |
|    prin conventii         |               |                 |                |
|    bilaterale si acorduri |               |                 |                |
|    interguvernamentale    |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |        902.000|                 |         902.000|
|                           |        733.063|                 |         733.063|
| 98,28                     |        720.459|                 |         720.459|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Rezerve materiale         |               |                 |                |
| nationale si de mobilizare|    122.862.044|                 |     122.862.044|
|                           |     78.792.881|                 |      78.792.881|
| 97,24                     |     76.615.857|                 |      76.615.857|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Prevenirea si combaterea  |               |                 |                |
| inundatii si gheturi      |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
|                           |      1.844.899|                 |       1.844.899|
| 99,97                     |      1.844.349|                 |       1.844.349|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Meteorologie si hidrologie|     12.000.000|                 |      12.000.000|
|                           |     12.831.400|                 |      12.831.400|
|100,00                     |     12.831.400|                 |      12.831.400|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Stimularea productiei de  |               |                 |                |
| export si a exportului    |    130.000.000|                 |     130.000.000|
|                           |    150.000.000|                 |     150.000.000|
| 91,62                     |    137.425.671|                 |     137.425.671|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Actiuni de cooperare      |               |                 |                |
| economica internationala  |     58.000.000|                 |      58.000.000|
|                           |     97.200.000|                 |      97.200.000|
| 80,44                     |     78.185.000|                 |      78.185.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Stimulare intreprinderi   |               |                 |                |
| mici si mijlocii          |      3.000.000|                 |       3.000.000|
|                           |      3.000.000|                 |       3.000.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Rambursarea imprumutului  |               |                 |                |
| de stat destinat          |               |                 |                |
| continuarii construirii   |               |                 |                |
| combinatului de la        |               |                 |                |
| Krivoi Rog                |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Servicii publice          |               |                 |                |
| descentralizate           |         85.710|                 |          85.710|
|                           |        185.710|                 |         185.710|
|100,00                     |        185.710|                 |         185.710|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte cheltuieli           |               |                 |                |
|                           |        150.000|                 |         150.000|
| 65,33                     |         97.996|                 |          97.996|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  Partea a VI-a ALTE       |               |                 |                |
| ACTIUNI                   |    626.761.055|                 |     626.761.055|
|                           |    621.370.392|                 |     621.370.392|
| 94,95                     |    589.999.199|                 |     589.999.199|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    585.257.236|                 |     585.257.236|
|                           |    583.988.273|                 |     583.988.273|
| 94,79                     |    553.535.367|                 |     553.535.367|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     68.342.211|                 |      68.342.211|
|                           |     66.585.237|                 |      66.585.237|
| 98,53                     |     65.609.046|                 |      65.609.046|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE     |               |                 |                |
|  SI SERVICII              |    422.230.125|                 |     422.230.125|
|                           |    431.066.294|                 |     431.066.294|
| 98,73                     |    425.589.367|                 |     425.589.367|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |        414.900|                 |         414.900|
|                           |        404.893|                 |         404.893|
| 94,34                     |        381.977|                 |         381.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |        414.900|                 |         414.900|
|                           |        404.893|                 |         404.893|
| 94,34                     |        381.977|                 |         381.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |     94.270.000|                 |      94.270.000|
|                           |     85.931.849|                 |      85.931.849|
| 72,10                     |     61.954.977|                 |      61.954.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |     41.503.819|                 |      41.503.819|
|                           |     37.382.119|                 |      37.382.119|
| 97,54                     |     36.463.832|                 |      36.463.832|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|CERCETARE STIINTIFICA      |    518.120.422|                 |     518.120.422|
|                           |    454.113.240|                 |     454.113.240|
| 97,09                     |    440.892.535|                 |     440.892.535|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    492.616.603|                 |     492.616.603|
|                           |    432.731.121|                 |     432.731.121|
| 96,95                     |    419.546.325|                 |     419.546.325|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     25.624.111|                 |      25.624.111|
|                           |     25.651.116|                 |      25.651.116|
| 99,16                     |     25.434.949|                 |      25.434.949|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE     |               |                 |                |
|  SI SERVICII              |    374.307.592|                 |     374.307.592|
|                           |    379.374.934|                 |     379.374.934|
| 99,04                     |    375.747.528|                 |     375.747.528|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |        414.900|                 |         414.900|
|                           |        404.893|                 |         404.893|
| 94,34                     |        381.977|                 |         381.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |        414.900|                 |         414.900|
|                           |        404.893|                 |         404.893|
| 94,34                     |        381.977|                 |         381.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |        414.900|                 |         414.900|
|                           |        404.893|                 |         404.893|
| 94,34                     |        381.977|                 |         381.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |     92.270.000|                 |      92.270.000|
|                           |     27.300.178|                 |      27.300.178|
| 65,87                     |     17.981.871|                 |      17.981.871|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |     92.270.000|                 |      92.270.000|
|                           |     27.300.178|                 |      27.300.178|
| 65,87                     |     17.981.871|                 |      17.981.871|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |     25.503.819|                 |      25.503.819|
|                           |     21.382.119|                 |      21.382.119|
| 99,83                     |     21.346.210|                 |      21.346.210|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratia centrala    |     13.093.420|                 |      13.093.420|
|                           |     16.217.294|                 |      16.217.294|
| 97,99                     |     15.891.490|                 |      15.891.490|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Cercetare fundamentala    |     72.618.795|                 |      72.618.795|
|                           |     68.005.415|                 |      68.005.415|
| 95,86                     |     65.192.929|                 |      65.192.929|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Cercetare aplicativa si   |               |                 |                |
| experimentala             |    402.849.377|                 |     402.849.377|
|                           |    345.902.627|                 |     345.902.627|
| 97.34                     |    336.713.079|                 |     336.713.079|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte institutii si        |               |                 |                |
| actiuni pentru cercetare  |               |                 |                |
| stiintifica               |     29.558.830|                 |      29.558.830|
|                           |     23.987.904|                 |      23.987.904|
| 96,28                     |     23.095.037|                 |      23.095.037|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|ALTE ACTIUNI               |    108.640.633|                 |     108.640.633|
|                           |    110.625.481|                 |     110.625.481|
| 95,33                     |    105.464.102|                 |     105.464.102|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |     92.640.633|                 |      92.640.633|
|                           |     94.625.481|                 |      94.625.481|
| 95,48                     |     90.346.480|                 |      90.346.480|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |     42.718.100|                 |      42.718.100|
|                           |     40.934.121|                 |      40.934.121|
| 98,14                     |     40.174.097|                 |      40.174.097|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE     |               |                 |                |
|  SI SERVICII              |     47.922.533|                 |      47.922.533|
|                           |     51.691.360|                 |      51.691.360|
| 96,42                     |     49.841.839|                 |      49.841.839|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
|                           |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
| 16,53                     |        330.544|                 |         330.544|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
|                           |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
| 16,53                     |        330.544|                 |         330.544|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |     16.000.000|                 |      16.000.000|
|                           |     16.000.000|                 |      16.000.000|
| 94,49                     |     15.117.622|                 |      15.117.622|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Administratie centrala    |               |                 |                |
| vamala si unitati         |               |                 |                |
| teritoriale               |     24.108.100|                 |      24.108.100|
|                           |     27.935.045|                 |      27.935.045|
| 97,15                     |     27.139.810|                 |      27.139.810|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Distrugere tehnica        |               |                 |                |
| militara                  |      6.250.574|                 |       6.250.574|
|                           |      6.250.574|                 |       6.250.574|
| 99,92                     |      6.245.697|                 |       6.245.697|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Parteneriatul pentru      |               |                 |                |
| pace si operatiuni de     |               |                 |                |
| mentinerea pacii          |     14.623.168|                 |      14.623.168|
|                           |     13.905.758|                 |      13.905.758|
| 96,75                     |     13.454.463|                 |      13.454.463|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Acordarea de medalii      |               |                 |                |
| comemorative              |      1.876.616|                 |       1.876.616|
|                           |        404.814|                 |         404.814|
| 24,90                     |        100.809|                 |         100.809|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Cheltuieli pentru         |               |                 |                |
| aplicarea tratatelor      |               |                 |                |
| internationale            |      3.753.232|                 |       3.753.232|
|                           |        149.425|                 |         149.425|
| 99,44                     |        148.588|                 |         148.588|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Despagubiri civile,       |               |                 |                |
| precum si cheltuieli      |               |                 |                |
| judiciare si              |               |                 |                |
| extrajudiciare derivate   |               |                 |                |
| din actiuni in            |               |                 |                |
| reprezentarea intereselor |               |                 |                |
| statului potrivit         |               |                 |                |
| dispozitiilor legale      |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
|                           |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
| 16,53                     |        330.544|                 |         330.544|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Alte cheltuieli           |     56.028.943|                 |      56.028.943|
|                           |     59.979.865|                 |      59.979.865|
| 96,77                     |     58.044.191|                 |      58.044.191|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|CHELTUIELI DIN FONDURI LA  |               |                 |                |
|DISPOZITIA GUVERNULUI      |               |                 |                |
|                           |     56.631.671|                 |      56.631.671|
| 77,06                     |     43.642.562|                 |      43.642.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |               |                 |                |
|                           |     56.631.671|                 |      56.631.671|
| 77,06                     |     43.642.562|                 |      43.642.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |               |                 |                |
|                           |     56.631.671|                 |      56.631.671|
| 77,06                     |     43.642.562|                 |      43.642.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |               |                 |                |
|                           |     56.631.671|                 |      56.631.671|
| 77,06                     |     43.642.562|                 |      43.642.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Cheltuieli din fondul de  |               |                 |                |
| interventie               |               |                 |                |
|                           |     19.246.000|                 |      19.246.000|
| 98,53                     |     18.963.838|                 |      18.963.838|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Cheltuieli din fondul     |               |                 |                |
| pentru relatiile cu       |               |                 |                |
| Republica Moldova         |               |                 |                |
|                           |     10.517.671|                 |      10.517.671|
| 87,12                     |      9.162.943|                 |       9.162.943|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Cheltuieli din fondul de  |               |                 |                |
| redresare financiara      |               |                 |                |
|                           |     26.868.000|                 |      26.868.000|
| 57,75                     |     15.515.781|                 |      15.515.781|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Partea a VII-a TRANSFERURI|  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|TRANSFERURI DIN BUGETUL    |               |                 |                |
|DE STAT                    |  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   consolidabile           |  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul   |               |                 |                |
| de stat catre bugetele    |               |                 |                |
| locale pentru asigurarea  |               |                 |                |
| protectiei sociale a      |               |                 |                |
| populatiei pentru energie |               |                 |                |
| termica si transport      |               |                 |                |
| urban de calatori         |    571.000.000|                 |     571.000.000|
|                           |    711.000.000|                 |     711.000.000|
| 96,60                     |    686.840.093|                 |     686.840.093|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul   |               |                 |                |
| de stat catre bugetele    |               |                 |                |
| locale pentru investitii  |  1.027.500.000|                 |   1.027.500.000|
|                           |  1.177.826.000|                 |   1.177.826.000|
| 98,06                     |  1.154.918.626|                 |   1.154.918.626|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul   |               |                 |                |
| de stat catre bugetele    |               |                 |                |
| locale pentru investitii  |               |                 |                |
| finantate partial din     |               |                 |                |
| imprumuturi externe       |     42.500.000|                 |      42.500.000|
|                           |     12.500.000|                 |      12.500.000|
| 61,44                     |      7.679.883|                 |       7.679.883|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul   |               |                 |                |
| de stat catre bugetul     |               |                 |                |
| asigurarilor sociale de   |               |                 |                |
| stat                      |               |                 |                |
|                           |    312.000.000|                 |     312.000.000|
|100,00                     |    312.000.000|                 |     312.000.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul   |               |                 |                |
| de stat catre bugetul     |               |                 |                |
| fondului special de risc  |               |                 |                |
| si accident pentru        |               |                 |                |
| protectia speciala a      |               |                 |                |
| persoanelor handicapate   |    275.000.000|                 |     275.000.000|
|                           |    361.931.000|                 |     361.931.000|
| 99,53                     |    360.223.991|                 |     360.223.991|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul   |               |                 |                |
| de stat catre bugetul     |               |                 |                |
| fondului special pentru   |               |                 |                |
| plata pensiilor si altor  |               |                 |                |
| drepturi de asigurari     |               |                 |                |
| sociale ale agricultorilor|    340.600.000|                 |     340.600.000|
|                           |    523.695.464|                 |     523.695.464|
