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ORDIN   Nr. 197 din 10 martie 2003

pentru aprobarea Normei sanitare veterinare privind cerintele de sanatate animala si certificarea veterinara pentru importul de ovule si embrioni de la specia ecvine din tari terte in Romania*)


ACT PUBLICAT IN: MONITORUL OFICIAL  NR. 240 bis  din  8 aprilie 2003


    *) Ordinul nr. 197 a fost publicat in Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, Partea I, nr. 240 din 8 aprilie 2003, si este reprodus si in acest numar bis.

    In temeiul prevederilor art. 31 alin. 1 din Legea sanitara veterinara nr. 60/1974, republicata, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare,
    in baza Hotararii Guvernului nr. 362/2002 privind organizarea si functionarea Ministerului Agriculturii, Alimentatiei si Padurilor, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare,
    vazand Referatul de aprobare nr. 151.549 din 25 februarie 2003, intocmit de Agentia Nationala Sanitara Veterinara,

    ministrul agriculturii, alimentatiei si padurilor emite urmatorul ordin:

    Art. 1
    Se aproba Norma sanitara veterinara privind cerintele de sanatate animala si certificarea veterinara pentru importul de ovule si embrioni de la specia ecvine din tari terte in Romania, prevazuta in anexa*) care face parte integranta din prezentul ordin.
    *) Anexa este reprodusa in facsimil.

    Art. 2
    Directiile sanitare veterinare judetene si a municipiului Bucuresti vor duce la indeplinire prevederile prezentului ordin.
    Art. 3
    Agentia Nationala Sanitara Veterinara va controla modul de ducere la indeplinire a prezentului ordin.
    Art. 4
    Prezentul ordin va fi publicat in Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, Partea I, si va intra in vigoare in termen de 15 zile de la data publicarii.

             p. Ministrul agriculturii, alimentatiei si padurilor,
                                  Petre Daea,
                               secretar de stat

    ANEXA 1

                           NORMA SANITARA VETERINARA
privind cerintele de sanatate animala si certificarea veterinara pentru importul de ovule si embrioni de la specia ecvine din tari terte in Romania

    Art. 1
    Autoritatea veterinara centrala va autoriza importul de ovule si embrioni de la specia ecvine ce se conformeaza cu cerintele stabilite de modelul de certificat de sanatate animala din anexa prezentei norme sanitare veterinare si insotit de un astfel de certificat, completat corect.
    Art. 2
    (1) Autoritatea veterinara centrala a Romaniei, prin Ministerul Agriculturii, Alimentatiei si Padurilor, poate adopta acte normative sau prevederi administrative suplimentare necesare prezentei norme sanitare veterinare, pentru a se asigura implementarea si respectarea prevederilor acesteia.
    (2) Autoritatea veterinara centrala a Romaniei, prin Ministerul Agriculturii, Alimentatiei si Padurilor, va lua masurile administrative si va sanctiona, potrivit legii, orice incalcare a prevederilor prezentei norme sanitare veterinare.
    (3) Atunci cand autoritatea veterinara centrala a Romaniei adopta cele mentionate la alineatele precedente, trebuie sa se faca o referire expresa la prezenta norma sanitara veterinara.

    ANEXA 1
    la norma sanitara veterinara

          pentru importul de ovule si embrioni de la speciile ecvine

                           ANIMAL HEALTH CERTIFICATE
           for importation of ova and embryos of the equine species