| 99,32                     |    520.131.594|                 |     520.131.594|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Partea a VIII-a         |               |                 |                |
|   IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE    |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|IMPRUMUTURI                |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE     |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|Imprumut acordat din fondul|               |                 |                |
|de redresare financiara la |               |                 |                |
|dispozitia Guvernului      |               |                 |                |
|                           |    218.000.000|                 |     218.000.000|
| 99,36                     |    216.600.000|                 |     216.600.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|Imprumuturi acordate       |               |                 |                |
|pentru finalizarea unor    |               |                 |                |
|obiective aprobate prin    |               |                 |                |
|conventii bilaterale si    |               |                 |                |
|acorduri                   |               |                 |                |
|interguvernamentale        |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |     81.900.000|                 |      81.900.000|
| 98,25                     |     80.465.858|                 |      80.465.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Partea a IX-a PLATI DE  |               |                 |                |
|   DOBANZI SI ALTE         |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI AFERENTE     |               |                 |                |
|   DATORIEI PUBLICE        |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|DOBANZI AFERENTE DATORIEI  |               |                 |                |
|PUBLICE SI ALTE CHELTUIELI |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  Dobanzi aferente datoriei|               |                 |                |
|  publice                  |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Dobanzi aferente datoriei |               |                 |                |
| publice interne           |  1.235.660.000|                 |   1.235.660.000|
|                           |  1.552.463.000|                 |   1.552.463.000|
| 99,93                     |  1.551.430.399|                 |   1.551.430.399|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Dobanzi aferente datoriei |               |                 |                |
| publice externe           |     24.340.000|                 |      24.340.000|
|                           |      9.600.000|                 |       9.600.000|
|100,00                     |      9.600.000|                 |       9.600.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Cheltuieli ocazionate de  |               |                 |                |
| emisiunea si plasarea     |               |                 |                |
| titlurilor de stat si de  |               |                 |                |
| riscul garantiilor date de|               |                 |                |
| stat in conditiile legii  |    100.000.000|                 |     100.000.000|
|                           |    186.237.000|                 |     186.237.000|
| 98,60                     |    183.626.738|                 |     183.626.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Partea a XI-a FONDURI     |               |                 |                |
| DE REZERVA                |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|FONDURI DE REZERVA         |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  REZERVE                  |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Fondul de rezerva         |               |                 |                |
| bugetara la dispozitia    |               |                 |                |
| Guvernului                |     44.106.900|                 |      44.106.900|
|                           |     19.005.515|                 |      19.005.515|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Fondul de interventie la  |               |                 |                |
| dispozitia Guvernului     |     10.000.000|                 |      10.000.000|
|                           |         54.000|                 |          54.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Fond la dispozitia        |               |                 |                |
| Guvernului Romaniei       |               |                 |                |
| pentru relatiile cu       |               |                 |                |
| Republica Moldova         |      5.000.000|                 |       5.000.000|
|                           |        132.329|                 |         132.329|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Fond de redresare         |               |                 |                |
| financiara la dispozitia  |               |                 |                |
| Guvernului                |    250.000.000|                 |     250.000.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  DEFICIT                  ||      430.745.700|   3.623.807.957|
|                           |  5.608.984.048|      647.453.120|   6.256.437.168|
|                           |  5.359.194.392|      386.066.663|   5.745.261.055|

    ANEXA 2

                     - detalierea pe articole de cheltuieli -

                                                                  - MII LEI -
|    DENUMIRE INDICATORI    |           CREDITE APROBATE INITIAL               |
|                           |__________________________________________________|
|                           | BUGET DE STAT | INTRARI DE      |     TOTAL      |
|                           |               | CREDITE EXTERNE |    (1 + 2)     |
|            A              |       1       |        2        |       3        |
|                                          CREDITE DEFINITIVE                  |
|                           | BUGET DE STAT | INTRARI DE      |     TOTAL      |
|                           |               | CREDITE EXTERNE |    (4 + 5)     |
|                           |_______________|_________________|________________|
|                           |       4       |        5        |       6        |
|  %   |                    |              PLATI EFECTUATE DIN:                |
| 7/4  |                    | BUGET DE STAT | INTRARI DE      |     TOTAL      |
|      |                    |               | CREDITE EXTERNE |    (7 + 8)     |
| 10   |                    |       7       |        8        |       9        |
|  CHELTUIELI - TOTAL       | 20.174.632.257|      430.745.700|  20.605.377.957|
|                           ||      647.453.120|  24.651.527.263|
| 98,87                     | 23.731.997.610|      386.066.663||
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     | 18.007.860.724|      188.072.475|  18.195.933.199|
|                           | 21.029.966.505|      366.663.575|  21.396.630.080|
| 98,96                     | 20.811.266.369|      263.830.886||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |  5.916.488.618|        8.075.955|   5.924.564.613|
|                           ||       10.439.195|   6.269.597.245|
| 99,63                     |  6.235.981.543|          585.802|   6.236.567.345|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |  2.796.760.901|       35.687.980|   2.832.448.881|
|                           |  3.258.977.837|       22.917.680|   3.281.895.517|
| 98,94                     |  3.224.405.193|        9.032.127|   3.233.437.320|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |  1.874.807.976|                 |   1.874.807.976|
|                           |  2.594.409.887|                 |   2.594.409.887|
| 99,82                     |  2.589.857.918|                 |   2.589.857.918|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la         |               |                 |                |
|    buget pentru           |               |                 |                |
|    institutiile publice   |    353.532.359|                 |     353.532.359|
|                           |    391.589.532|                 |     391.589.532|
| 99,49                     |    389.609.219|                 |     389.609.219|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pe produse si|               |                 |                |
|    activitati             |    987.519.000|                 |     987.519.000|
|                           |  1.256.349.334|                 |   1.256.349.334|
|100,00                     |  1.256.349.334|                 |   1.256.349.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii pentru       |               |                 |                |
|    acoperirea diferentelor|               |                 |                |
|    de pret si tarif       |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.365|                 |     943.899.365|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  PRIME                    |    896.000.000|                 |     896.000.000|
|                           ||                 ||
|100,00                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |  4.854.696.329|      144.308.500|   4.999.004.829|
|                           |  5.913.828.887|      333.306.700||
| 97,74                     |  5.780.312.033|      254.212.957|   6.034.524.990|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  DOBANZI                  |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Dobanzi aferente        |               |                 |                |
|   datoriei publice        |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Dobanzi aferente       |               |                 |                |
|    datoriei publice       |               |                 |                |
|    interne                |  1.235.660.000|                 |   1.235.660.000|
|                           |  1.552.463.000|                 |   1.552.463.000|
| 99,93                     |  1.551.430.399|                 |   1.551.430.399|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Dobanzi aferente       |               |                 |                |
|    datoriei publice       |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |     24.340.000|                 |      24.340.000|
|                           |      9.600.000|                 |       9.600.000|
|100,00                     |      9.600.000|                 |       9.600.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli ocazionate  |               |                 |                |
|    de emisiunea si        |               |                 |                |
|    plasarea titlurilor de |               |                 |                |
|    stat si de riscurile   |               |                 |                |
|    garantiilor date de    |               |                 |                |
|    stat in conditiile     |               |                 |                |
|    legii                  |    100.000.000|                 |     100.000.000|
|                           |    186.237.000|                 |     186.237.000|
| 98,60                     |    183.626.738|                 |     183.626.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  REZERVE                  |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |  1.855.667.073|      242.673.225|   2.098.340.298|
|                           |  2.421.059.680|      280.789.545|   2.701.849.225|
| 98,59                     |  2.386.831.093|      122.235.777|   2.509.066.870|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |    311.104.460|                 |     311.104.460|
|                           |    553.047.958|                 |     553.047.958|
| 96,54                     |    533.900.148|                 |     533.900.148|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE     |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    330.200.000|                 |     330.200.000|
| 99,12                     |    327.295.562|                 |     327.295.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Imprumut acordat din   |               |                 |                |
|    fondul de redresare    |               |                 |                |
|    financiara la          |               |                 |                |
|    dispozitia Guvernului  |               |                 |                |
|                           |    218.000.000|                 |     218.000.000|
| 99,36                     |    216.600.000|                 |     216.600.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Imprumuturi acordate   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru finalizarea unor|               |                 |                |
|    obiective aprobate prin|               |                 |                |
|    conventii bilaterale si|               |                 |                |
|    acorduri               |               |                 |                |
|    interguvernamentale    |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    112.200.000|                 |     112.200.000|
| 98,66                     |    110.695.562|                 |     110.695.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |    225.804.460|                 |     225.804.460|
|                           |    222.847.958|                 |     222.847.958|
| 92,71                     |    206.604.586|                 |     206.604.586|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |    129.822.522|                 |     129.822.522|
|                           |    125.986.839|                 |     125.986.839|
| 89,00                     |    112.125.601|                 |     112.125.601|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |     95.981.938|                 |      95.981.938|
|                           |     96.861.119|                 |      96.861.119|
| 97,54                     |     94.478.985|                 |      94.478.985|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|AUTORITATI PUBLICE         |    791.786.226|                 |     791.786.226|
|                           |    903.193.790|                 |     903.193.790|
| 97,55                     |    881.073.401|                 |     881.073.401|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |    679.129.543|                 |     679.129.543|
|                           |    757.609.731|                 |     757.609.731|
| 97,71                     |    740.248.509|                 |     740.248.509|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |    429.050.075|                 |     429.050.075|
|                           |    476.313.013|                 |     476.313.013|
| 98,89                     |    471.014.994|                 |     471.014.994|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Cheltuieli cu salariile |    309.151.952|                 |     309.151.952|
|                           |    352.587.984|                 |     352.587.984|
| 99,25                     |    349.942.116|                 |     349.942.116|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Contributii pentru      |               |                 |                |
|   asigurari sociale de    |               |                 |                |
|   stat                    |     66.354.288|                 |      66.354.288|
|                           |     69.210.482|                 |      69.210.482|
| 99,21                     |     68.665.446|                 |      68.665.446|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Cheltuieli pentru       |               |                 |                |
|   constituirea fondului   |               |                 |                |
|   pentru plata ajutorului |               |                 |                |
|   de somaj                |     13.288.840|                 |      13.288.840|
|                           |     14.304.459|                 |      14.304.459|
| 98,89                     |     14.145.655|                 |      14.145.655|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Deplasari, detasari,    |               |                 |                |
|   transferari             |     40.254.995|                 |      40.254.995|
|                           |     40.210.088|                 |      40.210.088|
| 95,15                     |     38.261.777|                 |      38.261.777|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari si |               |                 |                |
|    transferari in tara    |     24.013.637|                 |      24.013.637|
|                           |     22.572.751|                 |      22.572.751|
| 95,76                     |     21.616.515|                 |      21.616.515|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari in           |               |                 |                |
|    strainatate            |     16.241.358|                 |      16.241.358|
|                           |     17.637.337|                 |      17.637.337|
| 94,38                     |     16.645.262|                 |      16.645.262|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    199.119.768|                 |     199.119.768|
|                           |    251.520.615|                 |     251.520.615|
| 96,47                     |    242.634.649|                 |     242.634.649|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Drepturi cu caracter    |               |                 |                |
|   social                  |               |                 |                |
|                           |         25.727|                 |          25.727|
| 99,58                     |         25.618|                 |          25.618|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Hrana                   |        210.000|                 |         210.000|
|                           |        206.770|                 |         206.770|
|100,00                     |        206.769|                 |         206.769|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Cheltuieli pentru       |               |                 |                |
|   intretinere si          |               |                 |                |
|   gospodarie              |     76.336.382|                 |      76.336.382|
|                           |     94.969.075|                 |      94.969.075|
| 96,68                     |     91.816.774|                 |      91.816.774|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Materiale si prestari   |               |                 |                |
|   de servicii cu caracter |               |                 |                |
|   functional              |     17.071.735|                 |      17.071.735|
|                           |     20.239.546|                 |      20.239.546|
| 97,92                     |     19.817.609|                 |      19.817.609|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Obiecte de inventar de  |               |                 |                |
|   mica valoare sau scurta |               |                 |                |
|   durata si echipament    |     11.151.368|                 |      11.151.368|
|                           |      5.046.322|                 |       5.046.322|
| 92,59                     |      4.672.225|                 |       4.672.225|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Reparatii curente       |     18.033.124|                 |      18.033.124|
|                           |     19.453.707|                 |      19.453.707|
| 93,70                     |     18.227.492|                 |      18.227.492|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Reparatii capitale      |     33.601.900|                 |      33.601.900|
|                           |     40.786.821|                 |      40.786.821|
| 97,42                     |     39.735.865|                 |      39.735.865|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Carti si publicatii     |      4.390.769|                 |       4.390.769|
|                           |      4.263.142|                 |       4.263.142|
| 85,08                     |      3.627.103|                 |       3.627.103|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Alte cheltuieli         |     38.324.490|                 |      38.324.490|
|                           |     66.529.505|                 |      66.529.505|
| 96,96                     |     64.505.194|                 |      64.505.194|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |      2.700.000|                 |       2.700.000|
|                           |      2.467.600|                 |       2.467.600|
| 94,74                     |      2.337.738|                 |       2.337.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |      2.700.000|                 |       2.700.000|
|                           |      2.467.600|                 |       2.467.600|
| 94,74                     |      2.337.738|                 |       2.337.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |      2.700.000|                 |       2.700.000|
|                           |      2.467.600|                 |       2.467.600|
| 94,74                     |      2.337.738|                 |       2.337.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |     48.259.700|                 |      48.259.700|
|                           |     27.308.503|                 |      27.308.503|
| 88,84                     |     24.261.128|                 |      24.261.128|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |     48.259.700|                 |      48.259.700|
|                           |     27.308.503|                 |      27.308.503|
| 88,84                     |     24.261.128|                 |      24.261.128|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    108.532.883|                 |     108.532.883|
|                           |    140.604.859|                 |     140.604.859|
| 96,62                     |    135.858.276|                 |     135.858.276|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL    |    108.532.883|                 |     108.532.883|
|                           |    140.604.859|                 |     140.604.859|
| 96,62                     |    135.858.276|                 |     135.858.276|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Investitii ale         |               |                 |                |
|    institutiilor publice  |    108.532.883|                 |     108.532.883|
|                           |    140.604.859|                 |     140.604.859|
| 96,62                     |    135.858.276|                 |     135.858.276|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |      4.123.800|                 |       4.123.800|
|                           |      4.979.200|                 |       4.979.200|
| 99,75                     |      4.966.616|                 |       4.966.616|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |      4.123.800|                 |       4.123.800|
|                           |      4.979.200|                 |       4.979.200|
| 99,75                     |      4.966.616|                 |       4.966.616|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Rambursari de credite   |               |                 |                |
|   externe si plati de     |               |                 |                |
|   dobanzi si comisioane   |               |                 |                |
|   la credite contractate  |               |                 |                |
|   de ordonatorii de       |               |                 |                |
|   credite                 |      4.123.800|                 |       4.123.800|
|                           |      4.979.200|                 |       4.979.200|
| 99,75                     |      4.966.616|                 |       4.966.616|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |      3.419.900|                 |       3.419.900|
|                           |      4.138.100|                 |       4.138.100|
| 99,77                     |      4.128.780|                 |       4.128.780|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |        703.900|                 |         703.900|
|                           |        841.100|                 |         841.100|
| 99,61                     |        837.836|                 |         837.836|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|APARARE NATIONALA          |  1.939.000.000|        9.640.000|   1.948.640.000|
|                           |  2.084.657.681|        9.640.000||
| 99,69                     ||        9.640.000|   2.087.881.169|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |  1.578.428.390|                 |   1.578.428.390|
|                           |  1.680.731.371|                 |   1.680.731.371|
| 99,90                     |  1.678.988.661|                 |   1.678.988.661|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |    864.207.500|                 |     864.207.500|
|                           |    845.714.281|                 |     845.714.281|
| 99,90                     |    844.860.295|                 |     844.860.295|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |    714.220.890|                 |     714.220.890|
|                           |    835.017.090|                 |     835.017.090|
| 99,89                     |    834.128.366|                 |     834.128.366|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |    314.871.610|        9.640.000|     324.511.610|
|                           |    371.071.610|        9.640.000|     380.711.610|
| 99,59                     |    369.539.361|        9.640.000|     379.179.361|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |    314.871.610|        9.640.000|     324.511.610|
|                           |    371.071.610|        9.640.000|     380.711.610|
| 99,59                     |    369.539.361|        9.640.000|     379.179.361|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |    314.871.610|        9.640.000|     324.511.610|
|                           |    371.071.610|        9.640.000|     380.711.610|
| 99,59                     |    369.539.361|        9.640.000|     379.179.361|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |     45.700.000|                 |      45.700.000|
|                           |     32.854.700|                 |      32.854.700|
| 90,44                     |     29.713.147|                 |      29.713.147|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,  |               |                 |                |
|   PLATI DE DOBANZI SI     |               |                 |                |
|   COMISIOANE LA CREDITE   |     45.700.000|                 |      45.700.000|
|                           |     32.854.700|                 |      32.854.700|
| 90,44                     |     29.713.147|                 |      29.713.147|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe si plati de    |               |                 |                |
|    dobanzi si comisioane  |               |                 |                |
|    la creditele externe   |               |                 |                |
|    contractate de         |               |                 |                |
|    ordonatorii de credite |     45.700.000|                 |      45.700.000|
|                           |     32.854.700|                 |      32.854.700|
| 90,44                     |     29.713.147|                 |      29.713.147|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Rambursari de credite |               |                 |                |
|     externe               |     35.320.000|                 |      35.320.000|
|                           |     23.992.689|                 |      23.992.689|
| 95,31                     |     22.866.892|                 |      22.866.892|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Plati de dobanzi si   |               |                 |                |
|     comisioane            |     10.380.000|                 |      10.380.000|
|                           |      8.862.011|                 |       8.862.011|
| 77,25                     |      6.846.255|                 |       6.846.255|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|ORDINEA PUBLICA SI         |               |                 |                |
|SIGURANTA NATIONALA        |  1.481.015.943|        5.100.000|   1.486.115.943|
|                           |  1.615.021.567|        5.100.000|   1.620.121.567|
| 99,80                     |  1.611.727.514|        1.580.400|   1.613.307.914|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  1.326.621.050|                 |   1.326.621.050|
|                           |  1.410.291.474|                 |   1.410.291.474|
| 99,81                     |  1.407.599.953|                 |   1.407.599.953|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   |    771.440.694|                 |     771.440.694|
|                           |    716.626.350|                 |     716.626.350|
| 99,83                     |    715.429.110|                 |     715.429.110|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI  |               |                 |                |
|  SERVICII                 |    408.304.300|                 |     408.304.300|
|                           |    526.542.660|                 |     526.542.660|
| 99,72                     |    525.073.031|                 |     525.073.031|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  SUBVENTII                |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Subventii               |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alocatii de la buget   |               |                 |                |
|    pentru institutiile    |               |                 |                |
|    publice                |    146.876.056|                 |     146.876.056|
|                           |    166.728.126|                 |     166.728.126|
| 99,99                     |    166.703.474|                 |     166.703.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  TRANSFERURI              |               |                 |                |
|                           |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|100,00                     |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Transferuri             |               |                 |                |
|   neconsolidabile         |               |                 |                |
|                           |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|100,00                     |        394.338|                 |         394.338|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL  |    137.264.493|        5.100.000|     142.364.493|
|                           |    183.193.693|        5.100.000|     188.293.693|
| 99,79                     |    182.807.543|        1.580.400|     184.387.943|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL    |    137.264.493|        5.100.000|     142.364.493|
|                           |    183.193.693|        5.100.000|     188.293.693|
| 99,79                     |    182.807.543|        1.580.400|     184.387.943|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Investitii ale         |               |                 |                |
|    institutiilor publice  |    137.264.493|        5.100.000|     142.364.493|
|                           |    183.193.693|        5.100.000|     188.293.693|
| 99,79                     |    182.807.543|        1.580.400|     184.387.943|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE  |     17.130.400|                 |      17.130.400|
|                           |     21.536.400|                 |      21.536.400|
| 99,00                     |     21.320.018|                 |      21.320.018|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,   |               |                 |                |
|  PLATI DE DOBANZI SI      |               |                 |                |
|  COMISIOANE LA CREDITE    |     17.130.400|                 |      17.130.400|
|                           |     21.536.400|                 |      21.536.400|
| 99,00                     |     21.320.018|                 |      21.320.018|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Rambursari de credite   |               |                 |                |
|   externe si plati de     |               |                 |                |
|   dobanzi si comisioane   |               |                 |                |
|   la creditele externe    |               |                 |                |
|   contractate de          |               |                 |                |
|   ordonatorii de credite  |     17.130.400|                 |      17.130.400|
|                           |     21.536.400|                 |      21.536.400|
| 99,00                     |     21.320.018|                 |      21.320.018|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe                |     14.471.240|                 |      14.471.240|
|                           |     13.887.851|                 |      13.887.851|
| 98,60                     |     13.693.006|                 |      13.693.006|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Plati de dobanzi si    |               |                 |                |
|    comisioane             |      2.659.160|                 |       2.659.160|
|                           |      7.648.549|                 |       7.648.549|
| 99,72                     |      7.627.012|                 |       7.627.012|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|INVATAMANT                 |  3.004.670.926|       25.507.200||
|                           |  3.314.163.513|       32.946.800|   3.347.110.313|
| 99,00                     |  3.280.879.119|        8.368.596||
|                           |               |                 |                |
| A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE     |  2.787.871.333|       24.083.975|   2.811.955.308|
|                           |  3.003.506.875|       31.115.175|   3.034.622.050|
| 99,23                     |  2.980.502.975|        7.196.993|   2.987.699.968|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL   ||        8.075.995||
|                           |  2.409.263.456|       10.439.195|   2.419.702.651|
| 99,61                     |  2.399.976.926|          585.802|   2.400.562.728|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|  1.687.290.371|                 |   1.687.290.371|
|                           |  1.862.185.807|                 |   1.862.185.807|
| 99,69                     |  1.856.445.808|                 |   1.856.445.808|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |    409.887.188|                 |     409.887.188|
|                           |    449.187.727|                 |     449.187.727|
| 99,22                     |    445.687.702|                 |     445.687.702|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |     82.015.175|                 |      82.015.175|
|                           |     92.028.554|                 |      92.028.554|
| 99,38                     |     91.457.326|                 |      91.457.326|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |      5.972.600|        8.075.995|      14.048.595|
|                           |      5.861.368|       10.439.195|      16.300.563|
|108,95                     |      6.386.090|          585.802|       6.971.892|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     transferari in tara   |      3.279.100|                 |       3.279.100|
|                           |      4.710.275|                 |       4.710.275|
|115,76                     |      5.452.443|                 |       5.452.443|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |      2.693.500|        8.075.995|      10.769.495|
|                           |      1.151.093|       10.439.195|      11.590.288|
| 81,11                     |        933.647|          585.802|       1.519.449|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |    423.465.949|       16.007.980|     439.473.929|
|                           |    438.510.176|       20.675.980|     459.186.156|
| 99,03                     |    434.238.852|        6.611.191|     440.850.043|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Drepturi cu caracter   |               |                 |                |
|    social                 |     64.674.174|       13.442.370|      78.116.544|
|                           |     83.471.132|       12.819.108|      96.290.240|
| 97,11                     |     81.055.363|        4.100.612|      85.155.975|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |     63.719.490|                 |      63.719.490|
|                           |     66.831.896|                 |      66.831.896|
| 99,82                     |     66.713.206|                 |      66.713.206|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Medicamente si         |               |                 |                |
|    materiale sanitare     |        740.544|                 |         740.544|
|                           |      1.440.342|                 |       1.440.342|
| 99,49                     |      1.432.936|                 |       1.432.936|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |     77.562.544|                 |      77.562.544|
|                           |     54.000.610|                 |      54.000.610|
| 98,91                     |     53.412.147|                 |      53.412.147|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu caracter|               |                 |                |
|    functional             |      7.658.004|                 |       7.658.004|
|                           |     21.888.280|        7.856.872|      29.745.152|
| 98,98                     |     21.664.067|        2.510.579|      24.174.646|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau       |               |                 |                |
|    scurta durata si       |               |                 |                |
|    echipament             |     62.990.518|                 |      62.990.518|
|                           |     89.257.955|                 |      89.257.955|
| 99,60                     |     88.898.229|                 |      88.898.229|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |     21.096.263|                 |      21.096.263|
|                           |     62.001.971|                 |      62.001.971|
| 99,69                     |     61.807.759|                 |      61.807.759|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |    120.391.073|                 |     120.391.073|
|                           |     50.597.924|                 |      50.597.924|
| 99,85                     |     50.523.403|                 |      50.523.403|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |      3.732.467|          734.400|       4.466.867|
|                           |      5.591.579|                 |       5.591.579|
| 99,47                     |      5.561.828|                 |       5.561.828|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |        900.872|        1.831.210|       2.732.082|
|                           |      3.428.487|                 |       3.428.487|
| 92,46                     |      3.169.914|                 |       3.169.914|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   SUBVENTII               |     35.180.295|                 |      35.180.295|
|                           |     35.327.632|                 |      35.327.632|
| 95,45                     |     33.718.852|                 |      33.718.852|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii              |     35.180.295|                 |      35.180.295|
|                           |     35.327.632|                 |      35.327.632|
| 95,45                     |     33.718.852|                 |      33.718.852|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Alocatii de la buget  |               |                 |                |
|     pentru institutiile   |               |                 |                |
|     publice               |     35.180.295|                 |      35.180.295|
|                           |     35.327.632|                 |      35.327.632|
| 95,45                     |     33.718.852|                 |      33.718.852|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |    144.059.755|                 |     144.059.755|
|                           |    120.405.611|                 |     120.405.611|
| 93,49                     |    112.568.345|                 |     112.568.345|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |    144.059.755|                 |     144.059.755|
|                           |    120.405.611|                 |     120.405.611|
| 93,49                     |    112.568.345|                 |     112.568.345|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |    214.298.793|        1.423.225|     215.722.018|
|                           |    309.966.638|        1.831.625|     311.798.263|
| 96,70                     |    299.742.794|        1.171.603|     300.914.397|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |    214.298.793|        1.423.225|     215.722.018|
|                           |    309.966.638|        1.831.625|     311.798.263|
| 96,70                     |    299.742.794|        1.171.603|     300.914.397|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |    214.298.793|        1.423.225|     215.722.018|
|                           |    309.966.638|        1.831.625|     311.798.263|
| 96,70                     |    299.742.794|        1.171.603|     300.914.397|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |      2.500.800|                 |       2.500.800|
|                           |        690.000|                 |         690.000|
| 91,79                     |        633.350|                 |         633.350|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,  |               |                 |                |