| 1. Expeditor (numele si adresa completa) | CERTIFICAT DE SANATATE ANIMALA   |
| 1. Consignor (name and full address)     | ANIMAL HEALTH CERTIFICATE        |
|                                          | NR.                              |
|                                          | ORIGINAL                         |
|                                          | NO                               |
|                                          | ORIGINAL                         |
|                                          |__________________________________|
|                                          | 2. Tara terta de colectare       |
|                                          | 2. Third country of collection   |
| 3. Destinatar (numele si adresa completa)| 4. Autoritatea competenta        |
| 3. Consignee (name and full address)     | 4. Competent authority           |
| Note                                     | 5. Autoritatea locala competenta |
| Notes                                    | 5. Competent local authority     |
| (a) pentru fiecare transport de          |                                  |
| ovule/embrioni trebuie sa fie emis un    |                                  |
| certificat separat                       |                                  |
| (a) a separate certificate must be issued|                                  |
| for each consignment of ova/embryo       |                                  |
| 6. Locul incarcarii                      | 7. Numele si adresa echipei de   |
| 6. Place of loading                      |    colectare                     |
|__________________________________________| 7. Name and address of the       |
| 8. Mijloace de transport                 |    collection team               |
| 8. Means of transport                    |                                  |
|__________________________________________|                                  |
| 9. Locul si tara de destinatie           |                                  |
| 9. Place and country of destination      |                                  |
| 11. Numarul si codul de marca al         | 10. Numar de inregistrare al     |
|     containerelor                        |     echipei de colectare         |
| 11. Number and code-mark of containers   | 10. Registration number of the   |
|                                          |     collection team              |
| 12. Identificarea transportului (ovule/embrioni)*1)                         |
| 12. Identification of consignment (ova/embryos)*1)                          |
| 12.1. Numarul de containere              | 12.3. Specia  | 12.5. Identitatea|
| 12.1. Number of containers               | 12.3. Species |       donatoarei |
|__________________________________________|_______________| 12.5. Donor      |
| 12.2. Data(le) de colectare              | 12.4. Rasa    |       identity   |
| 12.2. Date(s) of collection              | 12.4. Breed   |                  |
| *1) Se sterge dupa caz.                                                     |
| *1) Delete as appropriate.                                                  |

    13. Subsemnatul, medic veterinar oficial al ........................... (se insereaza numele tarii exportatoare), am citit si sunt familiarizat cu "Norma sanitara veterinara stabilind conditiile de sanatate a animalelor care reglementeaza comertul Romaniei cu statele membre si importul din tarile terte de animale, material seminal, ovule si embrioni de la specii ce nu sunt reglementate prin legislatie specifica" ce transpune in legislatia nationala Directiva Consiliului 92/65/CEE, asa cum a fost amendata si certific ca:
    I, the undersigned official veterinarian of .......... (insert name of exporting country) have read and am familiar with Council Directive 92/65/EEC as amended and certify that:
    13.1.1. ovulele/embrionii*1) descrisi anterior au fost colectati, procesati si depozitati de o echipa autorizata de autoritatea competenta pentru colectarea, procesarea si depozitarea ovulelor sau embrionilor de ecvine si plasata sub supravegherea generala si autoritatea medicului veterinar oficial care inspecteaza echipa, incluzand facilitatile laboratorului asociat, cel putin o data pe an, pentru a se respecta si pentru a verifica toate problemele referitoare la autorizare si supervizare;
    ova/embryos*1) described above were collected, processed and stored by a team approved by the competent authority for collecting, processing and storing of equine ova or embryos and placed under the general supervision and authority of the official veterinarian who inspects the team, including associated laboratory facilities, at least once a year to consider and to verify all matters relating to the approval and supervision;
    13.1.2. colectarea, procesarea si depozitarea acestor ovule/embrioni a fost efectuata, fie de o echipa de medici veterinari sau, sub supravegherea acesteia, de unul sau mai multi tehnicieni*1) care sunt instruiti pentru aceasta competenta de echipa de medici veterinari, in privinta metodelor si tehnicilor de igiena;
    the collection, processing and storage of these ova/embryos*1) was carried out, either by a team veterinarian*1) or under his direction by one or more technicians*1) who are competently trained by the team veterinarian in the methods and techniques of hygiene;
    13.1.3. ovulele/embrionii au fost colectati intr-un loc separat de alte parti ale cladirilor sau ale exploatatiei ce este in buna stare de intretinere si a fost curatata si dezinfectata anterior colectarii;
    ova/embryos*1) were collected at a place separated from other parts of the premises or holding which is in good repair and was cleaned and disinfected prior to the collection;
    13.1.4. ovulele/embrionii au fost examinati, procesati si impachetati in facilitatile laboratorului ce nu sunt situate intr-o zona supusa interdictiei sau masurilor de carantina, asa cum s-a stabilit la 1.3.2., intr-o sectie ce este separata de sectia pentru depozitarea echipamentelor si materialelor utilizate in contact cu animale donatoare si de zona unde sunt manipulate animale donatoare;
    ova/embryos*1) have been examined, processed and packed in laboratory facilities which are not situated in a zone subject to prohibition or quarantine measures as set out in 1.3.2., in a section which is separated from the section for storing equipment and materials used in contact with donor animals and from the area where the donor animals are handled;
    13.1.5. toate inregistrarile referitoare la activitatile echipei, in privinta acestor ovule/embrioni, vor fi tinute pentru o perioada de 12 luni dupa expedierea lor;
    all records relating to the activities of the team in respect of these ova/embryos*1) will be kept for 12 months after their dispatch;

    13.2. ovulele/embrionii au fost colectati de la iepe ce:
    ova/embryos*1) were collected from donor mares which:
    13.2.1. au fost rezidente, in mod constant, timp de trei luni (sau de la intrare, daca acestea au fost importate in mod direct dintr-un stat membru al Uniunii Europene in timpul perioadei de trei luni) pe teritoriul sau, in cazul regionalizarii, intr-o parte a teritoriului*1) tarii exportatoare ce a fost libera in acea perioada de:
    - pesta africana a calului, in concordanta cu legislatia comunitara transpusa in legislatia nationala;
    - encefalomielita ecvina venezueleana, timp de doi ani;
    - morva timp, de sase luni;
    - durina timp, de sase luni;
    have been continuously resident for three months (or since entry if they were directly imported from a Member State of the European Union during the three months period) on the territory or in the case of regionalization in a part of the territory*1) of the country of export which was during that period free of:
    - African horse sickness, in accordance with Community legislation;
    - Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis for two years;
    - glanders for six months;
    - dourine for six months;
    13.2.2. fie au fost originare dintr-o tara de export ce a fost, in ziua colectarii, libera de stomatita veziculara de sase luni*1)
    either originated from a country of export which was on the day of collection free of vesicular stomatitis for six months*1)
    au fost testate printr-un test de virus - neutralizare pentru stomatita veziculara, efectuat pe o proba de sange prelevata la data de ........*1) intr-un interval de 30 de zile anterioare colectarii, cu rezultat negativ la o dilutie a serului de 1:12*1)
    were tested by a virus neutralisation test for vesicular stomatitis on a blood sample taken on ...........*1) within 30 days prior to collection, with negative result at a serum dilution of 1 in 12*1)
    13.2.3. in timpul ultimelor 30 de zile anterioare colectarii, au fost cazate in exploatatii ce au fost sub supraveghere veterinara din ziua colectarii ovulelor/embrionilor*1) pana la data expedierii acestora*1)
    during the past 30 days prior to collection have been located in holdings under veterinary supervision which were on the day of collection of ova/embryos*1) until the date of their dispatch*1)
    in cazul ovulelor/embrionilor*1) congelati, pana la trecerea unei perioade de 30 de zile de stocare obligatorie in cladiri nesupuse unui ordin de prohibitie, din motive de sanatate animala care au indeplinit una din conditiile urmatoare:
    in the case of frozen ova/embryos*1) until the period of 30 days mandatory storage at approved premises elapsed not subject to a prohibition order for animal health reasons which laid down one of the following conditions: daca nu au fost taiate toate animalele din specia susceptibila la boala, situate in exploatatie, prohibitia a durat:
    - sase luni, incepand cu ziua in care ecvideele suferind de boala au fost taiate, in cazul encefalomielitei ecvine;
    - o perioada necesara pentru a efectua, cu rezultate negative, doua teste Coggins, la trei luni interval, pe animale ramase dupa ce animalele infectate au fost taiate, in cazul anemiei infectioase ecvin;
    - sase luni, in cazul stomatitei veziculare;
    - o luna de la ultimul caz inregistrat, in cazul rabiei;
    - 15 zile de la ultimul caz inregistrat, in cazul antraxului.
    If not all the animals of species susceptible to the disease located on the holding were slaughtered the prohibition lasted for:
    - six months, beginning on the day on which the equidae suffering from the disease are slaughtered, in the case of equine encephalomyelitis;
    - a period required to carry out with negative result two Coggins tests three months apart on the animals remaining after the infected animals have been slaughtered, in the case of infectious equine anaemia;