|   PLATI DE DOBANZI SI     |               |                 |                |
|   COMISIOANE LA CREDITE   |      2.500.800|                 |       2.500.800|
|                           |        690.000|                 |         690.000|
| 91,79                     |        633.350|                 |         633.350|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe si plati de    |               |                 |                |
|    dobanzi si comisioane  |               |                 |                |
|    la creditele externe   |               |                 |                |
|    contractate de         |               |                 |                |
|    ordonatorii de credite |      2.500.800|                 |       2.500.800|
|                           |        690.000|                 |         690.000|
| 91,79                     |        633.350|                 |         633.350|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Plati de dobanzi si   |               |                 |                |
|     comisioane            |      2.500.800|                 |       2.500.800|
|                           |        690.000|                 |         690.000|
| 91,79                     |        633.350|                 |         633.350|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|SANATATE                   |  1.758.456.113|      179.480.000|   1.937.936.113|
|                           |  2.026.819.823|      179.480.000||
| 99,09                     |  2.008.460.583|       73.616.210||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |  1.541.734.534|       19.680.000|   1.561.414.534|
|                           |  1.799.279.530|        1.610.000|   1.800.889.530|
| 99,76                     |  1.794.877.299|        1.490.560|   1.796.367.859|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  ||                 ||
|                           |  1.417.762.804|                 |   1.417.762.804|
| 99,78                     |  1.414.635.447|                 |   1.414.635.447|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|    978.157.769|                 |     978.157.769|
|                           |  1.086.444.828|                 |   1.086.444.828|
| 99,82                     |  1.084.477.323|                 |   1.084.477.323|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |    247.420.528|                 |     247.420.528|
|                           |    274.590.139|                 |     274.590.139|
| 99,78                     |    273.991.116|                 |     273.991.116|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |     47.712.948|                 |      47.712.948|
|                           |     54.101.033|                 |      54.101.033|
| 99,24                     |     53.691.388|                 |      53.691.388|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |      2.931.155|                 |       2.931.155|
|                           |      2.626.804|                 |       2.626.804|
| 94,24                     |      2.475.620|                 |       2.475.620|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|      2.064.300|                 |       2.064.300|
|                           |      2.399.268|                 |       2.399.268|
| 95,24                     |      2.285.125|                 |       2.285.125|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |        866.855|                 |         866.855|
|                           |        227.536|                 |         227.536|
| 83,72                     |        190.495|                 |         190.495|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |    265.012.134|       19.680.000|     284.692.134|
|                           |    377.514.152|        1.610.000|     379.124.152|
| 99,66                     |    376.240.436|        1.490.560|     377.730.996|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Drepturi cu caracter   |               |                 |                |
|    social                 |      1.736.000|                 |       1.736.000|
|                           |        221.066|                 |         221.066|
| 99,36                     |        219.646|                 |         219.646|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |     12.386.451|                 |      12.386.451|
|                           |     16.599.864|                 |      16.599.864|
| 98,54                     |     16.357.551|                 |      16.357.551|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Medicamente si         |               |                 |                |
|    materiale sanitare     |    198.465.242|       19.680.000|     218.145.242|
|                           |    292.766.241|        1.610.000|     294.376.241|
| 99,97                     |    292.673.656|        1.490.560|     294.164.216|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |     17.696.614|                 |      17.696.614|
|                           |     23.912.100|                 |      23.912.100|
| 98,83                     |     23.631.198|                 |      23.631.198|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu caracter|               |                 |                |
|    functional             |      7.538.584|                 |       7.538.584|
|                           |     13.379.538|                 |      13.379.538|
| 99,39                     |     13.297.266|                 |      13.297.266|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |      6.427.158|                 |       6.427.158|
|                           |      6.807.282|                 |       6.807.282|
| 98,96                     |      6.736.697|                 |       6.736.697|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |     11.127.498|                 |      11.127.498|
|                           |     11.548.914|                 |      11.548.914|
| 99,03                     |     11.436.583|                 |      11.436.583|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |      4.975.960|                 |       4.975.960|
|                           |      7.201.442|                 |       7.201.442|
| 95,30                     |      6.863.166|                 |       6.863.166|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |        118.336|                 |         118.336|
|                           |        261.294|                 |         261.294|
| 96,02                     |        250.882|                 |         250.882|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |      4.540.291|                 |       4.540.291|
|                           |      4.816.411|                 |       4.816.411|
| 99,12                     |      4.773.791|                 |       4.773.791|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |        500.000|                 |         500.000|
|                           |      4.002.574|                 |       4.002.574|
| 99,97                     |      4.001.416|                 |       4.001.416|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |        500.000|                 |         500.000|
|                           |      4.002.574|                 |       4.002.574|
| 99,97                     |      4.001.416|                 |       4.001.416|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |    140.024.739|      159.800.000|     299.824.739|
|                           |    141.734.789|      177.870.000|     319.604.789|
| 98,33                     |    139.362.772|       72.125.650|     211.488.422|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |    140.024.739|      159.800.000|     299.824.739|
|                           |    141.734.789|      177.870.000|     319.604.789|
| 98,33                     |    139.362.772|       72.125.650|     211.488.422|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Investitii ale         |               |                 |                |
|    institutiilor publice  |    140.024.739|      159.800.000|     299.824.739|
|                           |    141.734.789|      177.870.000|     319.604.789|
| 98,33                     |    139.362.772|       72.125.650|     211.488.422|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |     76.696.840|                 |      76.696.840|
|                           |     85.805.504|                 |      85.805.504|
| 86,50                     |     74.220.512|                 |      74.220.512|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,  |               |                 |                |
|   PLATI DE DOBANZI SI     |               |                 |                |
|   COMISIOANE LA CREDITE   |     76.696.840|                 |      76.696.840|
|                           |     85.805.504|                 |      85.805.504|
| 86,50                     |     74.220.512|                 |      74.220.512|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe si plati de    |               |                 |                |
|    dobanzi si comisioane  |               |                 |                |
|    la creditele externe   |               |                 |                |
|    contractate de         |               |                 |                |
|    ordonatorii de credite |     76.696.840|                 |      76.696.840|
|                           |     85.805.504|                 |      85.805.504|
| 86,50                     |     74.220.512|                 |      74.220.512|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Rambursari de credite |               |                 |                |
|     externe               |     45.572.364|                 |      45.572.364|
|                           |     48.741.098|                 |      48.741.098|
| 76,50                     |     37.288.602|                 |      37.288.602|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Plati de dobanzi si   |               |                 |                |
|     comisioane            |     31.124.476|                 |      31.124.476|
|                           |     37.064.406|                 |      37.064.406|
| 99,64                     |     36.931.910|                 |      36.931.910|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|CULTURA, RELIGIE SI ACTIUNI|               |                 |                |
|PRIVIND ACTIVITATEA        |               |                 |                |
|SPORTIVA SI DE TINERET     |    397.981.900|                 |     397.981.900|
|                           |    438.727.872|                 |     438.727.872|
| 97,80                     |    429.062.884|                 |     429.062.884|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |    351.487.790|                 |     351.487.790|
|                           |    384.118.092|                 |     384.118.092|
| 98,57                     |    378.632.861|                 |     378.632.861|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |     55.219.848|                 |      55.219.848|
|                           |     56.624.400|                 |      56.624.400|
| 98,40                     |     55.719.812|                 |      55.719.812|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|     40.561.105|                 |      40.561.105|
|                           |     42.644.524|                 |      42.644.524|
| 98,75                     |     42.111.583|                 |      42.111.583|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |     10.017.524|                 |      10.017.524|
|                           |     10.398.752|                 |      10.398.752|
| 99,33                     |     10.329.468|                 |      10.329.468|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |      2.000.981|                 |       2.000.981|
|                           |      2.097.553|                 |       2.097.553|
| 99,09                     |      2.078.569|                 |       2.078.569|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |      2.640.238|                 |       2.640.238|
|                           |      1.483.571|                 |       1.483.571|
| 80,90                     |      1.200.192|                 |       1.200.192|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|      1.134.990|                 |       1.134.990|
|                           |        659.646|                 |         659.646|
| 84,13                     |        554.939|                 |         554.939|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |      1.505.248|                 |       1.505.248|
|                           |        823.925|                 |         823.925|
| 78,31                     |        645.253|                 |         645.253|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |    101.172.850|                 |     101.172.850|
|                           |    105.621.632|                 |     105.621.632|
| 96,63                     |    102.058.265|                 |     102.058.265|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Drepturi cu caracter   |               |                 |                |
|    social                 |               |                 |                |
|                           |         10.000|                 |          10.000|
| 87,68                     |          8.768|                 |           8.768|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |      4.661.300|                 |       4.661.300|
|                           |      9.165.833|                 |       9.165.833|
|101,97                     |      9.345.950|                 |       9.345.950|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |     57.680.642|                 |      57.680.642|
|                           |     54.137.133|                 |      54.137.133|
| 94,06                     |     50.920.706|                 |      50.920.706|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |        671.400|                 |         671.400|
|                           |        545.897|                 |         545.897|
| 77,69                     |        424.132|                 |         424.132|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |        871.200|                 |         871.200|
|                           |      1.495.254|                 |       1.495.254|
| 88,67                     |      1.325.851|                 |       1.325.851|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |     22.899.100|                 |      22.899.100|
|                           |     24.692.825|                 |      24.692.825|
| 99,95                     |     24.680.278|                 |      24.680.278|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |      4.493.828|                 |       4.493.828|
|                           |      4.301.588|                 |       4.301.588|
| 99,06                     |      4.260.977|                 |       4.260.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |      9.895.380|                 |       9.895.380|
|                           |     11.273.102|                 |      11.273.102|
| 98,39                     |     11.091.603|                 |      11.091.603|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   SUBVENTII               |    166.076.092|                 |     166.076.092|
|                           |    184.376.321|                 |     184.376.321|
| 99,89                     |    184.182.218|                 |     184.182.218|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii              |    166.076.092|                 |     166.076.092|
|                           |    184.376.321|                 |     184.376.321|
| 99,89                     |    184.182.218|                 |     184.182.218|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Alocatii de la buget  |               |                 |                |
|     pentru institutiile   |               |                 |                |
|     publice               |    166.076.092|                 |     166.076.092|
|                           |    184.376.321|                 |     184.376.321|
| 99,89                     |    184.182.218|                 |     184.182.218|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |     29.019.000|                 |      29.019.000|
|                           |     37.495.739|                 |      37.495.739|
| 97,80                     |     36.672.566|                 |      36.672.566|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |     29.019.000|                 |      29.019.000|
|                           |     37.495.739|                 |      37.495.739|
| 97,80                     |     36.672.566|                 |      36.672.566|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |     46.494.110|                 |      46.494.110|
|                           |     54.609.780|                 |      54.609.780|
| 92,35                     |     50.430.023|                 |      50.430.023|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |     46.494.110|                 |      46.494.110|
|                           |     54.609.780|                 |      54.609.780|
| 92,35                     |     50.430.023|                 |      50.430.023|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |     46.494.110|                 |      46.494.110|
|                           |     54.609.780|                 |      54.609.780|
| 92,35                     |     50.430.023|                 |      50.430.023|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|ASISTENTA SOCIALA,         |               |                 |                |
|ALOCATII, PENSII, AJUTOARE |               |                 |                |
|SI INDEMNIZATII            |  1.209.654.993|        5.000.000|   1.214.654.993|
|                           ||        6.982.220||
| 99,48                     |  1.258.685.014|        5.688.688|   1.264.373.702|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |  1.184.429.993|                 |   1.184.429.993|
|                           |  1.239.422.716|          631.700||
| 99,53                     |  1.233.587.188|          930.376|   1.234.517.564|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |     28.546.907|                 |      28.546.907|
|                           |     29.679.438|                 |      29.679.438|
| 99,18                     |     29.437.210|                 |      29.437.210|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|     21.114.959|                 |      21.114.959|
|                           |     22.088.487|                 |      22.088.487|
| 99,69                     |     22.019.165|                 |      22.019.165|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |      5.278.740|                 |       5.278.740|
|                           |      5.476.168|                 |       5.476.168|
| 98,67                     |      5.403.098|                 |       5.403.098|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |      1.055.750|                 |       1.055.750|
|                           |      1.098.782|                 |       1.098.782|
| 99,25                     |      1.090.527|                 |       1.090.527|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |      1.097.458|                 |       1.097.458|
|                           |      1.016.001|                 |       1.016.001|
| 90,99                     |        924.420|                 |         924.420|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|        713.348|                 |         713.348|
|                           |        670.906|                 |         670.906|
| 97,09                     |        651.360|                 |         651.360|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |        384.110|                 |         384.110|
|                           |        345.095|                 |         345.095|
| 79,13                     |        273.060|                 |         273.060|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |     24.270.570|                 |      24.270.570|
|                           |     24.339.713|          631.700|      24.971.413|
| 97,22                     |     23.662.515|          930.376|      24.592.891|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Drepturi cu caracter   |               |                 |                |
|    social                 |     14.893.400|                 |      14.893.400|
|                           |     14.221.903|                 |      14.221.903|
| 98,31                     |     13.981.203|                 |      13.981.203|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |         89.182|                 |          89.182|
|                           |        110.970|                 |         110.970|
| 99,98                     |        110.953|                 |         110.953|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Medicamente si         |               |                 |                |
|    materiale sanitare     |          5.000|                 |           5.000|