    - six months, in the case of vesicular stomatitis;
    - one month from the last recorded case, in the case of rabies;
    - 15 days from the last recorded case, in the case of anthrax. daca au fost taiate toate animalele din specia susceptibila la boala, situate in exploatatie si cladirile dezinfectate, prohibitia a durat 30 de zile, sau 15 zile in cazul antraxului, incepand cu ziua urmatoare distrugerii animalelor, si dupa ce a fost terminata, in mod satisfacator, dezinfectia cladirilor.
    If all the animals of species susceptible to the disease located on the holding have been slaughtered and the premises disinfected, the prohibition lasted for 30 days, or 15 days in the case of anthrax, beginning on the day on which following the destruction of the animals the disinfection of the premises was satisfactorily completed.
    13.2.4. au fost tinute anterior colectarii in exploatatii cu animale libere de semne clinice ale metritei contagioase ecvine, timp de 60 de zile;
    have been kept prior to the collection in holdings free from clinical signs of contagious equine metritis for 60 days;
    13.2.5. au fost supuse urmatoarelor teste de sanatate:
    have been subjected to the following health tests: - unui test de imunodifuzie pe gel de agar (test Coggins) pentru anemia infectioasa ecvina, efectuat, cu rezultat negativ, pe o proba de sange prelevata la data de ............*2), in timpul ultimelor 30 de zile anterioare colectarii;
    - testul de imunodifuzie pe gel de agar (testul Coggins) pentru anemia infectioasa ecvina nu este necesar pentru ecvideele donatoare ce au trait in Islanda de la nastere si se certifica faptul ca Islanda este indemna oficial de anemia infectioasa ecvina.
    - an agar gel - immunodiffusion test (Coggins test) for equine infectious anaemia carried out with negative result on a blood sample taken on ........*2) during the past 30 days prior to collection;
    - the agar gel - immunodiffusion test (Coggins test) for equine infectious anaemia is not required for donor equidae which have resided in Iceland from birth and is certified that Iceland is officially free of equine infectious anaemia; unui test pentru metrita contagioasa ecvina, efectuat pentru izolarea Tailorellei equigenitalis, de doua ori, la un interval de 7 zile, pe tampoane genitale prelevate cel putin din fosa clitoridiana si din sinusul clitoridian, la data de .....................*2) si la data de ..............*2) si cel putin o data pe tampoane prelevate din endometru, in timpul estrului timpuriu, la data de ................*2), intr-un interval de 30 de zile anterioare colectarii ovulelor/embrionilor*1);
    a test for contagious equine metritis carried out by isolation of Taylorella equigenitalis on two occasions with an interval of seven days from genital swabs taken at least from the clitorial fossa and the clitorial sinuses on ........*2) and on ..........*2) and on at least one occasion from swabs taken from the endometrium during early oestrus on ............*2) during 30 days prior to collection of ova/embryos*1);
    13.2.6. nu au fost folosite pentru monta naturala, in timpul unei perioade de 30 de zile anterioare colectarii;
    have not been used for natural breeding during the period of 30 days, prior to the collection;
    13.2.7. dupa toate cunostintele mele si dupa cate am putut afla, nu au fost in contact cu ecvidee suferinde de o boala infectioasa sau contagioasa, intr-un interval de 15 zile imediat premergatoare colectarii;
    to the best of my knowledge and as far as I could ascertain, have not been in contact with equidae suffering from an infectious or contagious disease during the 15 days immediately preceding the collection;
    13.2.8. in ziua colectarii nu au prezentat semne clinice ale unei boli infectioase sau contagioase;
    have on the day of collection not shown clinical signs of an infectious or contagious disease;

    13.3. materialul seminal utilizat pentru insamantarea artificiala a iepelor donatoare se conformeaza cerintelor "Normei sanitare veterinare stabilind conditiile de sanatate a animalelor ce reglementeaza comertul Romaniei cu statele membre si importul din tarile terte de animale, material seminal, ovule si embrioni de la specii ce nu sunt reglementate prin legislatie specifica" ce transpune in legislatia nationala Directiva 92/65/CEE*3)
    the semen used for the artificial insemination of the donor mares complies the requirements of Directive 92/65/EEC*3)

    13.4. ovulele utilizate pentru producerea in vivo a embrionilor se conformeaza cerintelor normei sanitare veterinare mentionate la 13.3. si in special cerintelor stabilite de 13.1. si 13.2. ale acestui certificat*1);
    the ova used for the in vivo production of embryos comply the requirements of Directive 92/65/EEC and in particular the requirements set up in 13.1. and 13.2. of this certificate*1);

    13.5. ovulele/embrionii*1) au fost colectati, prelucrati si depozitati in concordanta cu cerintele anexei V a normei sanitare veterinare mentionate la 13.3. si:
    ova/embryos*1) were collected, processed and stored according to the requirements of Annex D of Directive 92/65/EEC and:
    13.5.1. acestea nu au venit in contact cu alte ovule sau embrioni care nu indeplinesc cerintele normei sanitare veterinare mentionate la 13.3.*5);
    they did not come into contact with other ova or embryos which do not meet the requirements of Directive 92/65/EEC*5);
    13.5.2. produsele de origine animala utilizate in timpul colectarii si prelucrarii acestora si pentru mediul de transport au fost obtinute din surse ce nu prezinta nici un risc de raspandire a unor boli contagioase sau infectioase ale ecvideelor sau la alte specii ori acestea au fost tratate anterior utilizarii astfel incat sa fie prevenit riscul de raspandire a unor astfel de boli;
    products of animal origin used during their collection and processing and in the transport medium were obtained from sources which present no risk to spread contagious or infectious diseases to equidae or other species, or they were treated prior to use so that such risk of spread is prevented;
    13.5.3. zona pellucida a fost examinata dupa spalare pe intreaga suprafata a acesteia, cu un grosisment de cel putin 50 si s-a dovedit a fi intacta si libera de material aderent;
    the zona pellucida was examined after washing over its entire surface area, under a magnification of at least 50 and proved to be intact and free from adherent material;
    13.5.4. ovulele/embrionii au fost congelati fara intarziere in alcool*1) sau azot lichid proaspat*1);
    ova/embryos were frozen in alcohol*1) or fresh liquid nitrogen*1) without delay;

    13.6. ovulele/embrionii au fost depozitati la o temperatura potrivita, in cladiri autorizate, prin utilizarea de agent criogenic ce nu a fost folosit anterior pentru alte produse de origine animala;
    ova/embryos have been stored at a suitable temperature in approved premises by use of cryogenic agent which had not been used previously for other products of animal origin;

    13.7. ovulele/embrionii vor fi expediate in containere, in concordanta cu anexa V a normei sanitare veterinare mentionate la 13.3.;
    ova/embryos*1) will be dispatched in containers according to Annex D of Directive 92/65/EEC;

    Intocmit la ......................................... pe ..................
    Done at ............................................. on ..................

             ________                 ........................................
            /        \                 (semnatura medicului veterinar oficial)
           /          \               (signature of the official veterinarian)
          | Stampila*4)|
           \ Stamp*4) /               ........................................
            \________/                 numele si functia (cu majuscule)
                                      (name and qualification in block letters)

    *1) Se sterge, dupa caz.
    *1) Delete as appropriate.
    *2) Se insereaza data.
    *2) Insert date.
    *3) Nu se aplica ovulelor.
    *3) Does not apply to ova.
    *4) Semnatura si stampila trebuie sa fie de culoare diferita de cea a textului.
    *4) The signature and the stamp must be different in colour to that of the printing.
    *5) Testul de imunodifuzie pe gel de agar (test Coggins) pentru anemia infectioasa ecvina nu este solicitat pentru ecvinele donatoare ce au fost rezidente in Islanda de la nastere si se certifica faptul ca Islanda este oficial libera de anemia infectioasa a ecvinelor.
    *5) The agar gel   immunodiffusion test (Coggins test) for equine infectious anaemia is not required for donor equidae which have resided in Iceland from birth and it is certified that Iceland is officially free of equine infectious anaemia.


COMENTARII la Ordinul 197/2003

Momentan nu exista niciun comentariu la Ordinul 197 din 2003
Comentarii la alte acte
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Decretul 139 2005
    HIRE A GENUINE HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR LOST FUNDS Hello everyone, The Cryptocurrency world is very volatile and a lot of individuals have lost their crypto assets to online scams . I was also a victim. Last October I was contacted by a broker who convinced me to invest in Crypto. I made an initial investment of € 875,000. I followed their instructions. For TWO months now I have been trying to contact them all day, but I got no response. God is so kind. I followed a broadcast that teaches on how these recovery experts called THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Help individuals recover their lost funds back. I contacted the email provided for consultation, to help me recover my funds. I contacted them. These cryptocurrency recovery experts saved my life by helping me recover all my losses in just nine hours. I provided necessary requirements and relative information to complete the successful recovery of my crypto funds. I was filled with joy asI got my everything back. I really can't tell how happy I am. I said I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back, you can contact them today through their hotline at: WhatsApp +1(520)200-2320) ( ( If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
ANONIM a comentat Raport 1937 2021
    Obțineți creditul în 24 de ore În calitate de client al LOPEZ GROUP FINANZAS, vă recomand pentru toate nevoile dumneavoastră de finanțare la cota de 2%. Pentru cei dintre voi care au nevoie de un împrumut, nu ezitați să o contactați ca mine și veți fi mulțumiți:
Coduri postale Prefixe si Coduri postale din Romania Magazin si service calculatoare Sibiu