|                           |          3.750|                 |           3.750|
| 98,96                     |          3.711|                 |           3.711|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |      6.711.870|                 |       6.711.870|
|                           |      6.931.454|                 |       6.931.454|
| 94,43                     |      6.545.061|                 |       6.545.061|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu caracter|               |                 |                |
|    functional             |         95.211|                 |          95.211|
|                           |        173.311|           20.000|         193.311|
|121,00                     |        209.712|                 |         209.712|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |        565.361|                 |         565.361|
|                           |        376.282|                 |         376.282|
| 99,67                     |        375.042|                 |         375.042|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |        672.417|                 |         672.417|
|                           |        938.727|                 |         938.727|
|107,28                     |      1.007.107|                 |       1.007.107|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |        557.484|                 |         557.484|
|                           |        173.616|                 |         173.616|
| 78,68                     |        136.596|                 |         136.596|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |         97.744|                 |          97.744|
|                           |        155.591|                 |         155.591|
| 89,38                     |        139.071|                 |         139.071|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |        582.901|                 |         582.901|
|                           |      1.254.109|          611.700|       1.865.809|
| 92,02                     |      1.154.059|          930.376|       2.084.435|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   SUBVENTII               |      2.285.016|                 |       2.285.016|
|                           |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|100,00                     |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii              |      2.285.016|                 |       2.285.016|
|                           |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|100,00                     |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Alocatii de la buget  |               |                 |                |
|     pentru institutiile   |               |                 |                |
|     publice               |      2.285.016|                 |       2.285.016|
|                           |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|100,00                     |      2.284.960|                 |       2.284.960|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |  1.129.327.500|                 |   1.129.327.500|
|                           ||                 ||
| 99,58                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |  1.129.327.500|                 |   1.129.327.500|
|                           ||                 ||
| 99,58                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |     21.625.000|        5.000.000|      26.625.000|
|                           |     22.675.000|        6.350.520|      29.025.520|
| 97,73                     |     22.160.903|        4.758.312|      26.919.215|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |     21.625.000|        5.000.000|      26.625.000|
|                           |     22.675.000|        6.350.520|      29.025.520|
| 97,73                     |     22.160.903|        4.758.312|      26.919.215|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |     21.625.000|        5.000.000|      26.625.000|
|                           |     22.675.000|        6.350.520|      29.025.520|
| 97,73                     |     22.160.903|        4.758.312|      26.919.215|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |      3.600.000|                 |       3.600.000|
|                           |      3.128.385|                 |       3.128.385|
| 93,88                     |      2.936.923|                 |       2.936.923|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,  |               |                 |                |
|   PLATI DE DOBANZI SI     |               |                 |                |
|   COMISIOANE LA CREDITE   |      3.600.000|                 |       3.600.000|
|                           |      3.128.385|                 |       3.128.385|
| 93,88                     |      2.936.923|                 |       2.936.923|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe si plati de    |               |                 |                |
|    dobanzi si comisioane  |               |                 |                |
|    la creditele externe   |               |                 |                |
|    contractate de         |               |                 |                |
|    ordonatorii de credite |      3.600.000|                 |       3.600.000|
|                           |      3.128.385|                 |       3.128.385|
| 93,88                     |      2.936.923|                 |       2.936.923|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Rambursari de credite |               |                 |                |
|     externe               |      2.160.000|                 |       2.160.000|
|                           |      2.800.000|                 |       2.800.000|
| 93,91                     |      2.629.420|                 |       2.629.420|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Plati de dobanzi si   |               |                 |                |
|     comisioane            |      1.440.000|                 |       1.440.000|
|                           |        328.385|                 |         328.385|
| 93,64                     |        307.503|                 |         307.503|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|SERVICII DE DEZVOLTARE     |               |                 |                |
|PUBLICA SI LOCUINTE        |    202.000.000|                 |     202.000.000|
|                           |    215.786.703|                 |     215.786.703|
| 99,81                     |    215.376.427|                 |     215.376.427|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |    112.320.700|                 |     112.320.700|
|                           |    121.501.222|                 |     121.501.222|
| 99,97                     |    121.468.681|                 |     121.468.681|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |      2.231.214|                 |       2.231.214|
|                           |      2.063.252|                 |       2.063.252|
| 99,71                     |      2.057.304|                 |       2.057.304|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|      1.524.895|                 |       1.524.895|
|                           |      1.494.000|                 |       1.494.000|
| 99,96                     |      1.493.350|                 |       1.493.350|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |        381.224|                 |         381.224|
|                           |        371.064|                 |         371.064|
| 99,89                     |        370.657|                 |         370.657|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |         76.245|                 |          76.245|
|                           |         75.500|                 |          75.500|
| 98,59                     |         74.439|                 |          74.439|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |        248.850|                 |         248.850|
|                           |        122.688|                 |         122.688|
| 96,88                     |        118.858|                 |         118.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|         26.000|                 |          26.000|
|                           |         32.088|                 |          32.088|
| 96,68                     |         31.023|                 |          31.023|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |        222.850|                 |         222.850|
|                           |         90.600|                 |          90.600|
| 96,95                     |         87.835|                 |          87.835|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |        661.112|                 |         661.112|
|                           |        541.288|                 |         541.288|
|100,00                     |        541.288|                 |         541.288|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |        333.121|                 |         333.121|
|                           |        253.121|                 |         253.121|
|100,00                     |        253.121|                 |         253.121|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |        109.246|                 |         109.246|
|                           |         64.246|                 |          64.246|
|100,00                     |         64.246|                 |          64.246|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |         12.556|                 |          12.556|
|                           |          7.556|                 |           7.556|
|100,00                     |          7.556|                 |           7.556|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |         99.422|                 |          99.422|
|                           |        135.159|                 |         135.159|
|100,00                     |        135.159|                 |         135.159|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |         20.737|                 |          20.737|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |         10.665|                 |          10.665|
|                           |         10.665|                 |          10.665|
|100,00                     |         10.665|                 |          10.665|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |         75.365|                 |          75.365|
|                           |         70.541|                 |          70.541|
|100,00                     |         70.541|                 |          70.541|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |    109.428.374|                 |     109.428.374|
|                           |    118.896.682|                 |     118.896.682|
| 99,98                     |    118.870.089|                 |     118.870.089|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |    109.428.374|                 |     109.428.374|
|                           |    118.896.682|                 |     118.896.682|
| 99,98                     |    118.870.089|                 |     118.870.089|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |     89.679.300|                 |      89.679.300|
|                           |     94.285.481|                 |      94.285.481|
| 99,60                     |     93.907.746|                 |      93.907.746|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |     89.679.300|                 |      89.679.300|
|                           |     94.285.481|                 |      94.285.481|
| 99,60                     |     93.907.746|                 |      93.907.746|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |     89.679.300|                 |      89.679.300|
|                           |     94.285.481|                 |      94.285.481|
| 99,60                     |     93.907.746|                 |      93.907.746|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|MEDIU SI APE               |    157.836.441|                 |     157.836.441|
|                           |    186.317.644|                 |     186.317.644|
| 98,65                     |    183.804.593|                 |     183.804.593|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |     17.356.797|                 |      17.356.797|
|                           |     17.038.000|                 |      17.038.000|
| 99,80                     |     17.003.486|                 |      17.003.486|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |     12.303.797|                 |      12.303.797|
|                           |     11.987.923|                 |      11.987.923|
| 99,77                     |     11.959.768|                 |      11.959.768|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|      8.914.459|                 |       8.914.459|
|                           |      8.911.676|                 |       8.911.676|
| 99,98                     |      8.910.337|                 |       8.910.337|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |      2.228.615|                 |       2.228.615|
|                           |      2.227.919|                 |       2.227.919|
| 99,32                     |      2.212.729|                 |       2.212.729|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |        445.723|                 |         445.723|
|                           |        445.544|                 |         445.544|
| 99,57                     |        443.624|                 |         443.624|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |        715.000|                 |         715.000|
|                           |        402.784|                 |         402.784|
| 97,59                     |        393.078|                 |         393.078|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|        715.000|                 |         715.000|
|                           |        402.784|                 |         402.784|
| 97,59                     |        393.078|                 |         393.078|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |      5.053.000|                 |       5.053.000|
|                           |      5.050.077|                 |       5.050.077|
| 99,87                     |      5.043.718|                 |       5.043.718|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |               |                 |                |
|                           |         58.550|                 |          58.550|
| 99,93                     |         58.510|                 |          58.510|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Medicamente si         |               |                 |                |
|    materiale sanitare     |          9.000|                 |           9.000|
|                           |          7.500|                 |           7.500|
| 97,45                     |          7.309|                 |           7.309|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |      1.120.000|                 |       1.120.000|
|                           |      1.942.200|                 |       1.942.200|
| 99,97                     |      1.941.677|                 |       1.941.677|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |      2.675.500|                 |       2.675.500|
|                           |      1.850.000|                 |       1.850.000|
| 99,89                     |      1.847.936|                 |       1.847.936|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |         83.000|                 |          83.000|
|                           |        205.000|                 |         205.000|
| 98,63                     |        202.189|                 |         202.189|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |        355.500|                 |         355.500|
|                           |        556.100|                 |         556.100|
| 99,99                     |        556.046|                 |         556.046|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |        300.000|                 |         300.000|
|                           |        109.927|                 |         109.927|
| 99,67                     |        109.563|                 |         109.563|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |         10.000|                 |          10.000|
|                           |         65.800|                 |          65.800|
| 99,82                     |         65.682|                 |          65.682|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |        500.000|                 |         500.000|
|                           |        255.000|                 |         255.000|
| 99,92                     |        254.806|                 |         254.806|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |    140.479.644|                 |     140.479.644|
|                           |    169.279.644|                 |     169.279.644|
| 98,54                     |    166.801.107|                 |     166.801.107|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |    140.479.644|                 |     140.479.644|
|                           |    169.279.644|                 |     169.279.644|
| 98,54                     |    166.801.107|                 |     166.801.107|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |    140.379.644|                 |     140.379.644|
|                           |      5.750.000|                 |       5.750.000|
|122,08                     |      7.019.634|                 |       7.019.634|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     regiilor autonome si  |               |                 |                |
|     societatilor          |               |                 |                |
|     comerciale cu capital |               |                 |                |
|     de stat               |        100.000|                 |         100.000|
|                           |    163.529.644|                 |     163.529.644|
| 97,71                     |    159.781.473|                 |     159.781.473|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|INDUSTRIE                  |  1.539.312.006|        6.248.500|   1.545.560.506|
|                           |  2.024.380.780|        6.248.500|   2.030.629.280|
| 99,63                     |  2.016.836.484|        3.469.524|   2.020.306.008|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |  1.280.685.022|        6.248.500|   1.286.933.522|
|                           |  1.528.104.292|        6.248.500|   1.534.352.792|
| 99,56                     |  1.521.439.329|        3.469.524|   1.524.908.853|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |      6.517.422|                 |       6.517.422|
|                           |      6.471.463|                 |       6.471.463|
| 94,41                     |      6.109.617|                 |       6.109.617|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|      4.599.563|                 |       4.599.563|
|                           |      4.533.147|                 |       4.533.147|
| 96,01                     |      4.352.069|                 |       4.352.069|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |      1.149.891|                 |       1.149.891|
|                           |      1.133.287|                 |       1.133.287|
| 95,10                     |      1.077.812|                 |       1.077.812|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |        229.978|                 |         229.978|
|                           |        226.656|                 |         226.656|
| 95,53                     |        216.515|                 |         216.515|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |        537.990|                 |         537.990|
|                           |        578.373|                 |         578.373|
| 80,09                     |        463.221|                 |         463.221|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|        167.990|                 |         167.990|
|                           |        143.726|                 |         143.726|
| 74,43                     |        106.975|                 |         106.975|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |        370.000|                 |         370.000|
|                           |        434.647|                 |         434.647|
| 81,96                     |        356.246|                 |         356.246|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |     91.848.600|                 |      91.848.600|
|                           |    104.028.896|                 |     104.028.896|
| 93,94                     |     97.725.779|                 |      97.725.779|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |        439.611|                 |         439.611|
|                           |        990.964|                 |         990.964|
|102,34                     |      1.014.190|                 |       1.014.190|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |        907.773|                 |         907.773|
|                           |        441.829|                 |         441.829|
| 74,19                     |        327.777|                 |         327.777|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |          8.811|                 |           8.811|
|                           |          8.311|                 |           8.311|
| 95,02                     |          7.897|                 |           7.897|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |        177.950|                 |         177.950|
|                           |        177.950|                 |         177.950|
| 94,05                     |        167.363|                 |         167.363|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |        102.978|                 |         102.978|
|                           |         84.778|                 |          84.778|
| 47,18                     |         40.000|                 |          40.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |         11.827|                 |          11.827|
|                           |         13.747|                 |          13.747|
| 87,90                     |         12.084|                 |          12.084|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |     90.199.650|                 |      90.199.650|
|                           |    102.311.317|                 |     102.311.317|
| 93,98                     |     96.156.468|                 |      96.156.468|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   SUBVENTII               |    922.519.000|                 |     922.519.000|
|                           |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|100,00                     |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii              |    922.519.000|                 |     922.519.000|
|                           |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|100,00                     |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Subventii pe produse  |               |                 |                |
|     si activitati         |    922.519.000|                 |     922.519.000|
|                           |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|100,00                     |  1.186.478.000|                 |   1.186.478.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |    259.800.000|        6.248.500|     266.048.500|
|                           |    231.125.933|        6.248.500|     237.374.433|
|100,00                     |    231.125.933|        3.469.524|     234.595.457|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |    259.800.000|        6.248.500|     266.048.500|
|                           |    231.125.933|        6.248.500|     237.374.433|
|100,00                     |    231.125.933|        3.469.524|     234.595.457|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |    257.814.984|                 |     257.814.984|
|                           |    496.093.184|                 |     496.093.184|
| 99,83                     |    495.236.119|                 |     495.236.119|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |    257.814.984|                 |     257.814.984|
|                           |    496.093.184|                 |     496.093.184|
| 99,83                     |    495.236.119|                 |     495.236.119|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |        569.250|                 |         569.250|
|                           |        567.650|                 |         567.650|
| 88,69                     |        503.477|                 |         503.477|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     regiilor autonome si  |               |                 |                |
|     societatilor          |               |                 |                |
|     comerciale cu capital |               |                 |                |
|     de stat               |    257.245.734|                 |     257.245.734|
|                           |    495.525.534|                 |     495.525.534|
| 99,84                     |    494.732.642|                 |     494.732.642|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |        812.000|                 |         812.000|
|                           |        183.304|                 |         183.304|
| 87,85                     |        161.036|                 |         161.036|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,  |               |                 |                |
|   PLATI DE DOBANZI SI     |               |                 |                |
|   COMISIOANE LA CREDITE   |        812.000|                 |         812.000|
|                           |        183.304|                 |         183.304|
| 87,85                     |        161.036|                 |         161.036|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe si plati de    |               |                 |                |
|    dobanzi si comisioane  |               |                 |                |
|    la creditele externe   |               |                 |                |
|    contractate de         |               |                 |                |
|    ordonatorii de credite |        812.000|                 |         812.000|
|                           |        183.304|                 |         183.304|
| 87,85                     |        161.036|                 |         161.036|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Plati de dobanzi si   |               |                 |                |
|     comisioane            |        812.000|                 |         812.000|
|                           |        183.304|                 |         183.304|
| 87,85                     |        161.036|                 |         161.036|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|AGRICULTURA SI SILVICULTURA|  1.776.300.000|                 |   1.776.300.000|
|                           |  2.675.740.300|                 |   2.675.740.300|
| 99,70                     |  2.667.801.997|                 |   2.667.801.997|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |  1.726.350.500|                 |   1.726.350.500|
|                           |  2.605.653.940|                 |   2.605.653.940|
| 99,80                     |  2.600.474.269|                 |   2.600.474.269|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |    195.349.626|                 |     195.349.626|
|                           |    199.566.943|                 |     199.566.943|
| 99,73                     |    199.033.122|                 |     199.033.122|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|    147.400.125|                 |     147.400.125|
|                           |    148.947.306|                 |     148.947.306|
| 99,75                     |    148.570.024|                 |     148.570.024|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |     36.278.602|                 |      36.278.602|
|                           |     39.205.950|                 |      39.205.950|
| 99,84                     |     39.144.386|                 |      39.144.386|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |      7.227.149|                 |       7.227.149|
|                           |      7.309.251|                 |       7.309.251|
| 99,37                     |      7.263.098|                 |       7.263.098|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |      4.443.750|                 |       4.443.750|
|                           |      4.104.436|                 |       4.104.436|
| 98,81                     |      4.055.614|                 |       4.055.614|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|      4.197.500|                 |       4.197.500|
|                           |      3.808.186|                 |       3.808.186|
| 98,81                     |      3.762.744|                 |       3.762.744|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |        246.250|                 |         246.250|
|                           |        296.250|                 |         296.250|
| 98,86                     |        292.870|                 |         292.870|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |     98.744.257|                 |      98.744.257|
|                           |    118.644.257|                 |     118.644.257|
| 99,25                     |    117.754.276|                 |     117.754.276|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |      1.047.000|                 |       1.047.000|
|                           |      1.007.728|                 |       1.007.728|
| 99,83                     |      1.006.002|                 |       1.006.002|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Medicamente si         |               |                 |                |
|    materiale sanitare     |      8.380.000|                 |       8.380.000|
|                           |      7.993.375|                 |       7.993.375|
| 99,87                     |      7.983.064|                 |       7.983.064|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |      8.400.000|                 |       8.400.000|
|                           |     18.311.635|                 |      18.311.635|
| 99,21                     |     18.166.612|                 |      18.166.612|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |     65.227.000|                 |      65.227.000|
|                           |     79.378.635|                 |      79.378.635|
| 99,22                     |     78.760.474|                 |      78.760.474|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |      7.333.000|                 |       7.333.000|
|                           |      2.637.487|                 |       2.637.487|
| 99,47                     |      2.623.427|                 |       2.623.427|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |      2.095.000|                 |       2.095.000|
|                           |      4.892.583|                 |       4.892.583|
| 99,69                     |      4.877.559|                 |       4.877.559|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |      3.142.000|                 |       3.142.000|
|                           |      3.131.599|                 |       3.131.599|
| 97,78                     |      3.062.086|                 |       3.062.086|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |      1.000.000|                 |       1.000.000|
|                           |        465.122|                 |         465.122|
| 98,99                     |        460.444|                 |         460.444|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |      2.120.257|                 |       2.120.257|
|                           |        826.093|                 |         826.093|
| 98,61                     |        814.608|                 |         814.608|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   SUBVENTII               |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.365|                 |     943.899.365|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii              |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.365|                 |     943.899.365|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Subventii pentru      |               |                 |                |
|     acoperirea            |               |                 |                |
|     diferentelor de pret  |               |                 |                |
|     si tarif              |    533.756.617|                 |     533.756.617|
|                           |    946.471.021|                 |     946.471.021|
| 99,73                     |    943.899.365|                 |     943.899.365|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   PRIME                   |    896.000.000|                 |     896.000.000|
|                           ||                 ||
|100,00                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Prime acordate         |               |                 |                |
|    producatorilor agricoli|    896.000.000|                 |     896.000.000|
|                           ||                 ||
|100,00                     ||                 ||
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |      2.500.000|                 |       2.500.000|
|                           |    104.871.719|                 |     104.871.719|
| 98,92                     |    103.734.961|                 |     103.734.961|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |      2.500.000|                 |       2.500.000|
|                           |    104.871.719|                 |     104.871.719|
| 98,92                     |    103.734.961|                 |     103.734.961|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |     44.300.000|                 |      44.300.000|
|                           |     61.300.000|                 |      61.300.000|
| 95,55                     |     58.573.702|                 |      58.573.702|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |     44.300.000|                 |      44.300.000|
|                           |     61.300.000|                 |      61.300.000|
| 95,55                     |     58.573.702|                 |      58.573.702|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |     18.250.000|                 |      18.250.000|
|                           |     16.652.284|                 |      16.652.284|
| 98,26                     |     16.362.540|                 |      16.362.540|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     regiilor autonome si  |               |                 |                |
|     societatilor          |               |                 |                |
|     comerciale cu capital |               |                 |                |
|     de stat               |     26.050.000|                 |      26.050.000|
|                           |     44.647.716|                 |      44.647.716|
| 94,54                     |     42.211.162|                 |      42.211.162|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |      5.649.500|                 |       5.649.500|
|                           |      8.786.360|                 |       8.786.360|
| 99,63                     |      8.754.026|                 |       8.754.026|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,  |               |                 |                |
|   PLATI DE DOBANZI SI     |               |                 |                |
|   COMISIOANE LA CREDITE   |      5.649.500|                 |       5.649.500|
|                           |      8.786.360|                 |       8.786.360|
| 99,63                     |      8.754.026|                 |       8.754.026|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe si plati de    |               |                 |                |
|    dobanzi si comisioane  |               |                 |                |
|    la creditele externe   |               |                 |                |
|    contractate de         |               |                 |                |
|    ordonatorii de credite |      5.649.500|                 |       5.649.500|
|                           |      8.786.360|                 |       8.786.360|
| 99,63                     |      8.754.026|                 |       8.754.026|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Rambursari de credite |               |                 |                |
|     externe               |      1.841.000|                 |       1.841.000|
|                           |      3.229.901|                 |       3.229.901|
|100,00                     |      3.229.901|                 |       3.229.901|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Plati de dobanzi si   |               |                 |                |
|     comisioane            |      3.808.500|                 |       3.808.500|
|                           |      5.556.459|                 |       5.556.459|
| 99,42                     |      5.524.125|                 |       5.524.125|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|TRANSPORTURI SI COMUNICATII|    950.000.000|      199.770.000|   1.149.770.000|
|                           ||      407.055.600|   1.498.341.316|
| 99,74                     |  1.088.395.898|      283.703.245|   1.372.099.143|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |    668.343.618|      138.060.000|     806.403.618|
|                           |    732.966.945|      327.058.200||
| 99,92                     |    732.353.653|      250.743.433|     983.097.086|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |     10.633.868|                 |      10.633.868|
|                           |      9.759.988|                 |       9.759.988|
| 97,60                     |      9.525.963|                 |       9.525.963|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|      7.562.167|                 |       7.562.167|
|                           |      7.218.433|                 |       7.218.433|
| 97,43                     |      7.032.980|                 |       7.032.980|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |      1.890.542|                 |       1.890.542|
|                           |      1.797.111|                 |       1.797.111|
| 98,96                     |      1.778.461|                 |       1.778.461|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |        378.107|                 |         378.107|
|                           |        360.419|                 |         360.419|
| 96,41                     |        347.486|                 |         347.486|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |        803.052|                 |         803.052|
|                           |        384.025|                 |         384.025|
| 95,58                     |        367.036|                 |         367.036|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|        551.402|                 |         551.402|
|                           |        174.274|                 |         174.274|
| 97,93                     |        170.663|                 |         170.663|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |        251.650|                 |         251.650|
|                           |        209.751|                 |         209.751|
| 93,62                     |        196.373|                 |         196.373|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |     14.777.750|                 |      14.777.750|
|                           |     15.042.153|                 |      15.042.153|
| 97,50                     |     14.666.837|                 |      14.666.837|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Drepturi cu caracter   |               |                 |                |
|    social                 |        106.965|                 |         106.965|
|                           |         75.670|                 |          75.670|
|100,00                     |         75.668|                 |          75.668|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |        355.333|                 |         355.333|
|                           |        457.923|                 |         457.923|
| 97,47                     |        446.344|                 |         446.344|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Medicamente si         |               |                 |                |
|    materiale sanitare     |         10.907|                 |          10.907|
|                           |          2.050|                 |           2.050|
| 89,71                     |          1.839|                 |           1.839|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |      1.160.410|                 |       1.160.410|
|                           |      1.920.381|                 |       1.920.381|
| 93,99                     |      1.804.889|                 |       1.804.889|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |      3.295.182|                 |       3.295.182|
|                           |      5.540.826|                 |       5.540.826|
| 98,59                     |      5.462.969|                 |       5.462.969|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    de mica valoare sau    |               |                 |                |
|    scurta durata si       |               |                 |                |
|    echipament             |        333.976|                 |         333.976|
|                           |        298.568|                 |         298.568|
| 90,67                     |        270.699|                 |         270.699|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |      1.352.530|                 |       1.352.530|
|                           |      2.264.109|                 |       2.264.109|
| 98,90                     |      2.239.112|                 |       2.239.112|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |      5.829.680|                 |       5.829.680|
|                           |      3.338.525|                 |       3.338.525|
| 96,87                     |      3.234.075|                 |       3.234.075|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |         60.029|                 |          60.029|
|                           |         81.562|                 |          81.562|
| 68,59                     |         55.944|                 |          55.944|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |      2.272.738|                 |       2.272.738|
|                           |      1.062.539|                 |       1.062.539|
|101,20                     |      1.075.298|                 |       1.075.298|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   SUBVENTII               |     65.000.000|                 |      65.000.000|
|                           |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|100,00                     |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii              |     65.000.000|                 |      65.000.000|
|                           |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|100,00                     |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Subventii pe produse  |               |                 |                |
|     si activitati         |     65.000.000|                 |      65.000.000|
|                           |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|100,00                     |     69.871.334|                 |      69.871.334|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |    577.932.000|      138.060.000|     715.992.000|
|                           |    638.293.470|      327.058.200|     965.351.670|
|100,00                     |    638.289.519|      250.743.433|     889.032.952|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |    577.932.000|      138.060.000|     715.992.000|
|                           |    638.293.470|      327.058.200|     965.351.670|
|100,00                     |    638.289.519|      250.743.433|     889.032.952|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |    212.065.262|       61.710.000|     273.775.262|
|                           |    293.434.666|       79.997.400|     373.432.066|
| 99,56                     |    292.143.287|       32.959.812|     325.103.099|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |    212.065.262|       61.710.000|     273.775.262|
|                           |    293.434.666|       79.997.400|     373.432.066|
| 99,56                     |    292.143.287|       32.959.812|     325.103.099|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |        144.800|                 |         144.800|
|                           |      3.220.850|                 |       3.220.850|
| 99,00                     |      3.188.527|                 |       3.188.527|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     regiilor autonome si  |               |                 |                |
|     societatilor          |               |                 |                |
|     comerciale cu capital |               |                 |                |
|     de stat               |    211.920.462|       61.710.000|     273.630.462|
|                           |    290.213.816|       79.997.400|     370.211.216|
| 99,57                     |    288.954.760|       32.959.812|     321.914.572|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |     69.591.120|                 |      69.591.120|
|                           |     64.884.105|                 |      64.884.105|
| 98,48                     |     63.898.958|                 |      63.898.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   RAMBURSARI DE CREDITE,  |               |                 |                |
|   PLATI DE DOBANZI SI     |               |                 |                |
|   COMISIOANE LA CREDITE   |     69.591.120|                 |      69.591.120|
|                           |     64.884.105|                 |      64.884.105|
| 98,48                     |     63.898.958|                 |      63.898.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Rambursari de credite  |               |                 |                |
|    externe si plati de    |               |                 |                |
|    dobanzi si comisioane  |               |                 |                |
|    la creditele externe   |               |                 |                |
|    contractate de         |               |                 |                |
|    ordonatorii de credite |     69.591.120|                 |      69.591.120|
|                           |     64.884.105|                 |      64.884.105|
| 98,48                     |     63.898.958|                 |      63.898.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Rambursari de         |               |                 |                |
|     credite externe       |     27.038.018|                 |      27.038.018|
|                           |     29.197.200|                 |      29.197.200|
| 96,89                     |     28.289.000|                 |      28.289.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Plati de dobanzi si   |               |                 |                |
|     comisioane            |     42.553.102|                 |      42.553.102|
|                           |     35.686.905|                 |      35.686.905|
| 99,78                     |     35.609.958|                 |      35.609.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|ALTE ACTIUNI ECONOMICE     |    328.849.754|                 |     328.849.754|
|                           |    375.037.953|                 |     375.037.953|
| 90,16                     |    338.136.146|                 |     338.136.146|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |    242.137.318|                 |     242.137.318|
|                           |    299.309.736|                 |     299.309.736|
| 88,24                     |    264.102.814|                 |     264.102.814|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |     11.257.722|                 |      11.257.722|
|                           |     10.739.502|                 |      10.739.502|
| 98,82                     |     10.612.929|                 |      10.612.929|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|      8.382.455|                 |       8.382.455|
|                           |      8.125.350|                 |       8.125.350|
| 98,99                     |      8.042.907|                 |       8.042.907|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |      2.308.514|                 |       2.308.514|
|                           |      2.063.427|                 |       2.063.427|
| 98,92                     |      2.041.087|                 |       2.041.087|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |        419.243|                 |         419.243|
|                           |        405.180|                 |         405.180|
| 99,59                     |        403.536|                 |         403.536|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |        147.510|                 |         147.510|
|                           |        145.545|                 |         145.545|
| 86,16                     |        125.399|                 |         125.399|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|        137.410|                 |         137.410|
|                           |        141.545|                 |         141.545|
| 86,30                     |        122.151|                 |         122.151|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |         10.100|                 |          10.100|
|                           |          4.000|                 |           4.000|
| 81,20                     |          3.248|                 |           3.248|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |     27.879.596|                 |      27.879.596|
|                           |     25.538.834|                 |      25.538.834|
| 98,08                     |     25.047.814|                 |      25.047.814|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |          5.000|                 |           5.000|
|                           |          3.439|                 |           3.439|
| 95,43                     |          3.282|                 |           3.282|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Medicamente si         |               |                 |                |
|    materiale sanitare     |               |                 |                |
|                           |            500|                 |             500|
| 57,00                     |            285|                 |             285|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |      7.509.244|                 |       7.509.244|
|                           |     14.518.564|                 |      14.518.564|
| 99,01                     |     14.374.958|                 |      14.374.958|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |      1.965.000|                 |       1.965.000|
|                           |      3.893.573|                 |       3.893.573|
| 94,98                     |      3.698.069|                 |       3.698.069|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |        164.000|                 |         164.000|
|                           |        231.414|                 |         231.414|
| 93,94                     |        217.397|                 |         217.397|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |      3.054.600|                 |       3.054.600|
|                           |      3.072.144|                 |       3.072.144|
| 98,48                     |      3.025.447|                 |       3.025.447|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |      2.790.152|                 |       2.790.152|
|                           |      3.070.051|                 |       3.070.051|
| 98,63                     |      3.028.056|                 |       3.028.056|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |         22.100|                 |          22.100|
|                           |         40.323|                 |          40.323|
| 93,60                     |         37.741|                 |          37.741|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |     12.369.500|                 |      12.369.500|
|                           |        708.826|                 |         708.826|
| 93,48                     |        662.579|                 |         662.579|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |    203.000.000|                 |     203.000.000|
|                           |    263.031.400|                 |     263.031.400|
| 86,85                     |    228.442.071|                 |     228.442.071|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |    203.000.000|                 |     203.000.000|
|                           |    263.031.400|                 |     263.031.400|
| 86,85                     |    228.442.071|                 |     228.442.071|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |     86.712.436|                 |      86.712.436|
|                           |     45.428.217|                 |      45.428.217|
| 96,42                     |     43.803.628|                 |      43.803.628|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |     86.712.436|                 |      86.712.436|
|                           |     45.428.217|                 |      45.428.217|
| 96,42                     |     43.803.628|                 |      43.803.628|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Stocuri pentru rezerve |               |                 |                |
|    materiale nationale si |               |                 |                |
|    de mobilizare          |     83.101.000|                 |      83.101.000|
|                           |     41.738.581|                 |      41.738.581|
| 97,54                     |     40.712.942|                 |      40.712.942|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Investitii ale         |               |                 |                |
|    institutiilor publice  |      3.511.436|                 |       3.511.436|
|                           |      3.661.436|                 |       3.661.436|
| 83,64                     |      3.062.486|                 |       3.062.486|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Investitii ale         |               |                 |                |
|    regiilor autonome si   |               |                 |                |
|    societatilor           |               |                 |                |
|    comerciale cu capital  |               |                 |                |
|    de stat                |        100.000|                 |         100.000|
|                           |         28.200|                 |          28.200|
|100,00                     |         28.200|                 |          28.200|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE    |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Imprumuturi            |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Imprumuturi acordate  |               |                 |                |
|     pentru finalizarea    |               |                 |                |
|     unor obiective        |               |                 |                |
|     aprobate prin         |               |                 |                |
|     conventii bilaterale  |               |                 |                |
|     si acorduri           |               |                 |                |
|     interguvernamentale   |               |                 |                |
|                           |     30.300.000|                 |      30.300.000|
| 99,77                     |     30.229.704|                 |      30.229.704|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|CERCETARE STIINTIFICA      |    518.120.422|                 |     518.120.422|
|                           |    454.113.240|                 |     454.113.240|
| 97,09                     |    440.892.535|                 |     440.892.535|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |    492.616.603|                 |     492.616.603|
|                           |    432.731.121|                 |     432.731.121|
| 96,95                     |    419.546.325|                 |     419.546.325|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |     25.624.111|                 |      25.624.111|
|                           |     25.651.116|                 |      25.651.116|
| 99,16                     |     25.434.949|                 |      25.434.949|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|     19.481.971|                 |      19.481.971|
|                           |     19.389.832|                 |      19.389.832|
| 98,71                     |     19.139.476|                 |      19.139.476|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |      4.553.170|                 |       4.553.170|
|                           |      4.648.489|                 |       4.648.489|
|103,19                     |      4.796.984|                 |       4.796.984|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |        910.634|                 |         910.634|
|                           |        933.189|                 |         933.189|
|101,52                     |        947.407|                 |         947.407|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |        678.336|                 |         678.336|
|                           |        679.606|                 |         679.606|
| 81,09                     |        551.082|                 |         551.082|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari   |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|        318.176|                 |         318.176|
|                           |        271.240|                 |         271.240|
| 89,58                     |        242.970|                 |         242.970|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |        360.160|                 |         360.160|
|                           |        408.366|                 |         408.366|
| 75,45                     |        308.112|                 |         308.112|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |    374.307.592|                 |     374.307.592|
|                           |    379.374.934|                 |     379.374.934|
| 99,04                     |    375.747.528|                 |     375.747.528|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |          5.000|                 |           5.000|
|                           |         18.000|                 |          18.000|
| 99,51                     |         17.911|                 |          17.911|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |      2.031.221|                 |       2.031.221|
|                           |      3.120.761|                 |       3.120.761|
| 97,18                     |      3.032.781|                 |       3.032.781|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |        971.275|                 |         971.275|
|                           |        778.926|                 |         778.926|
| 98,48                     |        767.078|                 |         767.078|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar    |               |                 |                |
|    de mica valoare sau    |               |                 |                |
|    scurta durata si       |               |                 |                |
|    echipament             |         35.152|                 |          35.152|
|                           |        128.667|                 |         128.667|
| 93,53                     |        120.343|                 |         120.343|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |        265.836|                 |         265.836|
|                           |        358.058|                 |         358.058|
| 88,98                     |        318.593|                 |         318.593|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |      2.051.007|                 |       2.051.007|
|                           |      1.754.177|                 |       1.754.177|
| 94,22                     |      1.652.708|                 |       1.652.708|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |        225.235|                 |         225.235|
|                           |        342.413|                 |         342.413|
| 97,08                     |        332.411|                 |         332.411|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |    368.722.866|                 |     368.722.866|
|                           |    372.873.932|                 |     372.873.932|
| 99,10                     |    369.505.703|                 |     369.505.703|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   SUBVENTII               |        414.900|                 |         414.900|
|                           |        404.893|                 |         404.893|
| 94,34                     |        381.977|                 |         381.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Subventii              |        414.900|                 |         414.900|
|                           |        404.893|                 |         404.893|
| 94,34                     |        381.977|                 |         381.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Alocatii de la buget  |               |                 |                |
|     pentru institutiile   |               |                 |                |
|     publice               |        414.900|                 |         414.900|
|                           |        404.893|                 |         404.893|
| 94,34                     |        381.977|                 |         381.977|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |     92.270.000|                 |      92.270.000|
|                           |     27.300.178|                 |      27.300.178|
| 65,87                     |     17.981.871|                 |      17.981.871|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |     92.270.000|                 |      92.270.000|
|                           |     27.300.178|                 |      27.300.178|
| 65,87                     |     17.981.871|                 |      17.981.871|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |     25.503.819|                 |      25.503.819|
|                           |     21.382.119|                 |      21.382.119|
| 99,83                     |     21.346.210|                 |      21.346.210|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |     25.503.819|                 |      25.503.819|
|                           |     21.382.119|                 |      21.382.119|
| 99,83                     |     21.346.210|                 |      21.346.210|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |     25.503.819|                 |      25.503.819|
|                           |     21.382.119|                 |      21.382.119|
| 99,83                     |     21.346.210|                 |      21.346.210|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|ALTE ACTIUNI               |    108.640.633|                 |     108.640.633|
|                           |    110.625.481|                 |     110.625.481|
| 95,33                     |    105.464.102|                 |     105.464.102|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |     92.640.633|                 |      92.640.633|
|                           |     94.625.481|                 |      94.625.481|
| 95,48                     |     90.346.480|                 |      90.346.480|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE PERSONAL  |     42.718.100|                 |      42.718.100|
|                           |     40.934.121|                 |      40.934.121|
| 98,14                     |     40.174.097|                 |      40.174.097|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli cu salariile|     37.754.500|                 |      37.754.500|
|                           |     32.455.366|                 |      32.455.366|
| 98,73                     |     32.042.575|                 |      32.042.575|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Contributii pentru     |               |                 |                |
|    asigurari sociale de   |               |                 |                |
|    stat                   |      3.601.100|                 |       3.601.100|
|                           |      4.444.065|                 |       4.444.065|
| 97,90                     |      4.350.639|                 |       4.350.639|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    constituirea fondului  |               |                 |                |
|    pentru plata ajutorului|               |                 |                |
|    de somaj               |        720.200|                 |         720.200|
|                           |        897.475|                 |         897.475|
| 98,08                     |        880.269|                 |         880.269|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Deplasari, detasari,   |               |                 |                |
|    transferari            |        642.300|                 |         642.300|
|                           |      3.137.215|                 |       3.137.215|
| 92,46                     |      2.900.614|                 |       2.900.614|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari, detasari,  |               |                 |                |
|     si transferari in tara|        502.300|                 |         502.300|
|                           |        820.020|                 |         820.020|
| 87,66                     |        718.801|                 |         718.801|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Deplasari in          |               |                 |                |
|     strainatate           |        140.000|                 |         140.000|
|                           |      2.317.195|                 |       2.317.195|
| 94,16                     |      2.181.813|                 |       2.181.813|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI MATERIALE SI |               |                 |                |
|   SERVICII                |     47.922.533|                 |      47.922.533|
|                           |     51.691.360|                 |      51.691.360|
| 96,42                     |     49.841.839|                 |      49.841.839|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Hrana                  |               |                 |                |
|                           |         69.956|                 |          69.956|
|100,00                     |         69.956|                 |          69.956|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Medicamente si         |               |                 |                |
|    materiale sanitare     |               |                 |                |
|                           |        354.126|                 |         354.126|
| 99,40                     |        352.009|                 |         352.009|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Cheltuieli pentru      |               |                 |                |
|    intretinere si         |               |                 |                |
|    gospodarie             |      2.530.000|                 |       2.530.000|
|                           |      2.874.175|                 |       2.874.175|
| 97,52                     |      2.802.855|                 |       2.802.855|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Materiale si prestari  |               |                 |                |
|    de servicii cu         |               |                 |                |
|    caracter functional    |     43.067.533|                 |      43.067.533|
|                           |     10.583.270|                 |      10.583.270|
| 94,21                     |      9.970.575|                 |       9.970.575|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Obiecte de inventar de |               |                 |                |
|    mica valoare sau scurta|               |                 |                |
|    durata si echipament   |      1.548.000|                 |       1.548.000|
|                           |      1.627.396|                 |       1.627.396|
| 69,94                     |      1.138.187|                 |       1.138.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii curente      |        223.000|                 |         223.000|
|                           |      7.643.174|                 |       7.643.174|
| 99,27                     |      7.587.095|                 |       7.587.095|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Reparatii capitale     |         81.000|                 |          81.000|
|                           |        872.500|                 |         872.500|
| 97,69                     |        852.387|                 |         852.387|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Carti si publicatii    |         24.000|                 |          24.000|
|                           |         49.884|                 |          49.884|
| 87,94                     |         43.870|                 |          43.870|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Alte cheltuieli        |        449.000|                 |         449.000|
|                           |     27.616.879|                 |      27.616.879|
| 97,86                     |     27.024.905|                 |      27.024.905|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
|                           |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
| 16,53                     |        330.544|                 |         330.544|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
|                           |      2.000.000|                 |       2.000.000|
| 16,53                     |        330.544|                 |         330.544|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  B. CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL |     16.000.000|                 |      16.000.000|
|                           |     16.000.000|                 |      16.000.000|
| 94,49                     |     15.117.622|                 |      15.117.622|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   CHELTUIELI DE CAPITAL   |     16.000.000|                 |      16.000.000|
|                           |     16.000.000|                 |      16.000.000|
| 94,49                     |     15.117.622|                 |      15.117.622|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Investitii ale        |               |                 |                |
|     institutiilor publice |     16.000.000|                 |      16.000.000|
|                           |     16.000.000|                 |      16.000.000|
| 94,49                     |     15.117.622|                 |      15.117.622|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|CHELTUIELI DIN FONDURI LA  |               |                 |                |
|DISPOZITIA GUVERNULUI      |               |                 |                |
|                           |     56.631.671|                 |      56.631.671|
| 77,06                     |     43.642.562|                 |      43.642.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |               |                 |                |
|                           |     56.631.671|                 |      56.631.671|
| 77,06                     |     43.642.562|                 |      43.642.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |               |                 |                |
|                           |     56.631.671|                 |      56.631.671|
| 77,06                     |     43.642.562|                 |      43.642.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    neconsolidabile        |               |                 |                |
|                           |     56.631.671|                 |      56.631.671|
| 77,06                     |     43.642.562|                 |      43.642.562|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|TRANSFERURI DIN BUGETUL DE |               |                 |                |
|STAT                       |  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   TRANSFERURI             |  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Transferuri            |               |                 |                |
|    consolidabile          |  2.256.600.000|                 |   2.256.600.000|
|                           |  3.098.952.464|                 |   3.098.952.464|
| 98,16                     |  3.041.794.187|                 |   3.041.794.187|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul de|               |                 |                |
| stat catre bugetele locale|               |                 |                |
| pentru asigurarea         |               |                 |                |
| protectiei sociale a      |               |                 |                |
| populatiei pentru energie |               |                 |                |
| termica si transport urban|               |                 |                |
| de calatori               |    571.000.000|                 |     571.000.000|
|                           |    711.000.000|                 |     711.000.000|
| 96,60                     |    686.840.093|                 |     686.840.093|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul de|               |                 |                |
| stat catre bugetele locale|               |                 |                |
| pentru investitii         |  1.027.500.000|                 |   1.027.500.000|
|                           |  1.177.826.000|                 |   1.177.826.000|
| 98,06                     |  1.154.918.626|                 |   1.154.918.626|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul de|               |                 |                |
| stat catre bugetele locale|               |                 |                |
| pentru investitii         |               |                 |                |
| finantate partial din     |               |                 |                |
| imprumuturi externe       |     42.500.000|                 |      42.500.000|
|                           |     12.500.000|                 |      12.500.000|
| 61,44                     |      7.679.883|                 |       7.679.883|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul de|               |                 |                |
| stat catre bugetul        |               |                 |                |
| asigurarilor sociale de   |               |                 |                |
| stat                      |               |                 |                |
|                           |    312.000.000|                 |     312.000.000|
|100,00                     |    312.000.000|                 |     312.000.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul de|               |                 |                |
| stat catre bugetul        |               |                 |                |
| fondului special de risc  |               |                 |                |
| si accident pentru        |               |                 |                |
| protectia speciala a      |               |                 |                |
| persoanelor handicapate   |    275.000.000|                 |     275.000.000|
|                           |    361.931.000|                 |     361.931.000|
| 99,53                     |    360.223.991|                 |     360.223.991|
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Transferuri din bugetul de|               |                 |                |
| stat catre bugetul        |               |                 |                |
| fondului special pentru   |               |                 |                |
| plata pensiilor si altor  |               |                 |                |
| drepturi de asigurari     |               |                 |                |
| sociale ale agricultorilor|    340.600.000|                 |     340.600.000|
|                           |    523.695.464|                 |     523.695.464|
| 99,32                     |    520.131.594|                 |     520.131.594|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   Partea a VIII-a         |               |                 |                |
|   IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE    |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|IMPRUMUTURI                |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE    |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|Imprumut acordat din fondul|               |                 |                |
|de redresare financiara la |               |                 |                |
|dispozitia Guvernului      |               |                 |                |
|                           |    212.350.000|                 |     212.350.000|
| 99,34                     |    210.950.000|                 |     210.950.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|Imprumuturi acordate       |               |                 |                |
|pentru finalizarea unor    |               |                 |                |
|obiective aprobate prin    |               |                 |                |
|conventii bilaterale si    |               |                 |                |
|acorduri                   |               |                 |                |
|interguvernamentale        |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |     87.550.000|                 |      87.550.000|
| 98,36                     |     86.115.858|                 |      86.115.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|IMPRUMUTURI                |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  C. OPERATIUNI FINANCIARE |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   IMPRUMUTURI ACORDATE    |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Imprumuturi            |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |    299.900.000|                 |     299.900.000|
| 99,05                     |    297.065.858|                 |     297.065.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Imprumut acordat din  |               |                 |                |
|     fondul de redresare   |               |                 |                |
|     financiara la         |               |                 |                |
|     dispozitia Guvernului |               |                 |                |
|                           |    218.000.000|                 |     218.000.000|
| 99,36                     |    216.600.000|                 |     216.600.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Imprumuturi acordate  |               |                 |                |
|     pentru finalizarea    |               |                 |                |
|     unor obiective        |               |                 |                |
|     aprobate prin         |               |                 |                |
|     conventii bilaterale  |               |                 |                |
|     si acorduri           |               |                 |                |
|     interguvernamentale   |     85.300.000|                 |      85.300.000|
|                           |     81.900.000|                 |      81.900.000|
| 98,25                     |     80.465.858|                 |      80.465.858|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|DOBANZI AFERENTE DATORIEI  |               |                 |                |
|PUBLICE SI ALTE CHELTUIELI |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   DOBANZI                 |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|    Dobanzi aferente       |               |                 |                |
|    datoriei publice       |  1.360.000.000|                 |   1.360.000.000|
|                           |  1.748.300.000|                 |   1.748.300.000|
| 99,79                     |  1.744.657.137|                 |   1.744.657.137|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Dobanzi aferente      |               |                 |                |
|     datoriei publice      |               |                 |                |
|     interne               |  1.235.660.000|                 |   1.235.660.000|
|                           |  1.552.463.000|                 |   1.552.463.000|
| 99,93                     |  1.551.430.399|                 |   1.551.430.399|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Dobanzi aferente      |               |                 |                |
|     datoriei publice      |               |                 |                |
|     externe               |     24.340.000|                 |      24.340.000|
|                           |      9.600.000|                 |       9.600.000|
|100,00                     |      9.600.000|                 |       9.600.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|     Cheltuieli ocazionate |               |                 |                |
|     de emisiunea si       |               |                 |                |
|     plasarea titlurilor   |               |                 |                |
|     de stat si de         |               |                 |                |
|     riscurile garantiilor |               |                 |                |
|     date de stat in       |               |                 |                |
|     conditiile legii      |    100.000.000|                 |     100.000.000|
|                           |    186.237.000|                 |     186.237.000|
| 98,60                     |    183.626.738|                 |     183.626.738|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|FONDURI DE REZERVA         |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|  A. CHELTUIELI CURENTE    |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   REZERVE                 |    309.106.900|                 |     309.106.900|
|                           |     19.191.844|                 |      19.191.844|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Fondul de rezerva bugetara|               |                 |                |
| la dispozitia Guvernului  |     44.106.900|                 |      44.106.900|
|                           |     19.005.515|                 |      19.005.515|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Fondul de interventie la  |               |                 |                |
| dispozitia Guvernului     |     10.000.000|                 |      10.000.000|
|                           |         54.000|                 |          54.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Fond la dispozitia        |               |                 |                |
| Guvernului Romaniei pentru|               |                 |                |
| relatiile cu Republica    |               |                 |                |
| Moldova                   |      5.000.000|                 |       5.000.000|
|                           |        132.329|                 |         132.329|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
| Fond de redresare         |               |                 |                |
| financiara la dispozitia  |               |                 |                |
| Guvernului                |    250.000.000|                 |     250.000.000|
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|                           |               |                 |                |
|   DEFICIT                 ||      430.745.700|   3.623.807.957|
|                           |  5.608.984.048|      647.453.120|   6.256.437.168|
|                           |  5.359.194.392|      386.066.663|   5.745.261.055|


COMENTARII la Legea 36/2000

Momentan nu exista niciun comentariu la Legea 36 din 2000
Comentarii la alte acte
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
Coduri postale Prefixe si Coduri postale din Romania Magazin si service calculatoare Sibiu